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    2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter Empty Re: 2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter

    Sun 19 Dec 2021, 10:39 am
    So Brian,
    Just wanted to check that the following is quoted accurately - you know before anyone joins you in any sort of debate.

    You wrote in the "debate" with Greg Parker on Google ALT Conspiracy JFK's website the following,

    "You ROKC nuts are rather unintelligent assholes because only demented fools and idiots would try to offer your weak bullshit while ignoring the fact that for your scenario to be true would require that all this happened 18 minutes later...You guys are not only sick pups but you're pretty fucking stupid too because you think your typical Parker-type bullshit"

     "You see Parker you are a roaring asshole and coward who has mentally retarded himself by banning all your opposition on your troll farm and therefore atrophying yourself to credible argument."

    "You see Parker lets you assholes argue dishonestly on his troll forum but unfortunately for you idiots you can't get away with that out here in the real non-troll research world.."

    "You ROKC assholes are like morons who debate by not offering enough money to cover the bill...You're retards because you don't realize your offering there doesn't cover the bill...You're like an idiot who tries to pay a $100 check with 20 bucks."

    I could go on - there's heaps more of these little gems - but my point is made I'm guessing. And you want to debate here with the members? Is that right? good luck with that.

    I'm just a patsy!

    2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter Byp_211

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    2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter Empty Re: 2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter

    Sun 19 Dec 2021, 11:00 am
    Brian, this is not Stinky's Pissarium. 

    Requesting access to the whole site has nothing to do with deciding rules of a debate. And apart from that, it is not happening. Nor am I going to be sucked into an argument based on your grievances over anything. If you attempt it again, your membership will be terminated.

    You are here because you have long insisted you want to debate certain matters. I am giving you that opportunity, despite your longstanding obnoxious behavior. But real debates have rules and structure. They are not mudslinging contests. 

    Here are some guidelines regarding online debates. If you are truly interested, pick your topic, decide on any further rules you would like, gather your evidence and let me know you are ready. I will give you three days to prepare. If you have not followed these instructions by then, I will assume you are no longer interested in a REAL debate, and your membership will be terminated.

    Australians don't mind criminals: It's successful bullshit artists we despise. 
                  Lachie Hulme            
    The Cold War ran on bullshit.

    "So what’s an independent-minded populist like me to do? I’ve had to grovel in promoting myself on social media, even begging for Amazon reviews and Goodreads ratings, to no avail." 
    Don Jeffries

    "I've been aware of Greg Parker's work for years, and strongly recommend it." Peter Dale Scott
    Posts : 8349
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    2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter Empty Re: 2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter

    Sun 19 Dec 2021, 11:06 am
    Brian Doyle wrote:Parker said I could make the rules...

    OK, I will do that...

    No switching the subject to try to get the points I made unanswered...

    You must answer honestly to what was posted and stay on-topic...

    If we were to go your route I would mention the Prayer Man people posting images of my house and address...Going to my father's obituary to dox personal information about my brother's and sister's...LeDoux calling my house and wanting to speak with my mother...And a photoshop of me and me mums in a psychiatric rubber room...And making false spamming complaints against me on Amazon and the Education Forum and getting me banned there...That's really dirty pool...

    Fair Dinkum Mate...

    Just answer the points...
    Last warning. Your personal grievances are not relevent and I am not going to be drawn into your warped reality. Karma is a bitch.

    And before you can tell anyone to stay on topic, you need to actually pick a topic. I would advise you to look at the link I supplied and go away and think about this some more. 

    I have given you three days. Use them to pick a specific subject and gather your evidence.

    Australians don't mind criminals: It's successful bullshit artists we despise. 
                  Lachie Hulme            
    The Cold War ran on bullshit.

    "So what’s an independent-minded populist like me to do? I’ve had to grovel in promoting myself on social media, even begging for Amazon reviews and Goodreads ratings, to no avail." 
    Don Jeffries

    "I've been aware of Greg Parker's work for years, and strongly recommend it." Peter Dale Scott

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    2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter Empty Re: 2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter

    Sun 19 Dec 2021, 11:42 am
    Brian Doyle wrote:Greg:

    Greg - my points here are clear and were politely put...

    I would like Kamp to answer for the clearly-seen large water fountain in the Vestibule...A photo of it is on my Facebook Prayer Woman page...It proves Carolyn Arnold was telling the truth...This is not "mud-slinging" and deserves an answer...

    You said I could make the debate rules right up front...

    I will take you at your word so I am therefore taking up your offer and asking for casual debate...

    Please answer my politely and perfectly reasonably-put points about Lumpkin...

    My post is designed to show that once Lumpkin is dismissed, and I think he has been, that the police man seen with Truly automatically becomes Baker...

    I must also add that it is somewhat unfair that the moderator and debater are one in the same person and also the person who threatens termination...It would probably be more fair to have a neutral peer moderator...I'm making the rules like you said - right?...
    Brian, no one - including me - is interested in debating you. Not because you are "the man". It is because you have issues which you refuse to recognise, let alone do anything about.

    I made the offer to give you an opportunity for a proper debate because you insisted you wanted proper academic standards. I volunteered myself for this torture, no one else. And it is torture Brian. Again - not because you are "the man", but because of your issues.  I will not make those issues the focus here. But nor will I allow you to make your personal baggage the issue.

    Given the opportunity to have an academic debate, you are backing away from those standards and insisting on a "casual" debate. You can go back to alt.conspiracy.jfk for a casual debate. A "casual" debate is not really a debate. It is just another internet argument. And let's face it - that is what you really want. Prove me wrong.

    This is done properly, or it is not done at all, and you are already wearing my patience thin.

    Do NOT reply until you have your shit together, you have a topic, and you have your supporting evidence. 

    Three days, Brian. Use them to prepare. If you are not ready, your membership is revoked. After the debate, if it goes ahead, your mmbership is revoked.

    Australians don't mind criminals: It's successful bullshit artists we despise. 
                  Lachie Hulme            
    The Cold War ran on bullshit.

    "So what’s an independent-minded populist like me to do? I’ve had to grovel in promoting myself on social media, even begging for Amazon reviews and Goodreads ratings, to no avail." 
    Don Jeffries

    "I've been aware of Greg Parker's work for years, and strongly recommend it." Peter Dale Scott
    Posts : 2288
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    Age : 61

    2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter Empty Re: 2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter

    Mon 20 Dec 2021, 9:48 am
    Brian Doyle wrote:Parker said I could make the rules...

    OK, I will do that...

    No switching the subject to try to get the points I made unanswered...

    You must answer honestly to what was posted and stay on-topic...

    If we were to go your route I would mention the Prayer Man people posting images of my house and address...Going to my father's obituary to dox personal information about my brother's and sister's...LeDoux calling my house and wanting to speak with my mother...And a photoshop of me and me mums in a psychiatric rubber room...And making false spamming complaints against me on Amazon and the Education Forum and getting me banned there...That's really dirty pool...

    Fair Dinkum Mate...

    Just answer the points...

    First things first...when you joined the FOO your mother was your wife! You called yourself Albert. A team researchers discovered you ruse. And your problems operating selfie-sticks.
    Amazon banned you for trolling under at least 4 different names.
    Stinky banned you because he found you pungent.
    The EF banned you because even though you were only suspended and could log back in (K Becket) you took off on a hate offensive as a fucking moron would.
    As for here...all posts will be deleted until you provide the actual post where you claim Greg "practically agreed PM is Stanton" which YOU claim is on YOUR OWN FB PAGE.
    Go find it.


    You ain't gonna know what you learn if you knew it....... confused


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    2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter Empty Re: 2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter

    Mon 20 Dec 2021, 12:21 pm
    Brian Doyle wrote:
    steely_dan wrote:

    First things first...when you joined the FOO your mother was your wife! You called yourself Albert. A team researchers discovered you ruse. And your problems operating selfie-sticks.

    *** I used an alias when I first joined Deep Politics because I was doing serious Jimi Hendrix research where I could not expose my interest and participation in conspiracy research in public lest people expose it falsely like you are doing and use it against me...There are people who will take someone using an alias and try to put the worst spin on it in order to deny your research...All the more reason why people sometimes use aliases...The only reason my alias was exposed was because the Prayer Man people were trying to get me somehow...They had no care if they harmed my serious Hendrix research...I have seen Hendrix posters find and cite ROKC's slander against me and quote it to try to make me look like a nut...It has been used to slander my reputation and has caused me to be banned from Hendrix websites...I am the world's top Hendrix researcher in his death and have references...My research has suffered because of Prayer Man supporters who were just looking to hurt me with childish slander...After I was outed for using an alias I sent a PM to ever-absent Dawn Meredith and explained the reason...She said OK and said she would keep it secret...Again, that alias has nothing to do with my Prayer Man evidence...By the way "Steely Dan" is an alias isn't it?...

    Amazon banned you for trolling under at least 4 different names.

    ***   That's absolutely false...Amazon banned me after a gullible moderator took several ROKC members seriously and honored their complaint that I was signing-on under different names to spam Stan Dane's book...I used an alias on Amazon for the same reason I did on DPF...I did not want any potential interviewees seeing my intense interest in conspiracy evidence and shying away from any needed interviews...Those Prayer Man people made false complaints against me right at the time I was posting Davidson's enhancement that showed Stanton's face on Prayer Man...I elevated the issue to an Amazon supervisor and explained the whole thing...There was no Amazon rule against having multiple handles and many people did...The false complainers took advantage of a gullible moderator and convinced them I was doing it for book spamming purposes...My appeal was denied not because they found I was guilty of multi-handles or spamming...I explained to that supervisor that there was no rule against multi handles and many used them...My multi handles were just my choosing different aliases and was perfectly innocent...Amazon denied my appeal saying I was "Too Spiteful" - which is a catch-all they use when they don't want to admit they screwed someone...Now Amazon has removed all review discussion...

    Stinky banned you because he found you pungent.

    ***So now you are backing MacRae?...Duncan banned me because my correct evidence made his troll site look bad...I was the only one posting seriously so I didn't fit in...When he banned me MacRae posted that I could buy my way back on for $20...Duncan is not a well person...He presents himself as moderating strictly but then uses that false pretense to take the trolls' side against your good evidence...He literally banned me because he said that saying Davidson said it was a woman instead of saying Davidson said "It looked like a woman" was a banning offense...Personally I think he is mentally ill...Duncan's forum is for trolling discussion of JFK assassination evidence instead of straight discussing it...

    The EF banned you because even though you were only suspended and could log back in (K  Becket) you took off on a hate offensive as a fucking moron would.

    ***  That's not at all true...The PM record of Gordon's communications with me showed Gordon suspended me because he said I was refusing to follow the rules...I asked him in PM's to please show me what rules and which material violated them...Gordon replied that he did not have to and if I asked again he would ban me...It was quite obvious that I had violated no rules and Gordon could not cite any...He was just getting rid of someone who was in the process of refuting his site's favorite Prayer Man theory...Gordon lied and said he would let me back on in two weeks...After those two weeks he never did...Steely is not telling the truth here...I was banned and I could not post...About a year later I posted this on Debra Conway's page and Kathy Beckett saw it and responded "Well if you think you are better than us I'll remove you all together" and banned me...Miss Beckett is a consumate moron who should not be let anywhere near research moderation...She was dumb enough to follow it through with "Sometimes it is not what you post but the way you post it"...(In other words all that stuff they posted about rules was not meant seriously and Miss Beckett really moderates by feelings)..."Hate Offensive" - no such thing and you could not show that unless you call thoroughly refuting Stancak "hate"...

    As for here...all posts will be deleted until you provide the actual post where you claim Greg "practically agreed PM is Stanton" which YOU claim is on YOUR OWN FB PAGE.
    Go find it.

    *** Ask Greg at the sake of his honor if he posted that Bart Kamp was a junk yard dog ROKC kept tied up and tolerated during that concession post...Mr Parker then followed-through saying he would help me fix up my own research site...Ask him if that is true or not...You guys have deleted a lot of your posts over there...I'll post that when you follow the same standard and post any evidence for what you slander here...You guys seem awfully interested in banning...Could it be the totally unanswered material I posted that not one member made any attempt to honestly answer?...My original post and its claims are being ignored here...Kamp was allowed to ignore a photo of Carolyn Arnold's water fountain and its implications...I've never lost a fair playing field Prayer Man debate where the opposition couldn't use banning...We both know that the only reason you are threatening to delete all posts is because you don't want that evidence you couldn't answer in public seen on your site...Credible people prove themselves not through banning and deletion but through good scholarship and arguments...I have never needed to delete anyone's good research in order to make my case...

    So whether it's Jimi or Jfk you are a bullshitting dickhead who will use a false name. Thanks.
    Stinky admitted his role and Davidson called you a "piece of shit".
    Can you name a single Amazon mod?..even if it's just to insult them.
    As for the hate offensive...check your own FB page you fucking clown.
    You still haven't found the imaginary post have you? you lying twat.


    You ain't gonna know what you learn if you knew it....... confused


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    2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter Empty Re: 2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter

    Mon 20 Dec 2021, 1:04 pm
    Tick tock dickhead....where is the Parker post?


    You ain't gonna know what you learn if you knew it....... confused


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    2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter Empty Re: 2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter

    Tue 21 Dec 2021, 12:46 am
    You aren't the slightest bit interested in " debate" or " research"( I've reached the conclusion that you haven't the foggiest idea how to handle evidence, or construct a rational argument) your only concern is prolonging this lurid psychodrama you've created for yourself. Attempting to drag others down into the fetid slime of the alternate dimension you've created for yourself.

    Look at your opening " argument"..assumption piled on top of assumption.. Brian , not only haven't you come anywhere near proving the existence of HARVEY.. you're completely incapable of doing so. You lack the basic skillset. 

    You know absolutely nothing about the linguistic aspects, the contemporary socio political climate in the Soviet Union ( hell the A team researcher didn't even know when the Soviet Union was created...something I'd expect any self respecting 8 year old budding history scholar to know) You know nothing about school record keeping for example. Time and time again your gullibility and lack of rudimentary knowledge leaves you open to the predations of snake oil peddlers and assorted " witnesses"

    Likewise you know absolutely nothing about the realities of covert operations. Your understanding fatally compromised not only by your emotional and intellectual shortcomings but by your over exposure, and indeed reliance upon the worst excesses of tin foil hattery.

    If you knew anything about how the contemporary CIA actually operated, how it recruited and functioned, not to mention the over strict compartmentalization , you'd umderstand why, outside the few remaining militant true believers, the notion of Bill Shelley CIA agent is treated with utter derision.

    I'm sorry Brian, I really am. Until you awaken from this delusional trance, until you start growing up and behaving like a mature adult you're ......I'm only wasting my time.. I've come to the conclusion you fucking love wallowing around in the reams of shite you disgorge..Brian, this fantasy you've constructed for yourself is a poor substitute for reality. 

    Your " research" is basically relying on highly dubious " witnesses"( witnesses you believe unconditionally since you seem to lack even the most modest critical thinking skills) and your own highly idiosyncratic opinions.

    You don't even know what metadata is!

    With all due respect to Chris all he did was apply a photoshop program to " enhance" a frame from a commercially available DVD... that you would ever dare to call that scientific says more about your lack of knowledge ( and scruples) than I ever could..

    Of course you won't take Greg up on his offer.." casual" debate indeed...y you came here seeking martyrdom... you don't even know how to handle evidence..hell you can't even recognise what evidence is...

    You pile assumption on top of assumption , assumptions without any real evidentiary grounds, cycle through your usual repertoire of hollow teenage braggadocio and insults ...
    This latest outbreak of skill is absolutely symptomatic of how you approach " research"

    Reducing it, or at least trying to, sheer absurdity. Arguing vociferously about some blurry old footage...hoping to goad someone into joining you , rolling around in the metaphorical gutter..

    Likewise your claims about HARVEY and LEE...are you seriously trying to argue there were two near identical but non related doppelgangers wandering around inside the Depository? Yet again your gullibility and predisposition to believe the most outlandish crap has been exposed( no John Butler not like that..this month's reach around atop the Grassy Knoll has been cancelled due to COVID regulations..)

    It's not just a matter of being unable to prove H and L, you lack the ability and the basic skillset even to understand why its utter nonsense...

    I really hope you do take up Greg:s incredibly magnanimous offer. Being forced out of your adolescent comfort zone, with all the accompanying shrill hystronics would be a positive experience. 

    Blaming others for your mistakes will not only ensure that ultimately there will be no one left to all but guarantees there'll be no one at all... nothing and no one  but a lonely unfulfilled oblivion of make believe..

    Grow up for fuck sake and stop embarrassing yourself.

    A fez! A fez! My kingdom for a fez!!
    The last words of King Richard HARVEY Plantagenet III 
    Bosworth Field 1485

    Is that a doppelganger in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?
    Artist, poet, polymath, cancer research prodigy Judyth Vary Baker's  first words to Lee HARVEY Oswald. New Orleans April 1963

    For every HARVEY there must be an equal and opposite LEE
    Professor Sandy Isaac Newton Laverne Shirley Fonzie Larsen's 
    Famous 1st Law of Doppelganging

    " To answer your question I  ALWAYS  look for mundane reasons for seeming anomalies before considering  sinister explanations. Only a fool would do otherwise. And I'm no fool" The esteemed Professor Larsen  From  his soon to be published  self help book " The Trough of Enlightenment "( Trine Day  Foreword  Vince Palamara)

    " Once you prove Davidson's woman's face then Stanton's breasts follow naturally " Brian Doyle

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    2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter Empty Re: 2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter

    Tue 21 Dec 2021, 5:36 am
    " Exaggerate the contrasts between light and dark"? Except for Mrs Stanton's grey hair that was magically left dark. Right? 

    What you are describing is not metadata! 

    Chris enhanced a frame from a DVD . Full stop. There's absolutely nothing scientific about that.

    If you think some credible photo analyst will scientifically replicate his results go ahead and find one.

    You've only had five years.

    Your response is a perfect illustration of your wrong headed notions of debate and research.

    No matter how loud and how often you shout, your opinions are not proof. 

    You don't get to be the arbitrator of credibility and good science. You've based your whole shoddy edifice on a theory you don't even understand. You want there to be a HARVEY and LEE therefore there is a HARVEY and LEE... that's pretty much the level of sophistication we're dealing with..

    You need to do some studying and a whole  lot of growing up. 

    Metadata! Chubby cheeks! Dealing with you is getting to be like dealing with don't understand why you are wrong..

    You aren't the slightest bit interested in debate.. already you're scurrying back over to acjfk... you're wasting your fucking life on a load of fantastical nonsense. 

    I suggest you take up Greg's incredibly generous offer. Choose a topic, and then present your evidence. Not your opinions..not he/she said, not fantasy photo analysts swooping down Deus ex Machina, not vanishing threads ( incidentally you are aware other people have actually listened to your so called interview with Wanda ?) Real tangible falsifiable evidence. Not what you think you see...

    Brian I genuinely tried to talk you out of your trance. But it's clear to me now, you don't want help, for better or worse you're quite happy living in the little fantasy world you've built for yourself. I don't want to be harsh but you really don't have a clue. What Chris Davidson may or may not think he sees is not evidence. 

    I'm just enabling your delusions by replying. For your own sake go away and do some serious study. Learn about the subjects. Reach your own conclusions. Or else find a new hobby.

    A fez! A fez! My kingdom for a fez!!
    The last words of King Richard HARVEY Plantagenet III 
    Bosworth Field 1485

    Is that a doppelganger in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?
    Artist, poet, polymath, cancer research prodigy Judyth Vary Baker's  first words to Lee HARVEY Oswald. New Orleans April 1963

    For every HARVEY there must be an equal and opposite LEE
    Professor Sandy Isaac Newton Laverne Shirley Fonzie Larsen's 
    Famous 1st Law of Doppelganging

    " To answer your question I  ALWAYS  look for mundane reasons for seeming anomalies before considering  sinister explanations. Only a fool would do otherwise. And I'm no fool" The esteemed Professor Larsen  From  his soon to be published  self help book " The Trough of Enlightenment "( Trine Day  Foreword  Vince Palamara)

    " Once you prove Davidson's woman's face then Stanton's breasts follow naturally " Brian Doyle

    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

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    Age : 61

    2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter Empty Re: 2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter

    Tue 21 Dec 2021, 9:15 am
    Lying cunt. In your Stanton relatives interview you pushed the hair dye claim and were clearly told no.
    Time for Greg to light the blue touch paper...


    You ain't gonna know what you learn if you knew it....... confused


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    2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter Empty Re: 2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter

    Tue 21 Dec 2021, 10:44 am

    I did indeed offer to make you your own website. And I would have, had you accepted the offer.  But one of your charms is your absolute lack of grace. 

    I do not recall your other claims. I do know that in the past, you have taken things out of context or simply misquoted in order to try and "win" an argument. 

    Bart for example, is no ROKC junk yard dog. 

    Unforunately though, he was once bitten by an Australian despite being warned not to venture into Earl's Court after dark. Now, every full moon, he puts on his Vegemite warpaint and "turns". No Pommy Bastard is safe at such times from his sledging which does not let up until the crack of Dawn.

    And Dawn has the biggest Crack in England. 

    You have 24 hours to decide your own fate. 

    Some suggestions...

    You can reaffirm that you DO want to debate the 2nd floor lunchroom. I am not barring that as an option, but I did think it was a bad choice for you since you have already lost that one.

    Your idea to debate Bart over the location of a water fountain is out - as already advised. You may as well debate what the floor was made of.

    But there are other options.

    Armstrong's theory or any major plank of that theory.

    Should the FBI be trutsed?

    Should eyewitesses be trusted?

    The purpose of the trip to the Soviet Union.

    Did Oswald really go to Mexico City?

    Just how over-rated was Hendrix? 

    No shortage of possible subjects. 

    If a debate goes ahead, no one but you and I can post in it, unless we have a moderator.  I think it would attract some interest. Look at the last debate Over 10,000 views. So much for your claim no one is interested in the debate forum. And that is what you claim you want, isnt it? Attention? How good would it be to kick my butt (academically speaking) in front of 10, 000 sets of eyes? 

    Man up, Brian, with your evidence, and let's do it. Otherwise you get your reserve wish of being kicked out without a debate or anything else. But don't think for a second if that happes, that anyone is going to buy your "poor me"/martyrdom schtick, except the few absolute dropkicks who already support you.

    Australians don't mind criminals: It's successful bullshit artists we despise. 
                  Lachie Hulme            
    The Cold War ran on bullshit.

    "So what’s an independent-minded populist like me to do? I’ve had to grovel in promoting myself on social media, even begging for Amazon reviews and Goodreads ratings, to no avail." 
    Don Jeffries

    "I've been aware of Greg Parker's work for years, and strongly recommend it." Peter Dale Scott

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    Age : 61

    2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter Empty Re: 2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter

    Tue 21 Dec 2021, 10:53 am
    I don't answer your lies.
    I point them out.


    You ain't gonna know what you learn if you knew it....... confused


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    2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter Empty Re: 2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter

    Tue 21 Dec 2021, 10:57 am
    Brian Doyle wrote:
    steely_dan wrote:Lying cunt.  In your Stanton relatives interview you pushed the hair dye claim and were clearly told no.
    Time for Greg to light the blue touch paper...

    That doesn't eliminate the rest of the evidence that you ignored...If you are quoting Sarah's family members remember to quote Wanda saying "That is Sarah...She's the biggest one out there"...

    In Darnell Prayer Man has an obese forearm, hand, and hips, as well as Stanton's 5 foot 4 height...There is no reflection of Prayer Man in the glass in Darnell...Greg is wrong on that...

    You haven't answered the fact none of you can show Stanton to Frazier's left in Altgens/Wiegman...

    Are you reserving the right to ignore and then call for banning before you have to answer for it?...It is pretty clear you couldn't answer the rest of my evidence...

    Credible research analysis dictates that once you know it is Stanton, which we do from my other evidence you ignored, that the reason the light hair isn't seen is because of Darnell's film and equipment...

    Kamp is being allowed to ignore film evidence of a large double water fountain console in the Vestibule...
    24 hours Brian. 

    This is not the "debate" you are having, unless you request it, And it will be with me.

    Australians don't mind criminals: It's successful bullshit artists we despise. 
                  Lachie Hulme            
    The Cold War ran on bullshit.

    "So what’s an independent-minded populist like me to do? I’ve had to grovel in promoting myself on social media, even begging for Amazon reviews and Goodreads ratings, to no avail." 
    Don Jeffries

    "I've been aware of Greg Parker's work for years, and strongly recommend it." Peter Dale Scott
    Posts : 2288
    Join date : 2014-08-03
    Age : 61

    2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter Empty Re: 2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter

    Tue 21 Dec 2021, 11:49 am
    A dickhead arguing bullshit. And lying. As expected., Fuck him off.


    You ain't gonna know what you learn if you knew it....... confused


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    Posts : 2288
    Join date : 2014-08-03
    Age : 61

    2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter Empty Re: 2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter

    Tue 21 Dec 2021, 1:18 pm
    Lying cunt.


    You ain't gonna know what you learn if you knew it....... confused


    Posts : 8349
    Join date : 2009-08-21
    Age : 66
    Location : Orange, NSW, Australia

    2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter Empty Re: 2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter

    Tue 21 Dec 2021, 3:16 pm
    Got a suggstion for a neutral moderator, Brian? I'm all ears and if that person is truly unbiased and agreeable to doing it, that is fine with me.

    20 hours left for your final answer. So far, what I see is you desparately trying to worm out of the debate, while you plant the seeds for your excuse at the same time. 

    It is like a boxer saying before a fight, "Ima gone knock dat guy out in tree rounds. Yesiree. Count 'em. Uno, der, tree. But if I lose, trust me, it was because he done cheated, I am carrying an injury, the judgs were all biased and 95% of the crowd is against me for reasons I don' understand. I am da champ. No one beat me. It is all rigged agin me. But you just watch. Tree rounds if it is a fair fight. You will know it is a fair fight if I win. But I don't think it will be fair, so maybe I shouldn't fight.  Yeah. I don;t think I should. I'll just wait till they ban me from boxing again and then complain some more about what bastards thet are."
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