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    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    Posts : 8349
    Join date : 2009-08-21
    Age : 66
    Location : Orange, NSW, Australia

    2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter - Page 2 Empty Re: 2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter

    Wed 22 Dec 2021, 2:31 pm
    Brian Doyle wrote:
    greg_parker wrote:Got a suggstion for a neutral moderator, Brian? I'm all ears and if that person is truly unbiased and agreeable to doing it, that is fine with me.

    20 hours left for your final answer. So far, what I see is you desparately trying to worm out of the debate, while you plant the seeds for your excuse at the same time. 

    It is like a boxer saying before a fight, "Ima gone knock dat guy out in tree rounds. Yesiree. Count 'em. Uno, der, tree. But if I lose, trust me, it was because he done cheated, I am carrying an injury, the judgs were all biased and 95% of the crowd is against me for reasons I don' understand. I am da champ. No one beat me. It is all rigged agin me. But you just watch. Tree rounds if it is a fair fight. You will know it is a fair fight if I win. But I don't think it will be fair, so maybe I shouldn't fight.  Yeah. I don;t think I should. I'll just wait till they ban me from boxing again and then complain some more about what bastards thet are."

    1. Lumpkin...

    2. Vestibule water fountain console...

    3. I don't need phony deadlines or debate rules pretense to win and will take on any comers anywhere without limits or threats of censorship...

    You are the one who is on public record on the free and open and fair ALT.Conspiracy.JFK website who broke off the discussion and never returned after I showed that Lumpkin wasn't back to the Depository until 12:50...That means the police man Garner saw with Truly was Baker and therefore the Lunch Room Encounter was real...Your website also says Carolyn Arnold was lying because there was no water facility in the 2nd floor Lunch Room...My image of a large water fountain console in the 2nd floor Lunch Room Vestibule proves that is wrong and therefore shows Carolyn was telling the truth...You have also categorically avoided and ignored every single piece of evidence I have posted in this thread showing why the science proves Prayer Man is Sarah Stanton...Again, Mr Parker...We have already done this debate and you are on public record as having quit and never returned when asked to account for the timing of Lumpkin's return to the Depository that excluded him from being the police man seen with Truly by Garner...If I enter any debate with you it will be after having won it everywhere else...I have never banned, blocked, censored, or deleted because I don't need to...I stand behind my material and it speaks for me...I don't need to ban to make it work...
    1.You are basing your Lumpkin claim on the basis of an unproven assertion that he was the driver of the pilot car. 

    I say it is more likely to have been a detective because that is how he is dressed. There were two detectives in the car, Stenkel and Turner. It is not Stenkel, but I have not been able to find a photo of Turner. Lumpkin wasrepresenting the police force on a formal occasion and would have been required to wear full uniform for for the occasion, At least that would be the case just about everywhere else in the world. It would also b unusual for the senior man to be the driver.

    2. There is no debate to be had here. Debates cannot be properly made regarding assumptions and asserstions.

    There is no vestibule water fountain console. That is as real as your Stanton identification. If it was there as a permanent ficture, it would be shown on plans. It ain;t on the plans, bud. Nothing to debate here, either. There is mot even a vestibule, let alone a water fountain.

    3. For years you have been whining non stop that in a fair debate with proper moderation, you would prove all of your claims and that it was only lack of fair debate and proper moderation that that gets you banned and unable to have a fair debate.

    Now that you have been offered the things you say you need, you claim you DON'T need them.

    That is because you are shit scared of a disciplined debate with rules to keep it fair and on track. You claim I did not want it beause I would be forced to provide evidence. LOL. More projection. You are shit scared of not being able to "debate " without resorting to ad hom, diversion, and a million appeals to ignorance, the peanut gallery, false authoritoes and what ever other failures of logic you can muster.

    You never learn. You do not want to learn. While ever you are banned, you can claim bias, lack of fairness, skullduggery. If you, heaven forgive me, lived in Australia, you wold be hung with the term "poor bugger me" - a person wallowing in self-pity, and blaming everyone and everything else for your problems. Being banned not only let's you play Martyr, it also gets you off the hook of having to prove any of your whacky claims, AND claim simutaneously that everyone else is to too scaredd to debate you. 

    This is what James Gordon said a couple of years ago when you were trying to worm your way back on to the EF:

    This is not the normal practice to discuss a fellow member on the public forum, however since a number of you wish to raise Brian Doyle's membership I will address the issue.
    I had to look back into his history and why he was disciplined. Aside from his indiscipline while on the forum that resulted in several complaints, he was extremely insulting to the entire admin team. In several emails to the admin team he referred to the complete team as "incompetent." From the emails it was clear he was not prepared to compromise his behaviour and suggestions that were made to him were ignored and the admin member who raised the issue with him was verbally abused by him.
    Brian's case focused on the essential point that he was not prepared accept the terms of membership and in the end - after a long series  of emails - it was decided to delete his membership.
    Therefore if Brian would like to again to be a member of the EF then he will need to re-apply for membership. It appears that Brian has not made clear to those who are advocating his case that he is no longer a member. So options like restoring posring privileges etc do not apply, because he is no longer a member.
    I believe Brian was the only member who's account we have deleted. Yes we have deleted accounts, but on those occasions the member has requested we do so on their behalf. Brian I believe is the only one whose membership the admin team decided to delete.
    Imagibe that. The ONLY person who was so fucked in the head, that they removed his membership.

    It is time for you to fuck off yet again, Brian. Go to google groups and make a 5000 word post about how badly you've ben treated yet again. We need a laugh. 
    Brian's menbership is being deleted. This thread will stay up for a while before also being removed.

    Australians don't mind criminals: It's successful bullshit artists we despise. 
                  Lachie Hulme            
    The Cold War ran on bullshit.

    "So what’s an independent-minded populist like me to do? I’ve had to grovel in promoting myself on social media, even begging for Amazon reviews and Goodreads ratings, to no avail." 
    Don Jeffries

    "I've been aware of Greg Parker's work for years, and strongly recommend it." Peter Dale Scott
    Posts : 8349
    Join date : 2009-08-21
    Age : 66
    Location : Orange, NSW, Australia

    2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter - Page 2 Empty Re: 2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter

    Wed 22 Dec 2021, 3:20 pm
    brian doyle wrote:You are the one who is on public record on the free and open and fair ALT.Conspiracy.JFK website who broke off the discussion and never returned after I showed that Lumpkin wasn't back to the Depository until 12:50...

    No one runs in fear of you, Brain. Okay, Maybe there was been the occasion when some poor girl has fled before you could stuff her in your trunk... but that's another matter.

    You are delusional, as usual.

    I stopped posting because I lost the ability to post.

    This is what I see now when I go to google groups.

    2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter - Page 2 Google10

    There is no curved arrow at the top, which as you would know Brian, is the reply button. I was trying to solve this dilemma but gave up when I saw some other Greg Parker has aken up the cudguels. Unlike you, I won't assume it is someone impersonating me. Although that is possible, it is not a "given". I don't think I am at that level of importance.  I have a FB friend with the same name, who lives in one of your sothern states. I also know for sure that there is a Greg Parker in New York with an outlook email address so similar to mine that he sometimes gets my emails by mistake. It could be him. Could be anyone. Common name using a common email server.  No big deal, except to someone who has an over-active imagination and no scruples.

    Australians don't mind criminals: It's successful bullshit artists we despise. 
                  Lachie Hulme            
    The Cold War ran on bullshit.

    "So what’s an independent-minded populist like me to do? I’ve had to grovel in promoting myself on social media, even begging for Amazon reviews and Goodreads ratings, to no avail." 
    Don Jeffries

    "I've been aware of Greg Parker's work for years, and strongly recommend it." Peter Dale Scott
    Posts : 2288
    Join date : 2014-08-03
    Age : 61

    2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter - Page 2 Empty Re: 2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter

    Wed 22 Dec 2021, 5:52 pm
    Let's nail one final lie from him as we wish him Bon Voyage.
    Mr "i don't need to ban anyone" banned John Iacoletti from his FB page.
    His search for the mythical land of the level playing field continues...


    You ain't gonna know what you learn if you knew it....... confused


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    Join date : 2015-07-21

    2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter - Page 2 Empty Re: 2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter

    Wed 22 Dec 2021, 9:29 pm
    About time.

    2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter - Page 2 NotNuts

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