REOPENKENNEDYCASE.NET: Discussion and research on Cold War history with an emphasis on assassinations
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tippit frazier tsbd Theory 9 zapruder 2 paine Humor fritz +Lankford hosty Lankford doyle Weigman 4 Deputy Mason prayer 1 3a Darnell Witness Decker 3 Hoover
Jump to:Select a forum||--ASSASSINATIONS| |--JFK| |--Debunked!| |--Usenet Debates| |--Other Assassinations| |--JFK ASSASSINATION CHRONOLOGIES| |--1939 - 1952| |--1953 - 1959| |--1960 - Aug 1963| |--Sept 1963 - 24 Nov 1963| |--Jack Ruby| |--SPY Vs SPY| |--Government, Military and Private Spy Networks| |--CULTURE |--Writings, Rantings, Lyrics, Limericks, Poetry & Prose