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Brian's Wasteland.  For Brian Doyle  il miglior fabbro trollem  Empty Brian's Wasteland. For Brian Doyle il miglior fabbro trollem

Thu 09 Mar 2023, 1:41 am
I myself saw the Cumean Sybil hanging in her jar.  Some boys asked her, " What do you want Sybil?"
" I want to die" , she replied 

Brian,  having just finished reading your latest pronouncements,  I decided,  after much deliberation to post this final message to you. Hopefully Greg will be kind enough to leave it up for a couple of weeks before deleting it. 

There's absolutely no point in attempting to engage you in any sort of meaningful dialogue. In fact,  by doing so,  your interlocutors are only further enabling your delusions. I know I'm only wasting more time Brian,  but here goes. 

Your fundamental problem is this: you are trapped in the  no man's land between your grandiose delusions and  the actual reality. No matter how often,  or how loud you shout; no matter how many " facts" you have to mangle, or misrepresent, no matter how many lies you tell,  you are never going to " outargue" the simple truth. 

Oswald or not, the figure known as Prayerman isn't Sarah Stanton. Full stop. End of story. 

It's blatantly obvious,  having carefully read through all the available data, and studied ( to the best of my non expert knowledge) the various stills/ gifs,  Macrae started the whole Prayerwoman escapade out of sheer spite. 

He even admitted it. Claiming it was " a prank" 

The reason I started this thread ( against my better judgement) was after reading Brian is busy frantically emailing Messrs Simpich and Schnapf,  trying to persuade them not to include the Darnell Weigmann films in their case. 

I  couldn't believe what I was reading. Trying to sabotage what may very well prove to be the last chance to make a significant impact on the consciousness of the wider public,  out of petty vindictive ness and spite.

This isn't about fantasies of " outarguing " imaginary cabals on obscure websites,  it's about trying to uncover facts. Your severely limited perception partly explains your inability to master the very basics of historical research. 

Your opinions come first, and whatever " facts" you can dredge up, or somehow distort, come a distant second. 

Your idea of ' arguing " is calling anyone who dares question your infallibility trolls,  liars,  or variations thereof. Ignoring the salient points before launching into a variation of the standard rant. 

Embellishments added according to mood and circumstance. 

I tried to ask you,  in good faith, after going out of my way to research the subject,  to back up your claims: how certain cameras turn dark hair light. My answer? A volley of truculent abuse,  juvenile braggadocio,  then some barely coherent blather about Altgens 6.

Brian,  just because you choose to ignore these huge inconsistencies and these inconvenient facts doesn't mean they just disappear into the ether. 

The figure in Owen's for example,  is clearly a plump diminutive female with light coloured hair and clothes. How anyone can possibly claim this is the same figure as Prayerman is quite simply bizarre. 

I don't know why I'm wasting my time. 

Have you attempted to transpose the photos? What about producing some verifiable,  falsifiable data that can be peer reviewed? Of course not 

I couldn't believe what I was reading. Claiming being banned from the Education forum was a more grievous injustice than someone spending 20 years in prison for a crime they didn't commit. 

You need to take a long hard look at yourself and realign your moral compass. Somethings badly skewered. 

James Gordon hasn't logged on since February,  he hasn't posted in over a year,  and the last thread he started  was so he could  start  passing the hat( a tartan Lyle and Scott waterproof golf bunnet of course)

He doesn't give a fuck about Prayerman. He's a doddering old fossil,  absentee landlord par excellence,  to imagine him coordinating some insidious multi forum cabal,  dedicated to silencing Brian Doyle and his " correct evidence " is almost as laughable as trying to pass off a grey haired 300lb lady as Prayerman. 

Just because something is important to you doesn't automatically mean it's important to the whole fucking world. You make yourself look small, petty and incredibly immature,  babbling on and on about being banned from a shitty website. 

You simply cannot be trusted to behave like a responsible adult. Full stop. The evidence is scattered across the internet. The Prayerman research thread for example. Your attitude was deplorable. A condescending prick,  talking down to everyone,  making demands,  acting like you are the sole arbiter of correct science. When it's blatantly apparent you don't know what you are talking about. 

Pitzers alleged suicide,  Mary Pinchot Meyer,  the reprehensible anti semite Piper,  Ralph Yates, time and time again,  you know better than the people who had actually done the research. 

With Prayerman and the 2FLRE in excelsis. Setting yourself up as the leading researcher,  denigrating Greg and Barto,  real experts who have done the hard graft,  trying to pass off your shoddy 2 or 3rd hand junk as cutting edge research. Have you ever checked out Wanda Daniels statement? Got any confirmation? Don't be ridiculous. You just twisted,  misinterpreted,  confabulated and outright lied about what she said. 

As for HARVEY and LEE? You run around castigating all and sundry for the sin of " denying " Armstrong.  When I know for an absolute certainty you don't have the first clue about the actual mechanics ( rather the imaginary mechanics) of the theory. I'd back myself against anyone in this so called community when it comes to Soviet/ Russian history, culture and language. And I know for a fact,  as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow that so called HARVEY was a native born English speaker. 

I have absolutely nothing against you personally Brian. Until you start using your eyes to see, your ears to hear and your brain to think,  you're just going to keep going round and round,  on the same relentless unfulfilling treadmill.  I'm sorry Brian,  I truly am. I tried my best but for your own sake and mine I'm not going to waste any more time on this fruitless endeavour. I'm doing you no favours by indulging your strange psychodrama. 

If you think you have some actual facts,  evidence that can withstand real world professional scrutiny then for God's sake, present it. Forget the theatrics and the limp pyrotechnics. 

To paraphrase the famous Spanish philosopher Unamuno,  " You will not convince if you think only of winning,  but to win, first you need to convince "

You are doing neither. You've managed to alienate practically everyone,  and what do you do? After ending up in the forum at the edge of the universe? The only place you can't get banned? You start musing wistfully about moderators and banning!!!

I can say in all sincerity ive never encountered anyone so lacking in self awareness. You make Fezzo the Fez and the doppelganger brigade seem like zen masters!

The 60th anniversary may well be the very last chance to make a real impact. The Prayerman footage, if skilfully aimed and deployed,  may well provide the necessary firepower to breach the wall of silence and denial. 

If it turns out not to be Oswald,  so what? Does it make him guilty,  or any less innocent? Of course not. Twice, in the 70s and the early 90s, the Z film came close,  but not close enough. There was just enough doubt to keep the circuits of denial whirring away and the bullshit churning. 

This footage has the potential to settle the argument definitively. Condensing all the exculpatory evidence into one simple compelling,  and,  dare I say,  poignant image. 

To keep up with this ridiculous charade,  claiming youve proved Prayerman is actually a small fat grey haired woman, is, quite frankly,  embarrassing. Not only that, but to claim some nefarious coven of moderators are conspiring to keep your " correct evidence " occluded, just makes us all look like the kind of tin foil hatted crazies the so called  M$M love to caricature. 

Not only that,  its a provable lie. Your correct evidence is all over the fucking internet. People have decided Brian,  okay,  I fully accept there's a lingering element of doubt,  until the 1st generation prints emerge , we won't know conclusively just who the fuck that enigmatic figure was, but there's just no fucking way it was Sarah Stanton. 

And to keep claiming you have proved it, when you can't even muster up the courage to accept the monumental flaws in your argument,  much less begin answering them,  threatens to turn the whole subject into slapstick. 

Brian,  you and characters like Ben Holmes, Healy and ole Porcelain Throne do more damage to the cause you supposed espouse than any number of clown cars full of lone neuter trolls. 

You all commit the cardinal sin, like your ex confreres on the now seemingly terminally defunct wonder that was deep fOO- you make the case seem ridiculous. A playground for conspiracy crazed zealots to build pretty sandcastles in...

Last edited by alex_wilson on Sat 11 Mar 2023, 2:18 am; edited 1 time in total

A fez! A fez! My kingdom for a fez!!
The last words of King Richard HARVEY Plantagenet III 
Bosworth Field 1485

Is that a doppelganger in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?
Artist, poet, polymath, cancer research prodigy Judyth Vary Baker's  first words to Lee HARVEY Oswald. New Orleans April 1963

For every HARVEY there must be an equal and opposite LEE
Professor Sandy Isaac Newton Laverne Shirley Fonzie Larsen's 
Famous 1st Law of Doppelganging

" To answer your question I  ALWAYS  look for mundane reasons for seeming anomalies before considering  sinister explanations. Only a fool would do otherwise. And I'm no fool" The esteemed Professor Larsen  From  his soon to be published  self help book " The Trough of Enlightenment "( Trine Day  Foreword  Vince Palamara)

" Once you prove Davidson's woman's face then Stanton's breasts follow naturally " Brian Doyle
Posts : 1333
Join date : 2019-04-10

Brian's Wasteland.  For Brian Doyle  il miglior fabbro trollem  Empty Re: Brian's Wasteland. For Brian Doyle il miglior fabbro trollem

Fri 10 Mar 2023, 12:10 am
Kudos to Roger for having the guts, the perseverance and the foresight to ensure the Darnell Weigmann footage was included. 

What a surprise!, Messrs Simpich and Schnapf ignoring the ( no doubt tactful,  subtle,  humble and beautifully written) exhortations of the world's greatest JFK researcher, not to mention the self proclaimed " leading authority on Prayerman "

He's supported by , ahem, " gentleman scholars " like the esteemed ( and estimable) Richard Gilbride esq. Author of " Matrix for Assassination " a pioneering ( mind and) paradigm bending work. As well as giving an uniquely cinematic,  groundbreaking cat's eye view of the assassination,  it explains the plot. From its gestation,  on the bridge of an interstellar flying saucer,  in a galaxy far, far away,  to it's ultimate fruition. 

Exposing the guilty cabal. A motley assortment of minimum wage warehouse grunts,  shadowy intel spooksters,  even shadowier doppelgangers,  a recently deceased Hollywood sex bomb and a bevy of intergalactic assassins. 

Our indefatigable skilled credible researcher chum was even quoted in Master Gilbrides latest tour de force, " JFK An Inside Job" 

A sweeping opus, full of piercing insights,  sublimely crafted prose and self effacing grandeur. According to,  the least successful book since David Josephs Big COINTELPRO colouring book and " The Future's so Shite( I gotta wear shades) Sanford Larsen- The Autobiography of a Genius " Not  forgetting Duncan Macraes landmark " Think yourself out of a Stink. Stinky Mac's ultimate self help manual". Dealing with etiquette,  grooming and the enigmas and subtlies of vampire lurvemaking. Available as a pop up book. The publishers,  Worldwide Lice Ltd specifically disavow any subsequent pop up related rectal or internal trauma

I grew up ,  and subsequently spent a not inconsiderable portion of my life, in an academic environment.  Having thad he privilege of knowing several world class scholars,  despite their numerous eccentricities,  not to mention peccadilloes,  I can categorically say,  going by my experience,  Gilbride is no scholar

And as for a gentleman? 

Put it this way,  Gilbride is to gentlemanly discourse what Vlad Tepes was to colonic irrigation...

Imho anyone who treats education like a commodity,  like a sports car,  or a penthouse apartment,  can fuck right off. 

Education should be about enhancing your knowledge,  and your character. Broadening and deepening your understanding. Developing your mind and your perceptions. About the gaining and sharing of knowledge. 

Bettering one's self and one's environment. 

The quality of one's education,  and depth of intellect,  should be implicit,  resting upon the content of their argument and the depth( or dearth) of knowledge.

To my humble mind at least,  persistently boasting about your education,  attempting to use it as a stick, to beat down or belittle your opponent,  from a position of ( self declared) authority is the surest admission of failure. 

Time and time again I've been shocked by the threadbare quality of the arguments,  not to mention the lack of fundamental knowledge,  and the inability to grasp basic facts, displayed by characters who obviously take great delight blowing their own ( academic) trumpets. 

They just end up sounding like a bunch of fucking trumpets. Their cacophonous tuneless racket makes them sound like a bunch of inebriated oafs,  or drunken yobs,  discussing the finer points of this week's Sunday Sport Get yer tits out for the lads Colour Supplement ; take the tittilicious  troika for example: Little Barnie the Bard of Barnet ( and I'd pay good money to read his book report on the Gulag Archipelago. Well,  it was like this see, there was this Gulag called Archipelago...) DR Neiderhut ( Harvard Medical School class of 83 you snivelling oiks) and St Mattie of the Shrivelled Koch,  not forgetting their trusty sidekicks,- Benjamin Cole on zither and Raul Pigby on triangle, they resemble the cast of some atrocious " political " Channel 4 yoof sitcom from the mid 80s. They fetishiize their ignorance,  almost tripping over each other's doppelgangers in a race to worship at the altar of stupidity. If this is what passes for educated discourse in deepest troofersville then we're all fucked...

What Doyle  and Gilbride are attempting to do is an absolute perversion of the basic tenets of scholarship. 

Trying to pass off hackwork,  feckless reckless guesswork,  half truths,  glimpsed by the light of a quarter moon,  outright falsehoods,  blatant in yer face bullshit; in short the fruit of the dream quest of two bitter twisted zealots tormented by fantasies of revenge,  as cutting edge research,  then either they're highly talented innovative parodists,  or they're more desperate and delusional than I thought...

Did either he or Doyle follow up the latter's original sham of an interview? Did they attempt to corroborate what, in essence,  was little more than 2nd, or 3rd hand hearsay? Hearsay that was further distorted and manipulated in an attempt to fit the chosen narrative?

Relying upon the FBI when it suits their specific narrative,  while dismissing all other statements,  documents etc as fake, is tantamount to cheating 

People don't respond to the Dynamic Duo's various diktats because there's nothing to respond to. 

How can anyone possibly evaluate,  much less attempt to " peer review " evidence that,  to all intents and purposes,  doesn't exist? How can you hold any sort of intelligent discussion when they simply refuse to even acknowledge the overwhelming amount of evidence,  evidence that utterly destroys their premise? 

Macrae, the only surviving Pissasaurus,  who crashes through the evidentiary swamp with the same stylish subtle aplomb he once used, when staggering through the steamy Cretaceous swamps,  hunting for a Lady Pissasaur,  for a bit of hot vampire Sauropod on Sauropod lurve,  mysteriously " losing " his " data"

Look at the fucking enhancement of Davidson's so called " woman's face " , it's an absolute abomination. In fact,  it's so distorted it looks like one of the furry little critters who once cowered fin awe of the mighty Pissasaurus.

Then there's the phantasmal tape of BWF, fuck knows how many threads which magically dissolved into the ether,  and,  not forgetting the enigmatic PMs and vanishing Facebook posts..

Not to mention the images themselves. The photo of Mrs Stanton corresponds almost perfectly with the image in the Owen's film. While both are the virtual opposite of the Prayerman figure. It just seems so maddeningly obtuse and childish. Doyle closing his eyes, sticking his fingers in his ears and repeating " No it isn't,  height argument,  Altgens 6" ad nauseam,  as if they are magic words. Abraca  fucking dabra,  maybe Mrs Sanders was a secret fairy godmother,  waving her magic wand she transformed Sarah into a phantasmal Hungarian spook doppelganger with a receding hairline!

The available evidence says one thing,  but Brian's magic stash of mystery evidence apparently proves the exact opposite! In fact there's more evidence for the Sanders as fairy godmother theory than the Stanton was Prayerman fantasy concoction....

If Doyle and Gilbride had any sort of integrity and respect for themselves  and their fellow researchers,  they would admit they were mistaken,  apologise and move on,  to( hopefully) bigger and better things. 

What's the big deal? Everyone makes mistakes. It's how you learn from those mistakes...

By persisting with this nonsensical quixotic jihad,  relying upon ever more absurd attempts at hand waving and rationalizing,  being forced to tell lie after lie, the pair of them just make themselves look more ridiculous. 

Like a pair of bitter old cranks. 

All hyperbole aside I was genuinely shocked Doyle would actually stoop to  sink so low. Going out of his  way to pre emptively,  or at least try to,  sabotage,  this attempt.  Granted,  it was about the least successful pre emeptive  strike since Butler the Goatfucker,  erstwhile animal husbandry expert and apprentice witch doctor, attempted to send a phalanx of horny goats to sink the British destroyers before they began the Anglo Zanzibar War ( after losing the war in 34 minutes the bemused Sultan turned to his American adviser, Field Marshal in Chief Hercules Q Larsen,  " What the fuck went wrong? I thought you said you spent 3 whole weeks studying Royal Navy tactical disposition?")

If you really are so certain you had " proved" Prayerman was in actuality a plump grey haired obese woman,  then I thought you'd be desperate to get your hands on the 1st generation prints 

What could possibly be sweeter? A buffet of pure revenge,  served hot and cold. The opportunity to prove your skilled credible researcher chops at the expense of a load of uncredible trolls...

I've already broken my pledge,  my profound apologies to all.

It's my own fucking fault. Brian can't help reacting the way he does. He's lost in a fantasy world,  and until he finally summons up the courage ( and,  make no mistake I fully understand just how much courage it takes) to accept his predicament and seeks the appropriate help,  he's not going to be able to help it.

Maybe ive lost all sense of perspective,  allowing my personal feelings to cloud my judgement. 

I happen to think Prayerman has the potential to finally break through this seemingly terminal impasse. When I read about Brian,  trying to throw a Spaniard in the works, in furtherance of some half assed vendetta,  putting his petty grievances ahead of what could,  possibly be a major historical breakthrough,  not to mention the squalid abuse he's heaped upon,  and the smears and downright slanderous falsehoods he's attempted,  and still attempting to spread about this forum,  especially certain key members...

I felt I had to say something...

Last edited by alex_wilson on Fri 10 Mar 2023, 6:56 am; edited 3 times in total

A fez! A fez! My kingdom for a fez!!
The last words of King Richard HARVEY Plantagenet III 
Bosworth Field 1485

Is that a doppelganger in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?
Artist, poet, polymath, cancer research prodigy Judyth Vary Baker's  first words to Lee HARVEY Oswald. New Orleans April 1963

For every HARVEY there must be an equal and opposite LEE
Professor Sandy Isaac Newton Laverne Shirley Fonzie Larsen's 
Famous 1st Law of Doppelganging

" To answer your question I  ALWAYS  look for mundane reasons for seeming anomalies before considering  sinister explanations. Only a fool would do otherwise. And I'm no fool" The esteemed Professor Larsen  From  his soon to be published  self help book " The Trough of Enlightenment "( Trine Day  Foreword  Vince Palamara)

" Once you prove Davidson's woman's face then Stanton's breasts follow naturally " Brian Doyle
Posts : 1333
Join date : 2019-04-10

Brian's Wasteland.  For Brian Doyle  il miglior fabbro trollem  Empty Re: Brian's Wasteland. For Brian Doyle il miglior fabbro trollem

Fri 10 Mar 2023, 12:39 am
I honestly don't know what's worse.

The lone nutists trying to turn LHO into a crazed sociopathic assassin 

Or the ultimate lone nut trying to turn him into an obese diminutive grey haired woman

A fez! A fez! My kingdom for a fez!!
The last words of King Richard HARVEY Plantagenet III 
Bosworth Field 1485

Is that a doppelganger in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?
Artist, poet, polymath, cancer research prodigy Judyth Vary Baker's  first words to Lee HARVEY Oswald. New Orleans April 1963

For every HARVEY there must be an equal and opposite LEE
Professor Sandy Isaac Newton Laverne Shirley Fonzie Larsen's 
Famous 1st Law of Doppelganging

" To answer your question I  ALWAYS  look for mundane reasons for seeming anomalies before considering  sinister explanations. Only a fool would do otherwise. And I'm no fool" The esteemed Professor Larsen  From  his soon to be published  self help book " The Trough of Enlightenment "( Trine Day  Foreword  Vince Palamara)

" Once you prove Davidson's woman's face then Stanton's breasts follow naturally " Brian Doyle
Posts : 3381
Join date : 2013-08-27

Brian's Wasteland.  For Brian Doyle  il miglior fabbro trollem  Empty Re: Brian's Wasteland. For Brian Doyle il miglior fabbro trollem

Fri 10 Mar 2023, 8:57 pm
Brian's Wasteland.  For Brian Doyle  il miglior fabbro trollem  Scree241

Out With Bill Shelley In Front.
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Join date : 2019-04-10

Brian's Wasteland.  For Brian Doyle  il miglior fabbro trollem  Empty Re: Brian's Wasteland. For Brian Doyle il miglior fabbro trollem

Sat 11 Mar 2023, 2:06 am
Picture the scene...

Walpurgris Night. A gloomy castle high up in the Brocken Mountains. The sombre Gothic architecture casts an eerie spell ; gaunt towers, rising up like emaciated claws, grim battlements ,  silhouetted in the even grimmer moonlight,  lean spidery webs of silver spread across the jagged peaks, spilling down over the forest below...

In the highest tower, in a stark chamber, by the light of a lone flickering candle,  sending eerie shudders spinning across the dank walls, a coven of shadowy creatures congregate round a large mahogany table. 

Theres four of them: Meff I Stoffles,  CEO of Fox News,  Luci Furr,  Chairwoman of NBC,  the undead wraithes of Allen Dulles,  a ghastly apparition,  wrapped in a monkish cowl and J Edgar Hoover,  resplendent in flowing blonde wig and low cut sequinned ballgown,  revealing acres of sunken cadaverous cleavage. 

Both are on night release from the Gilles de Rais Memorial ReEducation Unit. 

Suddenly there's a loud peal of thunder, and a flash of lightning. A jagged prong of luminosity briefly illuminates the eerie murk,  no doubt reminding Allen of happier days,  in Sid Gottliebs private laboratory,  watching as the little people were electrocuted on their way to MK Ultraed Valhalla. 

As the thunder dies away ( and just after Allen mumbles " Edgar,  dear I told you what would eventually happen if you kept tickling your prostate with those red hot pitchforks ") a tall saturnine figure materialises  out of thin air, like a puny Hungarian polyglot doppelganger at a Dallas rifle range,  dressed in skintight PVC trousers, a Let's Go Brandon t shirt,  a long black robe, and with a fiery red MAGA cap jammed on top of his skull like face: hollow eyeless sockets, deathly pale parchment skin pulled tightly over the sunken bones and with a thin almost reptilian mouth fixed into a permanent smirk,  revealing two rows of blackened stumps ( almost as blackened as Don Jeffries cheeks,  all six of them,  at last year's Truth Frequency Radio Halloween party)

" Gentlemen and ladies" he hisses as he executes an elaborate bow, before setting into the huge carved oaken throne,  which has just appeared. " I'm so glad you could all attend this important meeting "

" Important,  huh?" Luci grumbles,  " I was on my way to Josefs surgery,  to get more implants and to get my new stomach restapled "( Luci is a gargantuan Fetzerlike slab of unprocessed flab, her face resembling an overinflated prune,  or the half eaten stuffing of a Sanibel sandwich)

" But , my dear Luci" the newly materialised ghoul croons,  in a mellifluous purr, " you are looking just wonderful,  you too Eddie, have you done something new with your hair?"

Edgar blushes, like a freshly unsheathed Sanibelite at an anti semitic nudist camp,  and tries to brush away the compliment,  waving a waxen talon, the reflection of his long bright red nails drip , forming pools of shimmering blood on the gnarled mahogany tabletop. 

Meff -lean, gaunt and angular,  with a shock of frizzy blonde hair and a blank automatons face, wearing a bright pink Hillary for President T shirt under a faded black SS sturmfuhrers tunic- gives an impatient grunt,  as he shifts restlessly in his seat , " I'm missing the debut of the newly formed David Lifton Experience for this?" he whines, in a grating high pitched eunuchs voice 

" Patience,  my friends,  patience " the skeletal host booms , before clicking his bony fingers 

Immediately a small sallow rodent featured creature appears, brandishing a parchment  scroll.  
" My lord Woland", it croaks, as it lays the yellowish document carefully before his master,  grovelling and fawning respectfully,  before vanishing 

" Thank you Kris" Woland murmurs, as he studies the parchment,  producing a jewel encrusted gold framed magnifying glass,  he examines the ancient scroll closely. Looking uncannily like Professor Sanford,  leafing through the latest copy of Teenage Milkmaid Digest 

You could hear the pin of a mechanics Mauser drop, so intense was the silence. 

In fact you could hear the mating cries of the doppelgangers and the feral Kentucky rodents down in the forest below,  even the occasional " Here Kitty Kitty " as a local hunter,  one of the semi mythical Butler wildmen - thought to be the result of some ghastly MK Ultra experiment, involving chimpanzees,  one of the few remaining Sanibel unicorns,  mice, rats,  a family of inbred hillbillies and a mentally ill Florida hausfrau- go looking for their giant rodent prey

Finally the silence is broken by a peal of booming laughter,  Woland throws back his head,  rapping the table with the scaly protuberances he calls fingers...

" Lady and gentlemen,  its even better than I thought,  now listen and listen well. A gang of barroom louts and troll punks,  known as" he squints his eyeless sockets,  looking like Ben Cole,  trying to get " A hole in one" in his Hall of Mirrored Holes " ROKCers,  what the fuck is a ROKCer? I thought I nearly caught that when I went campaigning with Vlad Dracul,  back in Transylvania, off some very naughty,  very frisky Carpathian strumpet,  if I remember correctly "

" A ROKCer is a very advanced online trollbot,  we created them in our lab out in Wuhan " Luci intones,  in a frighteningly masculine sounding rasp " We injected one with too much Loquus Botulinum though,  and he just rambles on and on,  like that il fated solar powered dildo we designed for hikers, remember  the mess we had to clean up after Stevie Gaal got hold of a prototype,  down Sanibel  way?, anyway ive sent one of our top online assassins to take him out"

" Really?" Woland raises an unnaturally over plucked eyebrow,  " You don't say?, Anyway it looks like these, oh, whaddya call them again?"

" ROKCers my lord" Meff interjects,  sounding like a highly strung Sanibel g string snapping  round the fleshy thigh of a very busy loyer..

" Yes, ROKCers" Woland gives a dubious scowl " well it looks like these ROKCers" Woland twitches his eyebrow contemptuously,  like the time Lord Gordo caught Pat, the human Speer test, trying on his new lingerie he bought for Ms Beckett, " could be on the cusp of busting our Great JFK scam"

A chorus of howls erupt, inadvertently echoing the similar chorus,  " Ow kitty kitty nice kitty kitty don't bite theeeeeeerrrrrreeeeee " emanating from the forest below 

" What?" Allen gasps, " They've found out about the flying saucers, the mind kontrol,  and the alien sex romps"

" What alien sex romps , you selfish bitch?" Edgar pouts

Allen was about to reply,  probably,  before Woland raises a spindly talon

" Enough! No they haven't found out about the flying saucers, or about the Mossad android assassin bot we sent to Dallas,  dressed as Jackie Kennedy,  or about the magic photo alteration laboratory Nicholas Flamel rigged up in the sewers under the Grassy knoll,  or, eh,  about the intergalactic sex olympics we staged on the 3rd floor of the Daltex "

Allen( sotto' voce) " Trust that pervy bitch Poppy to be hiding his skinny ass in the cupboard"

Edgar ( grimacing while pinching Allen) " Clyde will be paying your floozy ass a visit by and by,  Olympics boy"

" ENOUGH " Woland bellows, causing the candles flame to shiver in dread,  throwing a dizzying procession of bizarre shadows across the dank stone walls.  For a terrible moment Meff is reminded of the time he had that horrific flashback whilst watching The Sanibel Naturalists Amateur Kabuki theatre pay homage to Grand Guignol.  Lord of the Flies or not it ain't much fun being chased across Sanibel Causeway by a giant naked insectoid being with a bloody beating hatbox galaxy for a heart, " but they have found out about our little patsy friend Lee" Edgar gives a puzzled look, " But what about all that horseshit about Hungarian doppelgangers and fake mothers?. Allen here put some of his trickiest imps on the case, didn't you, Allen?, you tricky little bitch"( under his breath) " I still have those photos of Clover you know, just because we're dead doesn't mean we have to take all the fun out of dying, and killing each other "

Woland gives a conciliatory smile,  or at least he tries to, widening his mouth until he resembles an x ray of Professor Sanfords frontal lobe( ie a void of blackness and nothingness) " Don't worry,  I put some of my finest disinformation imps on the case, and" he taps the parchment " they discovered the Prophecy of the famous necromancer,  Il Sodoma of Sanibel " " Wasn't Il Sodoma a famous renaissance painter?,  or am I getting confused with Richard Gilbride again?" Luci murmurs, " got him in to do a spot of decorating,  y'know spruce the old crib up a little " Gives a shudder,  " left the whole fucking place looking like the last time Torquemada came for tea , crumpets and a spot of heretic burning,  but not in a good way,  if you know what I mean? Just kept daubing " Death to the  Hoaxers" , in his own fucking blood, while drinking turpentine and trying to look up my skirt, " I like a gal with something to grab hold of, "cheeky bitch, I was going to,  y'know call down a plague or two upon him, right there, but then I looked at him, gummy bedraggled old coot,  I thought,  poor bastard,  youve enough plagues in your wretched life already"

" Thank you for that most exhilarating,  most informative little expose,  next time I bump into old Sade, I'll send him to interview you, can we please deal with the matter at hand? The Prophecy " he raps the table again " Actually most of it is barely coherent demented rambling" " That's Sanibel Island for ya " Luci guffaws. " Indeed indeed " Woland muses wistfully, " I'm certain William Topaz Mcgonnigal was at the very least a closet Sanibelite,  anyway,  the jist of the prophecy involves a 65 year old virgin,  a ponytail and a gasmask, this being , born in the swimming pool,  in a holiday camp in Upper Silesia, will be known as the Credible One,  apparently,  according to Il Sodoma of Sanibel " he taps the parchment again with a spindly digit ( I'm legally bound to inform you this is not the remains of Raul Pigbys ill conceived penis transplant)" when this Credible One emerges he will lay waste to the Great Blasphemer and all his trollish minions "

Luci gives an ecstatic yelp " the Great Blasphemer!! We appointed him Chief Troll of the ROKC Troll farm "

" Exactly my dear" Woland purrs 

" So our secret is safe" Allen sighs

" For the time being,  yes" Woland assents. " I've sent an imp or two to check out this Credible One"
" And?" All four chime,  like some malevolent barbershop quartet,  " Well" Woland growls  morosely,  ",  not too promising I'm  afraid,  I believe one of my imps started  using quite  militantly un PC language,  , but hey,  we made a fucking leper into the King of Jerusalem, didn't we, let's not forget King Charles III, the REAL King Charles III" " Not forgetting Ivar the Boner " Allen cackles  " That was Ivar the Boneless you silly bitch " Edgar snaps waspishly,  " but I suppose we did make an engorged gastropod into a Professor of Critical Thinking, and let's not forget Judyth fucking Baker, over 25 years of childishly transparent lies and shameless hucksterism and people  STILL  believe  her!!, what's the plan then? 

" Its quite simple,  these trolls have figured out our little patsy friend was actually hanging around in the shadows when Jackiebot , James Files, Otto Skorzeny and Jim Fetzer all did the shooting,  they're trying to get the film that'll prove it released. So, we just get this credible one, Albert Doyle,  no wait Jenni Stephenson,  no Troppocrat,  no Scrum Drum,  no Buster,no Brian Doyle to claim the footage really shows a small fat grey haired woman,  just like you Eddie, before the surgery,  in fact ive never got round to asking you,  but just where exactly were you at 12 30 on November 22nd 1963?"
Cue much ribald laughter. " Brilliant idea Woland " Meff squeaks admiringly " Those suckers will believe just about anything! Hell,  they've already elected 3 human alien hybrids as president!! " " Let's not forget the Holohoax and the whole Apollo Moon landing scam, 6 fucking times." Luci hoots " What about COVID? that really was genius Allen, howdya manage to pull THAT fucker off?" " An all expenses paid luxury long weekend to Lolita island,  a high tech surveillance system installed in Mr Gates' private jet, 4 nubile teenage Venezuelans,  a hi definition zoom lense and a steady hand " Edgar chuckles as he holds out a talon," As steady as a rock" he beams Allen ( slyly) " but not Rock Hudson you naughty little FBI director you"

" Enough of this aimless prattling " Woland barks, " We pulled off the SBT scam, and the Turin Shroud,  and most of them still don't believe the earth is flat, or it was created 6000 years ago after Edgar here contracted a chronic case of the skits after a night on the vino and the vindaloo in a snug little rent boy bar in the red light district of Bangkok,  Venus, so of course this Scummy Dum Doyle character will manage to persuade them a young man in a dark shirt with a dark visibly receding hairline is in fact a 300lb plus grey haired woman,  if not we can always get Dickie Hooke to mount a reshoot" " Dickies busy master" Meff trills ominously " for the next 4000 years or so"

" Good so mete it be" Woland roars.

Another loud clap of thunder and stabbing fork of lightning and Woland vanishes 

Edgar turns to Allen " Now, you bitch what about this alien sex romp and why weren't Clyde and I invited?"


Any similarities between the living and interdimensional entities were purely intentional

Last edited by alex_wilson on Sun 12 Mar 2023, 1:43 am; edited 1 time in total

A fez! A fez! My kingdom for a fez!!
The last words of King Richard HARVEY Plantagenet III 
Bosworth Field 1485

Is that a doppelganger in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?
Artist, poet, polymath, cancer research prodigy Judyth Vary Baker's  first words to Lee HARVEY Oswald. New Orleans April 1963

For every HARVEY there must be an equal and opposite LEE
Professor Sandy Isaac Newton Laverne Shirley Fonzie Larsen's 
Famous 1st Law of Doppelganging

" To answer your question I  ALWAYS  look for mundane reasons for seeming anomalies before considering  sinister explanations. Only a fool would do otherwise. And I'm no fool" The esteemed Professor Larsen  From  his soon to be published  self help book " The Trough of Enlightenment "( Trine Day  Foreword  Vince Palamara)

" Once you prove Davidson's woman's face then Stanton's breasts follow naturally " Brian Doyle
Posts : 1333
Join date : 2019-04-10

Brian's Wasteland.  For Brian Doyle  il miglior fabbro trollem  Empty Re: Brian's Wasteland. For Brian Doyle il miglior fabbro trollem

Sun 12 Mar 2023, 12:12 am
Our chum from Sanibel is on fire. We're talking vintage stuff. 

His frothathon over on acjfk deserves a place alongside his classic rants. 

I know its not only self indulgent of me( but hey,  ive had a cunt of a year health wise and Doyle's tragicomic jabbering cheers me up), not to mention more than just a little bit heartless, having a cheap laugh at the expense of someone who is in desperate need of help,  counselling, and dare I say,  simple human kindness. 

As Little Barnie the Bard of Barnet said on his newly minted dating app for dyslexic racists,  " Two wongs most certainly don't make Mr Right " , and any attempts at justification would take me perilously close to Jimbo Baggins levels of hypocrisy...but, everything I say is said in jest, albeit with a serious subtext. 

Doyle is merely a symptom not the cause. A product of the self righteous solipsistic school of conspiracism exemplified by the recently resurrected Deep fOO.

Reeking of authoritarianism and an absolute intolerance for opposing viewpoints. 

Doyle's rants are peppered with disturbingly brutal tell tale verbal tics. Demanding the heretics,  disbelievers and deniers( ie anyone who has the temerity to point out his much vaunted " correct evidence " is nothing but a heap of necrotic junk, a mishmash of fantasy,  falsehood and make believe) be " punished " " banned" " held legally accountable " etc etc. 

Punished and held legally accountable for disagreeing with some fucking clown on a shitty obscure website?

Likewise his notions of conspiracy. Harking back to the so called halcyon days of the early 90s. In the immediate hectic post JFK euphoric rush....

Doppelgangers a go go,  mass alterationism,  fake witnesses,  almost comedic excesses of childish paranoia ad nauseam. 

It was deemed sacrilegious to question the sacred cows of conspiracy. Less was more, more was less...more or less. Evidence was weighed,  not examined,  or held up to any sort of reasonable critical scrutiny. Fools like Don Jeffries encouraged his fellow travellers and troof seekers to ooh and ahh in paroxsyms of giddy rapture, " Look at all the evidence "  

Donnie's mantra was " See with your mind, think with your eyes" A ghastly squalid little man. Touting his cartoonish notions of conspiracy, while pandering to the lowest common denominator. 

Like the poor natives running their fingers through the worthless glass trinkets the conquistadors left behind,  as they headed inland to begin pillaging and enslaving on a continental scale..

All evidence: facts, witnesses,  documents,  photographs,  must be viewed equally. This should be self evident. The arteries of this case are clogged with useless junk. Pieces of the puzzle that should have been discarded decades ago have been kept,  despite the fact they didn't fit, simply because they looked right,  and seemed to hint at some nebulous ill defined conspiracy. 

The case was made practically unsolvable by generations of ( mostly) well intentioned amateur researchers who tried  to solve it. Using their preconceptions and biases as lodestars.

Doyle is simply the loudest,  most ill mannered,  most illogical and by some considerable distance,  the most delusional of the deep fOO alumni.

Persisting dredging up the likes of Vinson. Some covert operation !!! Landing a fucking transport plane on the banks of the Trinity river,  to whisk of a mysterious spook doppelganger- Vinson apparently,  more or less,  managed to hitch a ride on an aircraft involved in one of the centuries most closely guarded high risk operations- off to Roswell,  no doubt to crack open a bottle of bubbly or two with the little green man and a few of his wizened ex Nazi pals. 

Not to mention Bernard Haire and his " 2nd Oswald "   He was an Oswald light , until that stalwart conspirocrat and arguably the least discerning most gullible journalist EVER, Jim Marrs,  helped him " refresh" his memory,  30 years later. 

Claptrap like this should have been tossed onto the garbage heap of history decades ago. But ,  unfortunately they just happened to fit with the preferred narrative of the High Priests of the Orthodox Church of Conspiracy 

Doyle remains frozen in a state of perpetual adolescence. His view of the case, of conspiracy in general is as immature as it is unsophisticated. Armstrong,  alterationism etc are the equivalent of acne, scarring the mind, the way it scars teenage faces( and teenage dreams)

Anyone with even the most rudimentary understanding of  contemporary tradecraft,  and how intelligence agencies thought and functioned in the early 60s, the almost pathological obsession with compartmentalision,  will immediate realise the H and L story is a poorly conceived,  atrociously written spy yarn. 

Having a Hungarian doppelganger pose as an all American boy,  giving both doppelgangers THE SAME FUCKING NAME!! 

I'm pretty convinced valid evidence exists of de facto impersonation,  both as part of the pre assassination set up,  and other non related operations,  that were used, post facto,  as part of the cover up. 

But,  relying upon H and L scenarios, like widespread alterations and document fakery,  is mostly just a fucking cop out. A clumsy Deus ex Machina,  deployed in an attempt to salvage a floundering pet theory. 

Personally I have my doubts about both Messrs Simpich and Schnapf, but nevertheless I applaud their initiative and their willingness to raise their respective 13 inch heads above the parapet. 

If they manage to get hold of the 1st generation prints it will be a major MAJOR step in the right direction. 

Kudos to Roger for having the vision and the tenacity to see this through. 

If it turns out that it wasn't Oswald? So what? Apart from bitter cranks, blinded by jealousy and lust for revenge, no one can seriously doubt the motivation or the reasoning. 

Personally,  I think NBCs and the 6th floor museums reticence speaks volumes. What possible reason could they have not to release the 1st generation prints? 

Look at the films in question? They're not exactly interesting,  or potentially revelatory,  or earthshatteringly controversial- just 60 year old black and white footage of a fucking doorway for Armstrong's sake!!!

Anyway,  I'm not counting my doppelgangers before they're hatched out their test tubes....

Imho the figure looks uncannily like the one and only LHO. Not only that,  but there's at least a couple of lunchrooms full of other complimentary evidence,  revealing the clumsy ham fisted good old boy mentality,  and the equally clumsy mechanics of the initial frame up operation...

Doyle represents the very worst excesses of the intolerant pseudo research championed by the likes of Deep fOO. Ideological considerations and absolute allegiance were the paramount concerns. 

Actual evidence was reduced to a metaphysical concept,  eternally malleable and a poor second  to hollow deep political pontificating. 

From close minded fundamentalist cults like Deep fOO,  squalid tabloid friendly shitholes aka the Lair of the Pissasaurus ( anyone fancy going on the Dead Oswald Tour?) to the cyber equivalent of a Cheltenham teashop full of vicar's wifes and dusty old spinsters,  Doyle managed to alienate them all. 

To join a forum like the 13 inch head emporium you have to follow a few very simple rules and behave like a reasonably intelligent mature adult,  not a difficult concept. 

Doyle's antics really get on my invisible titties because he really does manage to make an absolute fucking mockery of a subject I happen to care about. His childish tantrums,  reprehensible behaviour and,  most of all, the smorgasbord of utter shite he calls " his correct evidence " exceed the very worst mainstream caricatures of iunhinged frothing at the mouth conspiracy theorists..

He is the virtual embodiment of a stereotypical useful idiot. His deep seated psychological maladies,  his guilelessness,  his almost unbelievable gullibility,  not to mention his narcissistic delusions could be so very easily manipulated by an unscrupulous lone nutist/ denier/ apologist,  with access to a media platform. 

Imagine Doyle ranting on about Davidson's " woman's face " , obese features,  stereoscopic comparisons,  sinister cabals of moderators masterminded by a golf jumper loving dilettante and his frottage obsessed Sauropod sidekick? 

Imagine the interviewer had gotten hold of Gilbrides masterful dissection of the UFO/ Marilyn Monroe  angle? Or even Palamaras close collaboration with the Trine Day stable of con artists?

Maybe I'm wildly over exaggerating,  and maybe I'm doing the very worst thing by continuously referring to his fantastical ravings- what can I say? I'm easily amused, and Doyle is a walking comedy gold mine,  he should seriously think about transforming " Brian Doyle- skilled credible researcher extraordinaire" into a stand up act..

Flip flopping on stage with his ponytail, his gasmask and his selfie stick 

" I'm the world's leading forensic expert on the Jimi Hendrix murder and the internet's leading authority on Prayerman. I've been banned for being too skilled a researcher and for outarguing the trollish majority , content to keep suckling at James Gordon's leathers teet. I'm backed by gentleman scholars like a turps sozzled misfit, who fantasies,  in public,  about slurping at the entrails of his opponents,  and who thinks JFK was assassinated by an intergalactic cabal co ordinated by a 3 headed doppelshifter from Alpha Centauri,  a potemkin village full of shadowy intel spooksters and a gaggle of minimum wage grunts. 
I've made the most serious credible research discoveries in 60 years, and Grace Slick is madly in love with me, she just doesn't know it yet"

Brian Doyle- Sanibel Islands answer to Wee Jimmy Krankie

In fact,  I wonder where Wee Jimmy was on 22nd November 63? 

No wonder our Brian was busily emailing,  no doubt relying on the famous Doyle charm, he fell  for Macrae's tawdry attempted scam, ahem, sorry,  his good natured prank ( that was most certainly not motivated by a particularly unpleasant juvenile spitefulness) hook, line and sinker. He's been flailing around these past 7 or so years, trying desperately to grab onto any reed or straw, no matter how brittle,  to save him from sinking deeper into the pool of shite. 

Honestly,  it really is like a fucking comedy sketch. Doyle,  the self styled Moriarty of doppelgangerism,  the Napoleon of research,  a hapless deluded little man,  stumbling around,  making an absolute prick of himself..." Eyeglasses,  shoulder length dark hair,  no wait,  obese features,  giant handbag and buttons,  no wait,  cameras turning dark hair grey , no wait,  sunplanes and glowing hands, I know my stuff Larry,  woman's face,  woman's face,  metadata,  woman's face,  Davidson's enhancement,  skilled photo analysts will agree with me,  woman's face and the breasts follow naturally,  stereoscopic comparisons,  it doesn't matter if the figures are the exact opposite if you can't find Sarah Stanton in Altgens 6 and Weigmann 257 I win!! I win! I'm the best and brightest,  ive been banned for being too skilled,  I'm a skilled credible researcher "


Brian,  I hate saying this,  believe me,  I really do, but in all honesty you don't even understand what research is.  And you don't want to learn. People have given you chance after chance,  and youve thrown it back in their faces. Persisting with this bizarre delusion that your self proclaimed skills give you carte blanche to behave however you like,  lie about your name etc, and face no consequences. 

Trying to brow beat Gil and others to act as your proxy. How do you expect anyone to peer review your so called evidence,  when youve provided absolutely no falsifiable verifiable data to review 

The sooner you accept the fact your opinions are not sacrosanct,  and " You're a troll and I liar if you were a skilled credible researcher like me" is not fucking research,  the happier you will be 

You're starting to remind me of Trejo, both of you are congenitally unsuited to any sort of reasonably nuanced historical research,  but yet, for some unfathomable reason,  you persist. Managing to convince yourself the brickbats are actually plaudits,  and its actually the brick walls trollish uncredible fault that you keep running into it...

If it makes you happy,  by all means keep thinking Prayerman is Sarah Stanton,  or Miss Piggy,  or Bela Lugosi,  Harold Lloyd,  Ethel Merman,  Tommy Cooper,  Tommy fucking Graves for that matter,  I just wish to Armstrong you would stop this ridiculous carry on. It's really starting to get embarrassing. 

You refuse to acknowledge the stark reality,  Sarah Stanton looks absolutely nothing like Prayerman,  the figure in Owen's looks fuck all like Prayerman. Mrs Stanton was a plump diminutive grey haired woman who was wearing light coloured clothes. The exact opposite of the Prayerman figure 

Whomsoever he turns out to be....

Billy Lovelady never said Sarah was standing " in that spot" BWF has consistently pointed in the OPPOSITE DIRECTION when talking about Sarah,  the magical mystery footage of him saying " We looked at each other for the longest time " doesn't fucking exist. You can't even see him in Altgens 6, as half the landing is obscured. As for the Weigmann footage? Barto pointed out Mrs Stanton,  or her doppelganger, years ago. You don't agree? Great, that's your prerogative,  but for fuck sakes cut out this ridiculous nonsense. 

Your so called height argument is nothing but pseudoscientific waffle,  youve provided fuck all verifiable falsifiable data, Drew Phillips so called calculations were rigorously debunked by Mr Templar on your own fucking FB page. Your methodology,  putting it politely,  was seriously flawed. 

If you think serious photo analysts or photogrammetists will agree with you then go ahead and find them. You can't seriously try to argue from imaginary authority , can you?

No wait...

People have worked damn fucking hard trying to sift through the detritus of over half a century's worth of obfuscation and bullshit,  piecing together a meticulous case. It really angers me,  watching you sitting on your arze on the sidelines,  acting like you are the only true arbiter. 

Steely was bang on. You're too stupid to realise just how stupid you are. I'm sure you have other talents Brian,  I'm afraid research isn't one of them.

A fez! A fez! My kingdom for a fez!!
The last words of King Richard HARVEY Plantagenet III 
Bosworth Field 1485

Is that a doppelganger in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?
Artist, poet, polymath, cancer research prodigy Judyth Vary Baker's  first words to Lee HARVEY Oswald. New Orleans April 1963

For every HARVEY there must be an equal and opposite LEE
Professor Sandy Isaac Newton Laverne Shirley Fonzie Larsen's 
Famous 1st Law of Doppelganging

" To answer your question I  ALWAYS  look for mundane reasons for seeming anomalies before considering  sinister explanations. Only a fool would do otherwise. And I'm no fool" The esteemed Professor Larsen  From  his soon to be published  self help book " The Trough of Enlightenment "( Trine Day  Foreword  Vince Palamara)

" Once you prove Davidson's woman's face then Stanton's breasts follow naturally " Brian Doyle
Posts : 1333
Join date : 2019-04-10

Brian's Wasteland.  For Brian Doyle  il miglior fabbro trollem  Empty Re: Brian's Wasteland. For Brian Doyle il miglior fabbro trollem

Thu 16 Mar 2023, 12:13 am
Poor old Brian!!

Still flailing around desperately,  trying to fashion himself a marryr's crown. 

Reduced to witless babble and self eulogising fantasy. Unable to accept his utter irrelevance and his hapless impotence. 

Brian,  it wasn't really necessary for anyone to assassinate your character,  since you had managed such a bang up job yourself. 

Constantly heaping hollow praise upon yourself,  standing in your room full of mirrors with a homemade laurel wreath ( manufactured from substances I'd prefer not to mention) balanced precariously above your gasmask. 

In one paragraph John Iacoletti pretty much summed up the whole story spectacle. 

How in God's name you can claim to have been censured when your so called " correct evidence " is all over the fucking internet?

You're right,  people AREN'T stupid,  that's why no one is buying your absurd argument 

Your willingness to mangle, twist,  distort and outright lie about the historical record,  simply in an attempt to " win" some imaginary argument, I'm afraid to say,  you're having with yourself,  is beyond reprehensible. 

You fell for Macrae's so called " prank" , so what?, nobody's perfect,  we're all just human beings,  error prone and infinitely fallible. 

No one cares Brian, in the grand scheme of things getting banned from a shitty website barely even registers as an infinitesimal blip. 

Your behaviour is abhorrent. Your dismissive abrasive attitude,  demanding all and sundry  fulfill your every passing whim, setting yourself up as the universal arbiter of good science and correct evidence,  when its blatantly apparent you haven't a scooby...

Unfortunately,  Brian youve no one to blame but yourself. Until you learn to accept this, and I know it's easier said than done,  and try to rectify the situation,  rather than just lashing out and blaming others,  you're going to be stuck on the same old treadmill,  running to stand still. 

Oswald or not, whoever Prayerman turns out to be,  he most certainly wasn't a diminutive grey haired 300lb woman. 

Stop emulating the likes of Jeffries,  use your eyes to see and your brain to think...

A fez! A fez! My kingdom for a fez!!
The last words of King Richard HARVEY Plantagenet III 
Bosworth Field 1485

Is that a doppelganger in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?
Artist, poet, polymath, cancer research prodigy Judyth Vary Baker's  first words to Lee HARVEY Oswald. New Orleans April 1963

For every HARVEY there must be an equal and opposite LEE
Professor Sandy Isaac Newton Laverne Shirley Fonzie Larsen's 
Famous 1st Law of Doppelganging

" To answer your question I  ALWAYS  look for mundane reasons for seeming anomalies before considering  sinister explanations. Only a fool would do otherwise. And I'm no fool" The esteemed Professor Larsen  From  his soon to be published  self help book " The Trough of Enlightenment "( Trine Day  Foreword  Vince Palamara)

" Once you prove Davidson's woman's face then Stanton's breasts follow naturally " Brian Doyle
Posts : 3381
Join date : 2013-08-27

Brian's Wasteland.  For Brian Doyle  il miglior fabbro trollem  Empty Re: Brian's Wasteland. For Brian Doyle il miglior fabbro trollem

Thu 16 Mar 2023, 2:58 pm
He never gives up.

Brian's Wasteland.  For Brian Doyle  il miglior fabbro trollem  Scree242

Out With Bill Shelley In Front.
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Join date : 2013-08-27

Brian's Wasteland.  For Brian Doyle  il miglior fabbro trollem  Empty Re: Brian's Wasteland. For Brian Doyle il miglior fabbro trollem

Thu 16 Mar 2023, 3:00 pm
Brian's Wasteland.  For Brian Doyle  il miglior fabbro trollem  Scree243

Out With Bill Shelley In Front.
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Age : 61

Brian's Wasteland.  For Brian Doyle  il miglior fabbro trollem  Empty Re: Brian's Wasteland. For Brian Doyle il miglior fabbro trollem

Thu 16 Mar 2023, 6:27 pm
Vinny wrote:Brian's Wasteland.  For Brian Doyle  il miglior fabbro trollem  Scree243

The polite version of "shit-poster".


You ain't gonna know what you learn if you knew it....... confused


Posts : 3658
Join date : 2015-07-21

Brian's Wasteland.  For Brian Doyle  il miglior fabbro trollem  Empty Re: Brian's Wasteland. For Brian Doyle il miglior fabbro trollem

Thu 16 Mar 2023, 8:44 pm
Schnapf has dealt with ‘our shit poster extraordinaire’ in a very eloquent way.

Last edited by barto on Fri 17 Mar 2023, 8:11 pm; edited 1 time in total

Prayer Man: More Than a Fuzzy Picture (E-)Book @ Amazon.
Posts : 1333
Join date : 2019-04-10

Brian's Wasteland.  For Brian Doyle  il miglior fabbro trollem  Empty Re: Brian's Wasteland. For Brian Doyle il miglior fabbro trollem

Thu 16 Mar 2023, 10:42 pm
Nailed it in one.

The fear is palpable. Our chum from Sanibel,desperately fumbling around in his booby quiver , trying to fire off every last and limpid arrow in his Pigbyesque rhetorical arsenal..

Booby, troll, liar be repeated ad nauseam,  with a liberal garnish of the freshest produce,  plucked from his garden of bullshit 

Yet again he resorts to his favourite ( and possibly his only) research aid

Bare faced lies. Despite everything ive written he shamelessly distorts my oft quoted position 

Not that it makes much difference.

I DON'T know who Prayerman is. Does he resemble Oswald? Imho, Yes, and when you take into consideration all the other evidence that likelihood rises exponentially. 

But,  whosoever Prayerman was, and is ultimately proven to be, he was/ is most definitely not a diminutive grey haired 300lb woman. 

Mr Schnapf articulates a problem which has often troubled me. Doyle's mere presence; his absolute inability to argue honestly,  logically,  respectfully and rationally,  not to mention the bizarre amalgam of fantasy,  filibuster and outright falsehood he calls his " correct evidence " threatens to bring the entire subject into disrepute 

Relegating it to the dingy netherworld of " conspiracy theories "

Read his latest reply. The feverish ranting of a true fanatic. Who has programmed himself to ignore the unwanted intrusions of reality 

Does it matter Mrs Stanton and Prayerman are almost the exact opposite: in sex, build, apparel,  hair colour and girth? 

Of course not,  because of Brian's " brilliant " deduction!! 

Now ive got your attention Brian,  any more news about the photographic transposition? Any real verifiable falsifiable data? Any word back from the skilled photo analysts who are going to support your epochal breakthroughs?

Or, will you just pluck a sentence or two, out of context,  almost at random,  to use as a launchpad for yet another outburst?

Apart from your own inability to reason, adhere to the rules of evidence and logic, have a modicum of respect for yourself,  others and the wider world in general , your fanatical intolerance of dissenting viewpoints,  your childlike naivety and gullibility and,  perhaps most of all,  a quite staggering lack of maturity,  you have proved absolutely nothing. 

You'd willingly hijack what could,  very well prove to be the last real chance to make a significant breakthrough,  simply to save having to face the intellectual consequences of your meaningless jihad.
Posts : 1333
Join date : 2019-04-10

Brian's Wasteland.  For Brian Doyle  il miglior fabbro trollem  Empty Re: Brian's Wasteland. For Brian Doyle il miglior fabbro trollem

Sat 18 Mar 2023, 12:33 am
Brian,  I'm not doing anyone any favours by replying to you. I'm just playing along,  further enabling your bizarre fantasies. 

This will be my last response to you. If I break my word I would request one of the moderators delete any further posts I make in this,  or any other thread, replying to your various comments. 

Not that it makes the slightest bit of difference,  I have pointed out ' Stanton in Weigmann " and done so repeatedly. I believe Barto has located her. I have no problems with you disagreeing,  but I don't understand why you feel the need to lie about a relatively trivial matter. 

No wait,  I DO understand.  " Stanton in Weigmann " is the only card you have left to play. A desperate bluff,  hoping to divert the focus. Making it seem like you're " winning " because the trolls can't answer your " correct evidence "

Mrs Stanton could have been helping the bull necked all American doppelganger LEE load his rifle,  up on the 6th floor,  or perhaps she was exchanging knitting patterns with Ruth Ann, or discussing the weather,  or Jackie's outfit with the 2nd Mrs Reid. 

It doesn't matter a damn.

Because she couldn't possibly be the figure in question. She was a diminutive obese 300lb grey haired woman. Whoever Prayerman is he has no breasts,  a dark visibly receding hairline,  he is wearing a dark shirt and is quite clearly not a small squat woman. 

The whole Prayerwoman caper was started , nearly a decade ago as a so called fucking prank!!

Anyway Brian,  and I hate having to be quite so blunt,  it's blatantly obvious you lack the necessary skills ( not to mention the requisite technical training) to make a definitive adjudication. 

You've argued,  fin precisely the same absolutist stance, for eyeglasses,  dark shoulder length hair,  giant handbags,  oversized buttons,  glowing hands etc 

No one's criticising you for changing your mind,  on the contrary,  you just need to learn to accept your opinions are no more,  and no less valid than anyone else's 

Not so long ago you were making a similar song and dance about strict academic debate,  when Greg very generously offered you the opportunity ( to try and replicate a strict academic debate) you suddenly decided you wanted a " casual debate " ie an argument 

Now it's peer review. I don't know your academic background Brian,  but surely you must know calling your opponents trolls before regurgitating a litany of falsehoods,  fantasy and self praise ain't peer review. Ive asked you this before: how in God's name can you expect anyone to peer review evidence that doesn't exist?

You have presented no verifiable falsifiable data, no relevant information,  in short,  nothing. 

Always the available facts and evidence say one thing,  but you,  and your magical correct evidence apparently says the exact opposite 

Where are the threads? The videos,  the testimony?

Anyone can go to the Prayerman research thread and review your " correct evidence "( admittedly it was version 1.0, Prayerwoman Mk 1, with eyeglasses erc) and see why you were banned 

I know it must be a comforting thought,  imagining you were banned for being too skilled and credible a researcher. But delusions eventually do nothing but harm. 

I'm just wasting my fucking time. You won't listen,  you'll simply use this post as another excuse for an imaginary lap of honour,  round the deserted auditorium that is acjfk. 

You were given chance after chance. Hell,  if I was Mark Knight,  I wouldn't have dignified your email with a response. Nothing better illustrates your warped relationship with reality. After spending the intervening years heaping the most scurrilous invidious abuse onto the forum,  and the individual moderators,  you expected to waltz back in. Claiming your " correct evidence " had earned you a place amongst your peers 

You have proven precisely nothing. Your research is a worthless amateurish amalgam of wishful thinking and tin foil hattery at its most unrestrained and ill disciplined. 

I'm sorry Brian,  I really am. 

I know I shouldn't let it bother me,  but it does. Seeing you try to fuck up years of hard work and dedication out of sheer spite and malevolence. You don't really give a fuck about research,  or history,  or any of the grand sounding phrases you recited obediently in your fOOish prime, you care about one thing and one thing only:


And attempting to keep your absurdly grandiose delusions buoyant...

To read someone who has spent the last 7 or so years obsessively touting one of the most ridiculous claims EVER- see that figure with the dark visibly receding hairline and dark shirt standing in the shadows,  like he was praying? Well, its really not a man at all,  its really a diminutive 300lb grey haired woman wearing light coloured clothes- pontificating about crazy claims was another nugget of pure comedy gold..

I wish you nothing but the best Brian. I hope you find peace,  fulfillment,  tranquillity and happiness. Take a step back,  get a little perspective back. 

Meant in all sincerity

A fez! A fez! My kingdom for a fez!!
The last words of King Richard HARVEY Plantagenet III 
Bosworth Field 1485

Is that a doppelganger in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?
Artist, poet, polymath, cancer research prodigy Judyth Vary Baker's  first words to Lee HARVEY Oswald. New Orleans April 1963

For every HARVEY there must be an equal and opposite LEE
Professor Sandy Isaac Newton Laverne Shirley Fonzie Larsen's 
Famous 1st Law of Doppelganging

" To answer your question I  ALWAYS  look for mundane reasons for seeming anomalies before considering  sinister explanations. Only a fool would do otherwise. And I'm no fool" The esteemed Professor Larsen  From  his soon to be published  self help book " The Trough of Enlightenment "( Trine Day  Foreword  Vince Palamara)

" Once you prove Davidson's woman's face then Stanton's breasts follow naturally " Brian Doyle
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Age : 61

Brian's Wasteland.  For Brian Doyle  il miglior fabbro trollem  Empty Re: Brian's Wasteland. For Brian Doyle il miglior fabbro trollem

Tue 28 Mar 2023, 11:18 am
Alex. in order to revive the corpse, Magda Hasan (Frau Blucher) has allowed Brian to post at the Foo. The abinormal brain has been plopped in the members section.
Over to you...


You ain't gonna know what you learn if you knew it....... confused


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Brian's Wasteland.  For Brian Doyle  il miglior fabbro trollem  Empty Re: Brian's Wasteland. For Brian Doyle il miglior fabbro trollem

Wed 29 Mar 2023, 10:59 pm
So much for their " Deep Political " ethos.  

Remortgaging the stinking remnants of their soul, and their- snicker- credibility for a few risible tabloid clicks. 

Car crash conspiracism at its crassest,  most cynical and downright exploitative. 

Bonaparte filtered through PT Barnum,  " From the sublime to the ridiculous likewise from a mausoleum to a circus "

I'm afraid our chum from Sanibel has all but worn out my patience and my pity. I still wish him well and I hope he eventually summons up the courage to seek the help he so desperately needs,  but there's absolutely no point,  trying to communicate intelligibly and reasonably intelligently with someone who stubbornly refuses even to acknowledge,  much less confront the blindingly obvious 

" But, Brian,  the sky IS  blue,  just look at it "

" No it isn't,  you unskilled uncredible booby,  you're just trolling,  if you had my skills and if you were a better detective,  you'd see the sky is obviously fluorescent purple with huge green polka dots....on Venus "

Maybe,  according to Venusian physics a 300lb grey haired diminutive woman , wearing  light coloured clothes, can somehow metamorphosise into a slim young male, with a dark,  visibly receding hairline and a dark shirt, but on Earth such a phenomenon exists , purely in the realm of the fantastical. 

To somehow argue that the background of a photograph,  half obscured by the SS agents in the foreground,  and a single frame of footage,  where a figure,  resembling Mrs Stanton in build, hair colour and clothing is visible,  a woman's face,  rather several women's faces,  used as a prank and a catalogue of blatant distractions and wishful thinking somehow negates:

1 Mrs Stanton has grey hair,  the Prayerman figure quite clearly a dark visibly receding hairline 

2 Mrs Stanton was a woman, the Prayerman figure has no female characteristics,  unlike the figure in Owen's for example 

3 Mrs Stanton was wearing light coloured clothes,  the Prayerman figure was not. In fact he was wearing a dark coloured ( outer?) shirt, and dark trousers (?)

4 Most obviously, Prayerman is quite clearly NOT a small squat visibly obese woman 

5 Mrs Stanton's own statement rules her out. Unless you want to move into the quasi metaphysical realm of quantum conspiracing ( where anything can mean anything as long as it doesn't contradict a cherished pet theory) it makes ZERO,  less than zero sense in fact for the FBI CIA MI6 NSA MI ONI DIA BBC Mossad,  the operatives of the man in the moon to fake this, all but ruling Mrs Stanton out of contention..

I'm sure I could easily come up with 5 more.

Brian,  due to your personal tragedies I decided not to post the verbatim responses I received from genuine photographic experts,  regarding your " dark hair turns light" rib tickler and a couple of other examples of your self proclaimed photographic skills..

Like your self credentialed expertise in the non existent discipline of " linguistic forensics " ( forensic linguistics on the other hand,  does exist,  but, alas it doesn't mean some joker on the internet can make up a load of shit and attempt to make it sound vaguely credible and all sciencey by inventing a make believe science) it's obvious you don't have a clue. 

You consciously avoid dealing with actual facts,  preferring to lurk in the shadowy greylands of unproven,  and indeed unproveable speculations. Where all opinions are equally valid,  and usually decided by whomever shouts loudest and longest 

I'm replying out of respect for Steely Dan.  Who had you sussed years ago. 

Your research is utterly irrelevant. Hence its ieither gnored or mocked 

If I was being particularly cruel Brian I'd say you are nothing but a parasite. Attempting to leech off the work and the reputations of others. 

Your attempts at manipulation are equally laughable. Trying to taunt people into replying,  or in Gil's ( and others) case , to act as your proxy. 

Steely,  you were spot on. I made a huge fucking mistake. It's not one I'll be likely to make again in a hurry. 

Brian,  despite everything I genuinely wish you nothing but the best.

A fez! A fez! My kingdom for a fez!!
The last words of King Richard HARVEY Plantagenet III 
Bosworth Field 1485

Is that a doppelganger in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?
Artist, poet, polymath, cancer research prodigy Judyth Vary Baker's  first words to Lee HARVEY Oswald. New Orleans April 1963

For every HARVEY there must be an equal and opposite LEE
Professor Sandy Isaac Newton Laverne Shirley Fonzie Larsen's 
Famous 1st Law of Doppelganging

" To answer your question I  ALWAYS  look for mundane reasons for seeming anomalies before considering  sinister explanations. Only a fool would do otherwise. And I'm no fool" The esteemed Professor Larsen  From  his soon to be published  self help book " The Trough of Enlightenment "( Trine Day  Foreword  Vince Palamara)

" Once you prove Davidson's woman's face then Stanton's breasts follow naturally " Brian Doyle
Posts : 2288
Join date : 2014-08-03
Age : 61

Brian's Wasteland.  For Brian Doyle  il miglior fabbro trollem  Empty Re: Brian's Wasteland. For Brian Doyle il miglior fabbro trollem

Thu 30 Mar 2023, 4:57 pm
You can enjoy his work being peer reviewed at the FOO, Alex.
The silence is deafening.
The people have spoken.
Take him at face value...a lying shit for brains who can be genuinely funny when he blows a gasket.


You ain't gonna know what you learn if you knew it....... confused


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Brian's Wasteland.  For Brian Doyle  il miglior fabbro trollem  Empty Re: Brian's Wasteland. For Brian Doyle il miglior fabbro trollem

Thu 30 Mar 2023, 8:25 pm
Talk about a triumphant return!!

I bet Pompey the Great,  Germanicus and company are tearing out their togas in envy...

" All we got was a poxy triumph,  complete with huge processions,  indescribable orgies of sensuality and gluttony,  enough gold to fill several Book Depositories, chariots full of nubile slavegirls and gladiatorial games....instead the maudlin ravings of a turpentine crazed sot "

His deeply moving,  almost metaphysical musings on the " causal " nature of the doppelganger related Depository antics of HARVEY and LEE was truly something to behold 

Perhaps his cryptic remarks about " crossing streams " takes us into the realm of Ghostbusters 

Maybe it was Slimer in the 2FLR, or perhaps the elusive 2nd Mrs Reid was,  in fact, an ectoplasmic manifestation of a mythical Sumerian  demon....

The handful of remaining fOOites have spoken,  Peer Review in the tradition of the mighty intellectual bulwark known as the Eurovision Song Contest 

Bri Bri , Dickie and the Sanibel Synagogue  Tabernacle Choir,  " 300lb of Proof ( the Doorway Lurve)"

Nil points

I'd pay good money to see our skilled credible researcher chum shambling in, ponytail flopping proudly,  gasmask at half mast,  to face " Credible Academic Peer Review "

I can just imagine him berating the eminent academicians,  assembled before him, when asked to provide some actual facts,  " I must protest,  the video footage of BWF and the thread where 100% agree with me does exist,  but the troll punks from ROKC deleted them,  as part of a sophisticated multi forum conspiracy,  controlled by an effete eyebrow twitching dilettante " 

The hallowed portals would still be echoing with his frantic yelps,  long after the nice chaps in the white coats had restrained him and dragged him towards the waiting ambulance 

" Unhand me you booby trolls,  you're all too unskilled and uncredible to appreciate such cutting edge technical analysis,  if you compare Altgens 6 to Weigmann Z257 it magically transforms Sarah Stanton into a slim male with a dark visibly receding hairline and dark clothes,  once you prove Davidson's woman's face Stanton's breasts follow naturaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllyyyyy"

Vintage stuff indeed Steely. 

Your post must have inspired him to try and outskill himself!!

For someone who likes boasting about how skilled he is, he's awfully fucking coy and bashful when it comes to actually demonstrating them!

Demanding someone enhances the footage Robin Unger has presented. Here's a novel suggestion Brian,  do it yourself

A fez! A fez! My kingdom for a fez!!
The last words of King Richard HARVEY Plantagenet III 
Bosworth Field 1485

Is that a doppelganger in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?
Artist, poet, polymath, cancer research prodigy Judyth Vary Baker's  first words to Lee HARVEY Oswald. New Orleans April 1963

For every HARVEY there must be an equal and opposite LEE
Professor Sandy Isaac Newton Laverne Shirley Fonzie Larsen's 
Famous 1st Law of Doppelganging

" To answer your question I  ALWAYS  look for mundane reasons for seeming anomalies before considering  sinister explanations. Only a fool would do otherwise. And I'm no fool" The esteemed Professor Larsen  From  his soon to be published  self help book " The Trough of Enlightenment "( Trine Day  Foreword  Vince Palamara)

" Once you prove Davidson's woman's face then Stanton's breasts follow naturally " Brian Doyle
Posts : 3381
Join date : 2013-08-27

Brian's Wasteland.  For Brian Doyle  il miglior fabbro trollem  Empty Re: Brian's Wasteland. For Brian Doyle il miglior fabbro trollem

Fri 31 Mar 2023, 10:22 pm
He seems to be quite opposed to Larry and Jeff trying to get NBC to release the films. But why? After all if he is right regarding Stanton then he should be in favor of releasing them. imagine high resolution version of the films clearly showing that PM is Stanton. He would get a chance to rub it in our faces and gloat over his victory over ROKC. What a great victory that would be for him. Instead he seems to quite frightened of the very idea of the films being released even constantly pestering Larry and Jeff to drop the idea. Quite strange isn't it?

Out With Bill Shelley In Front.
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Brian's Wasteland.  For Brian Doyle  il miglior fabbro trollem  Empty Re: Brian's Wasteland. For Brian Doyle il miglior fabbro trollem

Fri 31 Mar 2023, 10:55 pm
Absolutely Vinny. 

But,  let's be honest,  there's more chance of Shergar,  Lord Lucan,  the Lindbergh baby, Amelia fucking Earhart,  Glenn Miller's trombone,  Martin Bormann,  carrying Hitler's brain( wake up sheeple!! What do you think is glowing? ©️ Cory Hughes. org) or even a cross dressing Hungarian polyglot doppelganger,  dressed in his fake moms favourite scoop necked dress, showing up clearly in the first generation prints than a 300lb grey haired diminutive woman,  wearing a dark ( light?) scoop necked dress,  with magical sleeves and giant buttons,  carrying her monster handbag,  stuffed with munchies....

Unfortunately,  maddened by envy and a lust for revenge, our chum got duped by Stinky Mac's so called " prank" and he lacks either the maturity or the integrity to admit his mistake

Preferring instead to construct an elaborate fantasy scenario: cabals of crooked mods and troll punks conspiring to ban and censor his correct evidence,  to explain away his failure , his almost cosmic irrelevance and the utter indifference of his self proclaimed " peers" 

If time is the only real judge then silence is surely the loudest most unequivocal critic 

As for his chum, Dickie? Quite frankly,  I think he's gone and " Ahabed " himself,  far far adrift on an uncaring ocean,  hunting for a Great White Whale in a scoop necked dress of his own creation..

His tormented cries of impotence,  " Why won't you arrogant egomaniacs with inferiority complexes pay any attention to me?" drifting out, unheard across the vast desolate expanse of grey nothingness...

Not even the gulls,  the gannets,  the albatrosses ( minus the raped carcass hanging round his scrawny neck) and the UFOs, circling above, pay him any mind....

" Heeheehee Dick, revenge is a dish best served cold" Brian chortles as he serves a seafood buffet,  waiting for his results of his triumphant refOOing to go viral..

" Yes, Brian " Dickie gags,  as his face turns greyer than Mrs Stanton's ponytail,  feeling the first salmonella inspired rumblings,  " but you're supposed to cook it first "

Armstrong have mercy on us all

A fez! A fez! My kingdom for a fez!!
The last words of King Richard HARVEY Plantagenet III 
Bosworth Field 1485

Is that a doppelganger in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?
Artist, poet, polymath, cancer research prodigy Judyth Vary Baker's  first words to Lee HARVEY Oswald. New Orleans April 1963

For every HARVEY there must be an equal and opposite LEE
Professor Sandy Isaac Newton Laverne Shirley Fonzie Larsen's 
Famous 1st Law of Doppelganging

" To answer your question I  ALWAYS  look for mundane reasons for seeming anomalies before considering  sinister explanations. Only a fool would do otherwise. And I'm no fool" The esteemed Professor Larsen  From  his soon to be published  self help book " The Trough of Enlightenment "( Trine Day  Foreword  Vince Palamara)

" Once you prove Davidson's woman's face then Stanton's breasts follow naturally " Brian Doyle
Posts : 3381
Join date : 2013-08-27

Brian's Wasteland.  For Brian Doyle  il miglior fabbro trollem  Empty Re: Brian's Wasteland. For Brian Doyle il miglior fabbro trollem

Sat 01 Apr 2023, 9:13 pm
Brian's Wasteland.  For Brian Doyle  il miglior fabbro trollem  Scree247

Out With Bill Shelley In Front.
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Age : 61

Brian's Wasteland.  For Brian Doyle  il miglior fabbro trollem  Empty Re: Brian's Wasteland. For Brian Doyle il miglior fabbro trollem

Sun 02 Apr 2023, 3:33 pm
Storm warning, Alex! Gilbride has peer reviewed Doyle's Armstrong thread and told him he's wrong. Now, it can hardly be classed as entrail slurping, but telling Brian he's wrong is usually the starting point for a major rant.
Is Gilbride trolling an upper 3 percentile researcher...just to take the piss?


You ain't gonna know what you learn if you knew it....... confused


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Brian's Wasteland.  For Brian Doyle  il miglior fabbro trollem  Empty Re: Brian's Wasteland. For Brian Doyle il miglior fabbro trollem

Sun 02 Apr 2023, 8:01 pm
Wonderful stuff Steely!

A connoisseur's dream 

They're at their funniest when they're at their most serious. I bet this was exactly the sort of high minded paradigm altering scientific debate the young Dickie had in mind,  back in the halcyon days, swotting feverishly in the grand oak panelled library of his alma mater,  planning on rewriting the periodic table,  in between surreptitious sniffs of the very groovy white painty stuff he bought, en  bulk, from Mrs Nesmith, and his "occasional" visits to the lavatory,  to crack off a sly wank at the photo of Eleanor Roosevelt playing with Fala, or the Victorian era cigarette cards Stevie Gaal sent him, " Yes, Adelhild Saxe Coburg Gotha,  Marchioness of Mingestock,  show me those ankles you foxy little minx"

Spending his dotage- in between drafting the super duper whopper mega essays no one reads , or trying to flog books full of super duper whopper mega essays that no one reads- exchanging non sequitur with a  a chronically narcissistic personality challenged man child who gets his kicks with a strategically placed selfie stick and a gas mask...

A curious combination: a fire breathing fundamentalist bible thumpin'  ex Colgate model and a whiny voiced virginal proto  hippy,  drawn together by their sheer cuntishness and lack of discernable talent...

Doyle's old enough to be my father for fuck sakes ( probably my grandfather, or even great grandfather up in Brother Sanfords neck of the desert) and yet its like trying to communicate with a particularly stubborn truculent teenager. 

Ah, who the fuck am I trying to kid?( not literally John Butler so put down those ice cream truck keys and back away gently,  making no sudden movements,  especially around the trouser region) Doyle's a comedy genius. I'm being serious,  he's like Sheldon from the Big Bang theory without the brains and the social graces.

It's the complete and utter lack of self awareness,  the pratfalls and pitfalls that invariably accompany his hapless attempts at negotiating the highwire,  a delicate sliver of vintage piano wire, stretching across the yawning chasm,  separating his preposterously grandiose self delusions and the actual reality, it truly is ever descending circles of purest idiocy,  coming up with more and more outlandish shite; making up a load of nonsensical drivel,  garnished with a word salad dressing of imaginary technical terms, enough circular logic to keep a bevy of doppelganged spinning tops revolving until their fezzes finally fall off, not forgetting his " challenges ", the intellectual equivalent of Fabius standing on the field of Cannae,  surrounded by the heaps of bleached bones and rusted vexiliums,  chanting,  " No, we won, we won" , accompanied by hungry cries of the circling vultures. Inventing a load of crazy bullshit about " banning " and " censoring " . It's the comedic equivalent of the fucking Twilight Zone. 

Where the actual evidence leaves off, is where his imaginary evidence begins. Research in Doylespeak is whatever shit he comes up with. I know it's cruel,  thoughtless and lacking any sort of compassion,  laughing at him. And Gilbride. But they make it impossible NOT to laugh. The combination of excreable pomposity,  almost unbelievable lack of self awareness and emotional intelligence,  ranting,  raving or coming up with their hack theories,  seemingly oblivious to their complete irrelevance,  or the sardonic amusement their risible crap causes. 

" Hello, I'm Alex, and I'm a BDRG humour addict,  frittering away precious hours laughing at this pair of stuck up ponces or indulging my creative trolling miscreant side by dreaming up parody skits"

Brian,  for the sake of the muses of comedy we should put our differences aside and start collaborating on a sit com pilot. 

I'm thinking along the lines of Seinfeld ( please try to look beyond the ethnicity here and work with me)

A show about nothing,  right?

How about going one better? A show about nothing starring someone with nothing in his head!!

I'm seeing a Kramer character ( perfect name) , perhaps the drug addled  ne'er do well hippy son of a  " German American " " scientist ", perhaps you two were childhood friends,  meeting when your daddies attended the local Bund Oktoberfest barbecues...

Obviously we're going to have to get creative when it comes to female characters,  maybe a tie in to something Weird Sciencey? After dropping the 50 year old LSD tab he discovered , stuck inside the sleeve of a copy of After Bathing at Baxter's,  and plugging in the "magic USB stick " he bought at Beanstalk Jack's Headshop,  one of Chris Davidson's "enhancements" came to life, looking like something out of the very blackest period of the Ren and Stimpy creator's " black period "

Or a special effect from the short lived Rhodesian version of Dr Who,  " Doktor Juew "

A sentient ball of pixelated fuzz ( and NO , John Butler,  for the love of Armstrong,  I'm not talking about the time you tried to send Hustler magazine the results of your " work " proving HARVEY's pubic hair had been faked)

Dickie could be some wise old Obi Wan figure,  a turps frazzled derelict in a filthy dressing gown,  grinning toothlessly at his past dreams,  but yet retaining some sort of homespun wisdom. 

The wisest fool in Sanibel,  no, maybe more like the Fisher King,  ive got it!! Conspirify the Karate Kid!

The Kredible Kid!! Dickie is the sensi ( 8th dan ( Leno) in erotic origami) of Sanibel's leading conspiracy themed dojo. Major story arc of Series 1 could be Dickie's intensive training ( and the subsequent father son relationship,  play up the drama/ suppressed tension due to our chums raging Oedipus related issues) preparing Brian for his big make or break presentation,  " 300lbs of credible evidence " at the upcoming JFK research conference. Our Brian has been handed the " graveyard slot" following Larry Rivera's infamous Mr Potato Head in Dealey Plaza presentation...idea for a " special episode " Mr Potato Head meets Mrs Potato Head,  complete with wig,  glasses,  scoop necked dress,  giant handbag,  oversized buttons,  even with her hand still glowing from the will call counter encounter with Radioactive Man, and they fall in love)

We can bookend each episode with a " Brian's monologue " , just Brian, in the basement,  by the lonesome light of a lava lamp, sitting in front of his computer monitor...

" Comin" Back to Me" tootling softly in the background,  maybe Pamela Brown can Mzgic Flute-ify it for us, unless she's otherwise engaged,  dealing with vortex related issues , or too busy deciding whether Bob Dylan really wrote Mrs Brown You've Got a Lovely Daughter...

" Dear Diary,  IT'S JUST NOT FAIR "

Whaddya think Steely?  Kinda like the Wonder Years in reverse,  a sit com cum government health warning...

It needs a little work,  although James Gordon pretty much writes his own role, by day an ace manicurist and the hottest eyebrow plucker this side of Pluckley on the Wold,  by night a cosplay demon, Ming  the Merciless/ Cruella DeWilly,  with dreams of " Full JFK debate forum spectrum dominance "

We'd have to wait until we decided our target demographic/ age group/ timeslot,  before deciding which way to proceed,  viz any prospective Kathy Beckett type character 

A Miss Moneypenny type or something a tad more ribald,  crude even,  something along the lines of the " fairy princess " character ill fated Utah pantomimist,  Fingal " Fingers" Larsen came up with,  in his notorious attempt to"  eroticify" James and the Giant Peach :

James Bond and the Giant Peachy Arse, the character,  played by budding Utah actress ( thought to be dangerously decrepit at the ripe old age of 4 years 45 days) Sanfordina Larsen, Miss Nae Munny Nae Cunny ( described,  in Fingal's own stage notes, as a red headed strumpet fae Sauchie wae a minge hingin ' enough tae drive a double decker bus up) of course became notorious,  and something of a cause celebre,   Ian Brady,  Fred and Rose West,  JAMES FETZER PhD,  Albert di Salvo,  Albert Square,  Albert Doyle ( author of Albert Doyle's study of Dachau "), Larry Grayson,  Bob Carolgees,  Albert Tatlock,  Jim Davidson,  Kurt Waldheim,  Denis Thatcher and Jordan,  all signed the petition " Free Munny's Cunny "

Larrytrotter can have a cameo role, HAL 900 with serious learning difficulties,  a magical talking Commodore 64, Dickie found on one of regular " antique hunting trips" to the local garbage dump...

As for Tommy Graves? He might well be a cunt too far,  we're already dangerously close to the Heil Honey,  I'm Home cast , or Can Jim Fix It? Jimmy Savile in discussion with Fred Phelps,  in the overall unlikeability stakes ( running at an eye watering 23.56 MEGAsanibels on  ROKC s trusty Cuntometer hasn't been anywhere near this high since Dickie flounced off in high dudgeon,  having stuck his sword in the sand,  or when Stevie Gaal ate ALL the Sanibel Gold brownies our Brian baked to celebrate the publication of Stan's book, Brian's still got saddle sore from all the " bike riding" he did after he got banned from Amazon..)

Maybe Tommy could be a semi regular co star ( and no , John Butler before you even think it, I'm not talking " semi regular " in the bowel related sense, although I don't think a diet of raw squirrel,  raccoons and household cleaning products are really going to help ease your chronic constipation)

Perhaps as the half tame( but definitely NOT house trained) Sasquatch,  who squats in the ruins of the old Doyle family, in second thoughts,  we don't want to be TOO fucking dark, it's meant to be a fucking sit com,  not the latest installment of the Saw franchise...

Saw Sanibel NO ONE can hear you scream 

Except for the semi domesticated Sasquatch,  living in the abandoned mineshafts beneath the old Doyle family motel...

Now,  THERE'S an idea for a Netflix series!!!

The Sanibel Saga...tracing the history of the Doyle Motel,  from its days as a Native American burial ground,  a sanatorium for the criminally over skilled,  a retirement home for JFK assassination research forum moderators,  and finally to its troubled history as the Doyle family motel,  

From the spate of unsolved abductions, its stint as a health farm, right up to the infamous Sanibel Axe Murders...

Armstrong have mercy on us all....especially the poor god fearing residents of Lee County

A fez! A fez! My kingdom for a fez!!
The last words of King Richard HARVEY Plantagenet III 
Bosworth Field 1485

Is that a doppelganger in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?
Artist, poet, polymath, cancer research prodigy Judyth Vary Baker's  first words to Lee HARVEY Oswald. New Orleans April 1963

For every HARVEY there must be an equal and opposite LEE
Professor Sandy Isaac Newton Laverne Shirley Fonzie Larsen's 
Famous 1st Law of Doppelganging

" To answer your question I  ALWAYS  look for mundane reasons for seeming anomalies before considering  sinister explanations. Only a fool would do otherwise. And I'm no fool" The esteemed Professor Larsen  From  his soon to be published  self help book " The Trough of Enlightenment "( Trine Day  Foreword  Vince Palamara)

" Once you prove Davidson's woman's face then Stanton's breasts follow naturally " Brian Doyle
Posts : 3381
Join date : 2013-08-27

Brian's Wasteland.  For Brian Doyle  il miglior fabbro trollem  Empty Re: Brian's Wasteland. For Brian Doyle il miglior fabbro trollem

Mon 03 Apr 2023, 12:08 pm
Gilbride and Doyle. Two guys united in their mutual hatred for ROKC and Prayer Man. Now they have an echo chamber in DPF.

Out With Bill Shelley In Front.
Posts : 1333
Join date : 2019-04-10

Brian's Wasteland.  For Brian Doyle  il miglior fabbro trollem  Empty Re: Brian's Wasteland. For Brian Doyle il miglior fabbro trollem

Mon 03 Apr 2023, 9:46 pm
I agree Vinny.

Albeit Doyle was initially tolerated because he was a stout defender of the faith. 

Brian Doyle has been welcomed back : 1 As a desperate attempt to revive a terminally moribund forum ( remember Herr Burnham tried the same risible technique) Fuck all the high falutin' blather about  " Deep Political Ethos " This is the equivalent of a bankrupt ( in both the moral and the financial  sense) broadsheet newspaper going tabloid. Going for the lowest common denominator car crash clicks 

2 Because,  despite their utter irrelevance and their past history of shameful behaviour and banning ( in this particular case it was well worth the risk. As there's no one left for them to insult. It's the Trejo/ Ward folie a deux. A pair of deluded hacks indulging their respective fantasies) both Dick and Brian are devout pro Armstrong and fanatically anti ROKC.

I'm certain a considerable minority of the self appointed Conspiratocracy  - plus various enablers,  acolytes and wannabes- remain frustrated closeted doppelgangerists. Despite their unwavering belief,  due to the swingeing  , utterly devastating debunking,  of ALL the main pillars of Orthodox Doppelgangerism,  spearheaded ( for the most part) by ROKCers,  they feel like they have to,  in public at least,  maintain a veneer of tepid agnosticism,  " You don't have to accept the central thesis to appreciate Armstrong's research " etc, fearing they will be dismissed,  and marginalised as a fucking  crank otherwise 

A lot of high ranking conspirocrats have never been able to forgive ROKC,  for the heinous crime of not playing the game. 

Not tamely mouthing the stale,  but sickly sweet platitudes of Orthodox Conspiracism 

For having the temerity to question venerable shibboleths. 

Not content  to march,  tamely,  in lockstep,  while reciting the Holy Catechism by rote- " We KNOW the truth "

" Those who don't believe as we believe and think as we think are not only morally reprehensible and deserving of punishment,  but are cognitively impaired and/ or complicit in the crime "

Felix Dzerzinsky,  Nikolai Yezhov,  Lavrentii Pavlovich Beria and Heinrich Luitpold Himmler filtered through the feeble , utterly mediocre intellect of a paper tiger. A warrior who speaks of war as easily as one who has never glimpsed a river speaks of the oceans and the seas

The ramifications behind this dogma,  and how glibly it was repeated,  by the uncomprehending " deeple " , in between sneering at the sheeple,  still chills my blood. 

Long ago they assumed the mantle of the monsters they claimed to fight- intolerance,  self righteousness and a total unwillingness to tolerate dissent- and yet in their blindness they sought to celebrate the change. 

Calling it progress 

ROKC took neither the sphinxes themselves,  nor the secrets they claimed as their own,  at face value. 

We demanded to see the small print. 

And, out of a mixture of impotence,  envy and lust for revenge,  those sage practitioners of the Deep Political Arts are content to put up with the likes of Doyle and Gilbride. 

Linguistic Forensics?

Peter Dale Scott must be so fucking proud

A fez! A fez! My kingdom for a fez!!
The last words of King Richard HARVEY Plantagenet III 
Bosworth Field 1485

Is that a doppelganger in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?
Artist, poet, polymath, cancer research prodigy Judyth Vary Baker's  first words to Lee HARVEY Oswald. New Orleans April 1963

For every HARVEY there must be an equal and opposite LEE
Professor Sandy Isaac Newton Laverne Shirley Fonzie Larsen's 
Famous 1st Law of Doppelganging

" To answer your question I  ALWAYS  look for mundane reasons for seeming anomalies before considering  sinister explanations. Only a fool would do otherwise. And I'm no fool" The esteemed Professor Larsen  From  his soon to be published  self help book " The Trough of Enlightenment "( Trine Day  Foreword  Vince Palamara)

" Once you prove Davidson's woman's face then Stanton's breasts follow naturally " Brian Doyle
Posts : 2288
Join date : 2014-08-03
Age : 61

Brian's Wasteland.  For Brian Doyle  il miglior fabbro trollem  Empty Re: Brian's Wasteland. For Brian Doyle il miglior fabbro trollem

Tue 04 Apr 2023, 5:55 am
Hey Brian, neither myself, Vinny or Alex need to debate your imagination. Not now Gilbride has decided you are a shit poster.


You ain't gonna know what you learn if you knew it....... confused


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