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prayer - Foreword to Prayer Man the book Empty Foreword to Prayer Man the book

Thu 09 Mar 2017, 7:39 am
Wikipedia states that:
A cold case is a crime or an accident that has not yet been fully solved and is not the subject of a recent criminal investigation, but for which new information could emerge from new witness testimony, re-examined archives, retained material evidence, as well as fresh activities of the suspect. New technical methods developed after the case can be used on the surviving evidence to re-analyze the causes, often with conclusive results.
It goes on to say:
A case is considered unsolved until a suspect has been identified, charged, and tried for the crime. A case that goes to trial and does not result in a conviction can also be kept on the books pending new evidence.
The Wikipedia article concludes with two lengthy lists: the first on notable cold cases that have been solved, and the second on notable unsolved cold cases. The JFK assassination appears on neither list, despite being "notable" and meeting all other criteria. The fact is that the assassination has successfully been removed from the table. It cohabits some surreal netherworld with UFOs, Elvis and the Loch Ness Monster.
Blame the mystique of Camelot. Blame the media and a tranquilized public. Blame the constraints of the President's Commission and a small army of subsequent theorists with their own agendas.
President's Commissions have been around since the time of George Washington and the Whiskey Rebellion and have at times been attacked for appearing to breach the separation of powers mantra. The trouble with that argument is that the designers of the Constitution never meant for powers to be separate; only the institutions holding them. The powers are in fact, shared, overlapping and competitively sought. Whereas this creates a tension which is meant to maintain balance, it also creates the wiggle room necessary for opportunities to exploit commissions for political purposes.
It is the greatest of ironies that it was Oswald's good fortune that sealed his death warrant. Few in Dallas received true justice. It is now known that Henry Wade and the Dallas Police Department had the Dallas Justice system on a string. No trick in the book was off limit in securing a conviction. Planted evidence, witness tampering, junk science and compromised judges and defense lawyers were all part and parcel of the game. Some of those tricks were being used against Oswald. His "good fortune" was that unlike any other trial in Dallas; his would have the eyes of the world watching. Since a trial, for the reasons outlined, was never an option, they had a choice to either cut him loose for lack of real evidence or have him killed.
We know how that went. Cue President's Commission.
Among the tasks of cold case investigators is to reexamine the identified suspect( s) and any alibis claimed. Therein is the architectural beauty, integrity, and clarity of the Prayer Man narrative. It is a painstakingly clinical examination of Oswald's alibi which in turn exposes not only that his alibi was rock solid, but also the steps taken to negate it and how that perforce affected the evolving official history of the most misunderstood and misrepresented lunch hour in the history of the industrialized world.
In this book, Stan Dane has identified and captured the essence of the remarkable journey on which Sean Murphy took his readers via his research on what was happening inside the building and on those steps. No sign pointing the way has been missed; no wrong turns or pit stops taken.
It is not merely an engaging read with Dane's trademark mordant humor present, but measured. It is an essential read. It is a book that should make you angry.
Resolving this is easy. It will just take enough pressure for better quality frames to be obtained from the relevant films showing the front steps. It is a cold case, despite Wikipedia's omission, and it deserves no less than a thorough and proper cold case examination.
Greg R. Parker
August 22, 2015
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prayer - Foreword to Prayer Man the book Empty Re: Foreword to Prayer Man the book

Sat 11 Mar 2017, 1:45 am
Resolving this is easy. It will just take enough pressure for better quality frames to be obtained from the relevant films showing the front steps.

The fact that NBC is not willing to release the footage itself is quite suspicious. It makes us wonder as to what they are trying to hide.

Out With Bill Shelley In Front.
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prayer - Foreword to Prayer Man the book Empty Re: Foreword to Prayer Man the book

Sat 11 Mar 2017, 4:07 am
Vinny wrote:Resolving this is easy. It will just take enough pressure for better quality frames to be obtained from the relevant films showing the front steps.

The fact that NBC is not willing to release the footage itself is quite suspicious. It makes us wonder as to what they are trying to hide.
If they thought the film would prove Oswald's guilt, the images would be plastered all over in the media. But it remains under lock and key.
Just like the remaining JFK files. Why? "National security," we're told (a pathetic excuse which will probably be used yet again this October).
If Oswald was the lone assassin, where's the issue of national security, especially 53-plus years later?
He wasn't the lone assassin, is the answer.

prayer - Foreword to Prayer Man the book Empty Re: Foreword to Prayer Man the book

Sat 11 Mar 2017, 6:25 am
I fear the worse for those films. If they had been requested under another guise initially, we may have had them but now under the cloud of Prayer Man being Oswald our chances are slim. Still we should demand them as Ed has pointed out many times. Asking for them is too much to ask.
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prayer - Foreword to Prayer Man the book Empty Re: Foreword to Prayer Man the book

Sat 11 Mar 2017, 7:42 am
Reopening the Kennedy Case does not hinge on the Darnell or Wiegman images. The totality of the evidence overwhelmingly favors us. Period. The images would be a nice bonus. (In fact, the only way for lone nutters and wacky CTs to cast aspersions on our claims would be for them to insist on having the Darnell and Wiegman images analyzed in hopes that they might rule out Oswald as Prayer Man.)
What case do they have?
It is best summed up by Jesse Curry in an interview six years after the assassination where he said he had "second thoughts." "We don't have any proof he fired the rifle," Curry said. "No one has been able to positively put him in that building with a gun in his hand."
That really inspires confidence in the official case against Oswald, now doesn't it? Bottom line: they have a lot noise but no real substance.
What case do we have?
Scores of pages of research that take every witness statement, every report, every newspaper article, and all of the relevant testimony that lead to the conclusion that Lee Oswald was down in front when the assassination took place. And as a bonus, we have the Darnell image of an unidentified man standing on the steps that sure as hell looks like Oswald. Bottom line: we ooze with facts and substance.

No contest.

prayer - Foreword to Prayer Man the book Empty Re: Foreword to Prayer Man the book

Sat 11 Mar 2017, 8:02 pm
Stan Dane wrote:Reopening the Kennedy Case does not hinge on the Darnell or Wiegman images. The totality of the evidence overwhelmingly favors us. Period. The images would be a nice bonus. (In fact, the only way for lone nutters and wacky CTs to cast aspersions on our claims would be for them to insist on having the Darnell and Wiegman images analyzed in hopes that they might rule out Oswald as Prayer Man.)
What case do they have?
It is best summed up by Jesse Curry in an interview six years after the assassination where he said he had "second thoughts." "We don't have any proof he fired the rifle," Curry said. "No one has been able to positively put him in that building with a gun in his hand."
That really inspires confidence in the official case against Oswald, now doesn't it? Bottom line: they have a lot noise but no real substance.
What case do we have?
Scores of pages of research that take every witness statement, every report, every newspaper article, and all of the relevant testimony that lead to the conclusion that Lee Oswald was down in front when the assassination took place. And as a bonus, we have the Darnell image of an unidentified man standing on the steps that sure as hell looks like Oswald. Bottom line: we ooze with facts and substance.

No contest.
I don't disagree with you Stan. The evidence is there. No contest indeed but at the end of the day we need those scans or no one gives a fuck. We can propose the evidence through a counsellor as some have suggested and demand they release the scans but we do need them. Its not a bonus IMO its a requirement if we want to prove Oswald innocent. The evidence should be used to gain the scans. After that the case reopens. I know PM is Oswald but I give a fuck. Most don't. Clearer scans is front page news worldwide stuff. That's why they haven't given them to us.
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prayer - Foreword to Prayer Man the book Empty Re: Foreword to Prayer Man the book

Sun 12 Mar 2017, 12:05 am
Couldn't agree more Paul. I do feel heartened by the wider acceptance that the Prayer Man evidence and Second Floor Fable is gaining in the research community and with the public at large.

This is generating volumes of cognitive dissonance from the tiny but vocal minority, but that goes with the territory. Gotta break a few egg heads along the way, they are but pea brains anyway. 

Build the evidence and the scans will come. Onward and upward with a rising tide.

Release clear scans. Reveal the truth about Prayer Man. Preserve the history of the assassination of JFK.
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prayer - Foreword to Prayer Man the book Empty Re: Foreword to Prayer Man the book

Sun 12 Mar 2017, 1:39 am
If no one gives a fuck then I'm wasting my time.

Scans are important, but if they don't happen, is all lost?

prayer - Foreword to Prayer Man the book Empty Re: Foreword to Prayer Man the book

Sun 12 Mar 2017, 4:23 am
Stan Dane wrote:If no one gives a fuck then I'm wasting my time.

Scans are important, but if they don't happen, is all lost?
Its not that you're wasting your time, Stan. Nothing could be further from the truth and the inroads you and Barto in particular have made towards this case but IMHO all roads should lead to clearer scans. ATM the overwhelming evidence on its own is still conjecture to some. The resistance has been based on that premise of the clearer scans we don't have. The refrain from our critics has been 'we need clearer scans' and although I disagree because the evidence we have is ample enough in my eyes its not my eyes that needs to be convinced. Jake correctly mentions the progress the evidence has achieved but in the broader sense a clearer scan is what's needed to tie things up for good based on the evidence. Without them PM has been reduced to Prayer Person or prayer woman. All fucking nonsense of course but it will always be subjected to a clearer scan. However all is not lost. Its just beginning. The case has already been made and not refuted. We know that but we need the slam dunk IMHO.
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prayer - Foreword to Prayer Man the book Empty Re: Foreword to Prayer Man the book

Sun 12 Mar 2017, 5:33 am
Not to be difficult, but besides us, nobody else is clamoring for clearer scans. Nobody.

Why? Because anybody with a brain can see that Prayer Man resembles Oswald.

Some people don't really want to know the truth. Most of the mainstream JFK talking heads. They much prefer their pet theories.

prayer - Foreword to Prayer Man the book Empty Re: Foreword to Prayer Man the book

Sun 12 Mar 2017, 6:16 am
And we should continue clamoring for clearer scans because like you say nobody else is. Fuck those talking arseholes. They're useless with their reticence and they deliberately resist and deceive when it comes to PM. Brains aren't used these days Stan. You just have to go to other JFK forums to see that.
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prayer - Foreword to Prayer Man the book Empty Re: Foreword to Prayer Man the book

Sun 12 Mar 2017, 9:34 am
It is approaching a Catch  situation. Legal opinion to me is that no court will force NBC to hand them over and that what we need is public support to sway them.

To get the public support, we need the media on our side. The media however, loves nothing more than visual aids and most outlets are not going to touch the story without the clear scan we need thereir help to get in the first place. 

the only thing we have is the evidence we have accumulated, and the only hope we have is making the most powerfully emotional, but factual, presentation we can with what we have. 

Whether that's a combination of books, youtube videos, podcasts, or whether it is stepped up to include a documentary, we need to do what we can to at the very least, leave a legacy of the facts so that hopefully, someone in the future picks it up and runs with it. Whatever it is, it needs to be tied together and easily accessible.

I for one would be incredible depressed and saddened by anyone feeling that they wasted their time. Yet I could understand that if he fail to leave such a legacy.

Australians don't mind criminals: It's successful bullshit artists we despise. 
              Lachie Hulme            
The Cold War ran on bullshit.

"So what’s an independent-minded populist like me to do? I’ve had to grovel in promoting myself on social media, even begging for Amazon reviews and Goodreads ratings, to no avail." 
Don Jeffries

"I've been aware of Greg Parker's work for years, and strongly recommend it." Peter Dale Scott
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prayer - Foreword to Prayer Man the book Empty Re: Foreword to Prayer Man the book

Sun 12 Mar 2017, 10:27 am
Eventually the truth always comes out. It may not happen in our lifetime, but it will happen. One of my unshakable core beliefs.
In that sense, nothing we do in pursuit of the truth is wasted.  
My point earlier is that we have more going for us than what rides on the outcome of a photographic image. We want it, very badly, but if we don't get it, all is not lost. When I read the body of evidence that places Oswald on the first floor, I find it compelling, convincing. I think other open minded people would as well, if the information is properly presented to them.
I have begun to completely ignore the JFK forums now. They show me they don't really care about the truth. If they did, they'd jump on any efforts to gain access to the films, demanding analysis of the extant evidence to try to settle critical questions. No, they're more interested in posturing and endless arguing. (While certain other ones "monitor" things to make sure the chaos stays within certain acceptable boundaries.)
As long as I continue to find it enjoyable, I'll lampoon the status quo and the usual suspects and comment on the passing scene via memes. Other than that, I detest the mainstream JFK forums and I'll avoid them like the plague.
I don't know what it looks like yet, exactly, but going forward, I'm going to focus my time and energy on presenting our case to new people in new and innovative ways. Like everything thing else I've done in life, I'll figure it out as I go.
Not a waste of time, that.

ROKC on!

prayer - Foreword to Prayer Man the book Empty Re: Foreword to Prayer Man the book

Sun 12 Mar 2017, 10:57 am
Prayer Man exists through ROKC and the brilliant research effort of you guys. Sean may have introduced it but you guys took it over and exceeded his efforts UMO. The 2FE is dead.
Like Greg I would hate it if you guys feel despondent. I'd love to have those scans and that's due to your research efforts. I just want this case to be over really. A clear scan will do it.
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