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oxnard - The Oxnard Riddle Explained Empty The Oxnard Riddle Explained

Fri 30 Oct 2009, 9:00 am
Parker Sullivan
Sullivan was President of the General Telephone Company in Santa Monica, California. On the morning of November 22, 1963, two of his experienced operators would overhear the forecasting of the death of JFK at 10:30AM (12:30PM in Dallas).

Sullivan, upon learning of this, contacted the FBI at 11:35AM.[1]

Mrs Doris M Bliss and Mrs Jean M Shores

Special Agent John E Keane was dispatched to obtain statements from the two operators. SA Keane was advised that Mrs Bliss, operating a toll call board, could hear a "fuzzy" sound indicating someone had a receiver off the hook, but that she had got no response when identifying herself as an operator. Then, upon hearing someone whispering, the women related how Mrs Bliss had called Mrs Shores to listen in as it seemed the person may be in trouble. It was now around 10:07 AM local time.[2]

Who was the Caller?
The caller has never been, and is unlikely to ever be, identified. The General Telephone Company at the time said the call could not be traced. All that is known is that the call originated in the Oxnard-Camarillo region and was made by a female who sounded middle-aged.[3]

How Did the Caller Sound?
Despite what some have written over the years, the caller was not at any stage hysterical. The caller was described as whispering in a rapid manner which indicated to the operators that she was reciting something that was written. When Mrs Bliss interrupted to ask if she could be of assistance, the woman replied in a clear and normal voice before returning to her "recital" in what was now described as a "definite, rhythmic fast tempo".[4]

What Did the Caller Say?
After Mrs Shores joined Mrs Bliss on listening in, the caller dialled a few numbers and said faintly, "The President is going to die at 10:10". At hearing this, both operators looked up at the clock. The time was between 10:07 and 10:08. The caller, continuing in the same rapid whisper, next said, "the Justice, the Supreme Court, there's going to be fire in all the windows, the Government is going up in flames." The two operators thought that the woman then placed the receiver on a table and there was no background noise as she proceeded to dial between 12 and 15 digits. It was at this point that Mrs Bliss interrupted. The quite normal, clear and matter-of-fact reply to this offer of help had been, "No. I'm using the phone." The interruption thus cut short, the caller continued as previously described, this time naming at least 12 courts in order of importance from the Supreme Court on down before stating that "The President is going to die at 10:30." But that was not yet the end of it. The caller followed those statements up with yet another recital of the courts and the words, "The Government takes over everything lock, stock and barrel.” That was the last thing Mrs Shores could make out. However Mrs Bliss caught the words "thermostat", "rheostat" and "heostat" before the whispers became inaudible to her as well, and she released the line. The call had lasted an estimated 10 to 15 minutes.[5]

Other Facts
Another piece of misinformation which circulates about this incident is that the predicted death of JFK had been made to a party on the other end of the line. The facts are however, that both operators stated to the FBI that at no time was there ever any other party on the line and in their opinion, no connection to another party had actually even been made.[6]

Mental State

Mrs Bliss and Mrs Shores thought that the caller must have been mentally disturbed. This is possibly what has led to the factoid that the woman was "hysterical". At this point it would be useful to revisit what the two operators actually reported her as doing and saying. To paraphrase,

•the caller spoke in a low, rhythmic rapid whisper as if reciting from notes

•she dialled a series of digits immediately prior to both times in which
she made the assassination prediction

•she was speaking for the most part, with hands free due to placing receiver on a table or some other surface

•she was not talking to any other party

•when interrupted with an offer of assistance, she replied in a normal, clear voice, before immediately resuming her "recital"

•she repeated the names of all the courts a number of times

•she used the imagery of buildings on fire

•she ended this odd behavior with the names of controls for heat and energy

The above facts brought to mind some of the practices of Wiccans, Rosicrucian and other fringe groups and cults, and so it was along such lines that further inquiry took me.

Radionics originated in San Fransisco through the experiments conducted by Albert Abrams during the early 20th century. Originally meant as a means of remote diagnosis,[7] it can allegedly be used to remotely affect any "target" in any way desirable. A radionics device has three (external) working parts: a power source (your mind); an intention (what you want to affect) and; a "target" (place/person/object the energy is directed toward).[8] Rosicrucians (AMORC) are among a number of groups who practice and teach radionics.[9] One other believer was an inventor named Arthur Young. Young was also the step-father of Michael Paine, and had arranged for Michael to work as an engineer at Bell Helicopter.[10] Young, who had conducted radionics experiments with Frances Farrelly, took things to another level by declaring that "it was the mind of the operator that made the device function, and that it was the symbolic form of the device that dynamically functioned to make it work." This appeared particularly significant since others had discovered they could make the device work even though disconnected from its power supply. Thus, anything in fact that might substitute for the device could substitute, including a drawing of one. And so it was with the target. Where once it was thought you needed a sample of say, blood or hair from the target, now a photo or a signature would suffice.

The Ends and the Means
This was the heading used in an article published by Rosicrucian Forums magazine during 1963. The article stated that concentration was the most important tool available to the Rosicrucian and goes on to describe it as the "directing of mental processes toward a certain end. We are focusing those processes and powers upon a certain object in order to bring about a situation which we believe is to our advantage and will be to our satisfaction."

Was the Caller Using Radionics?
I believe she was using radionics or a similar means of remotely affecting the assassination. I have no opinion on whether it works. At this point, that is less important than the fact that the woman believed it worked, and that she had prior knowledge of what was about to happen in Dallas. This leads to a further question: was she trying to ensure the success of the assassination, or trying to prevent it? I believe that the totality of her invocations suggests she was trying to ensure success.

Expert Opinion
As research leads into areas of little personal knowledge, it is often wise to seek expert opinion as a guide to whether you are "on the right track". This is one of those areas, and as such I contacted Ellis Peterson, a retired maths professor and electrical engineer who writes on such esoteric practices as radionics under the pen-name, Ragnar Storyteller. I wrote to Ellis giving an outline of what I was looking into (but careful not to include anything about the assassination prediction lest it color his reply) and asking his opinion on what was happening. His reply in part was that “she was performing some kind of mental radionics magic; the phone numbers were her way of making the connection. Fire and windows were probably part of her personal incantations."

Oxnard-Camarillo Circa '63
The Oxnard-Camarillo region during the Cold War could not look more like an Oliver Stone meets M. Night Shyamalan movie set if it tried.

The area was home to:
•A Rosicrucian (AMORC) "Pronaos" (in theosophy the term "from the crypt to the pronaos" indicates the start and the end of the process by which thought can be materialized). Here then, the name itself proclaims it as the place where all your wishes can literally be made come true. The address to go? 346 North H St.[11]
•The Port Hueneme Naval Surface Weapons Center The Oxnard Air Force Base - cited as the source of UFO sightings in the area during the 1950s and '60s
•The Camarillo State Mental Hospital

RFK - An Afterword
There was a second prediction, probably very much lamented, made by Harold Weisberg. Weisberg said that RFK would be killed if he ever started checking into JFK's death. It seems that Bobby paid a visit to Oxnard to look into this mysterious call.[12] He was shot and killed the next day, allegedly by a "lone nut" - and a member of the Rosicrucians (AMORC).

[1] Commission Document 1107 - FBI Gemberling Report of 15 May 1964, pp82-3
[2] Ibid
[3] Ibid
[4] Ibid
[5] Ibid
[6] Ibid
[7] Wikipedia entry for Radionics [8] Email to author from Ellis Peterson, July 11, 2008
[9] Rosicrucian (AMORC) Digest, 1943
[10] Arthur M Young Essay, Science, Spirit & The Soul, 1985
[11] Rosicrucian (AMORC) Digest, 1957 (with street address) - still listed in Oxnard in following years, but without street address
[12] For details of RFK's efforts in Oxnard to find out about the call, see Peter Noyes, Legacy of Doubt, pp23

Last edited by greg parker on Sat 28 Nov 2009, 9:22 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : formatting)

oxnard - The Oxnard Riddle Explained Empty Oxnard phone call

Sat 28 Nov 2009, 2:30 pm
The Washington Post of November 23, 1963, carried a short column about the Oxnard call on page A6:

The Los Angeles Times

What could be an intriguing mystery in the President's assassination might center in the Oxnard-Camarillo area, near Los Angeles.
Fiftenn minutes before Mr. Kennedy was shot, an Oxnard telephone supervisor overheard a woman caller whisper to someone:
"The President is going to be killed."

The strange call was intercepted by supervisors of the General Telephone Co. in Oxnard at 1:10 EST. The fatal wounding of Mr. Kennedy in Dallas occurred shortly after 1:25 EST.
Telephone company executives said it is impossible to trace the mysterious call other than to know it originated in the nearby Oxnard-Camarillo area.
The state mental institution is located at Camarillo.
Ray Sheehan, general manager of the company there, said:
"One of our supervisors picked up the call. The caller kept dialing even though her call was connected. Then she started whispering. Another supervisor listened in and was able to hear the woman saying, 'The President is going to be killed'."
Sheehan said the mysterious call was reported to police- but after the President had been shot.

This Asociated Press dispatch also mad eit into the Nov. 23rd Toronto Star-Telegram, which included that Ray Sheehan had said the caller "stumbled into our operator's circuits," perhaps by misdialing.

The Nov. 26th FBI teletype relevant to this incident describes a teenage girl, Judy Rockwell, hearing about this call on the night of the 22nd on local radio.

That tells me this Oxnard call is no disinfo gig, i.e. "Mental Ward Psychic Predicts Assassination" I'm a smartass &

Ventura County detective Gary Wean claimed that J. Edgar Hoover squelched the investigation of this call; Warren Commissioner Hale Boggs made a revealing slip of the tongue, when referring to INCA's Ed Butler and Dr. Alton Ochsner, during the executive sesion of Jan. 22, 1964:
"This fellow Butler, who works for the profit organization that Dr. Oxnard heads to disseminate and tie Communist propaganda to Latin America..."

Researcher Lee Forman found (Education Forum, 'Simulated Assassination' Gone Awry, 1/11/05) that stripper Kay Coleman (who lived a few blocks north of Ruby) and her boyfriend, the DPD's Harry Olsen (who was guarding an 8th St. "estate" in Oak Cliff, 2 blocks from the Tippit murder, while recovering from a "broken kneecap"- and Coleman testified she visited Olsen "right after the President was shot") moved in 1964 to 242 West 2nd St. in Oxnard.

I understand that researcher Ian Griggs in 2005 tried to speak with this couple, but they are incommunicado- Griggs received anonymous calls warning him away from this couple.

Also. from Gary Wean, "Only a matter of hours after Det. Sgt. Ed Patton and I gave RFK documents in Oxnard, California, RFK was dead. They revealed a phone call had been made from Federal Commissioner Ben Nordman's and Superior Court Judge Jerome Berenson's law office over 20 minutes before jFK was assassinated that 'he was going to be killed.' RFK was also given the names of the persons making the phone call."

The law firm Nordman, Berenson & Lewis was the most poitically powerful in California, and the oxnard (Ventura County) area was characterized by Wean as run by "gangster judges". Their 1959 address was 309 South A St. in Oxnard.

Berenson, Nordman and lawyer Carl E. Ward, Jr. controlled an Asian drug-smuggling ring coming in through Port Hueneme, just south of Oxnard (A Report to the People, Part 2, Gary Wean, on-line)

Berenson was appointed to the Superior Court in late 1962 by Governor Pat Brown.

Also from Wean- online at "Phoenix Journal 183"- lawyer Carl E. Ward was involved in the JFK assassination- Ward- Ronald Reagan's Presidential campaign's Chief Financial Officer!- was arrested in Portland, Oregon, for gamblng operations run through a phony church set-up, The Church of the Conceptual Truth. He was laundering money through the Bank of A. Levy in Oxnard, owned by US COmmissioner Ben Nordman and Judge Jerome Berenson.

I dunno the year here, probably the 80's.

Ward was the mayor of Oxnard from 1956-60. There'a a portrait of him on-line at the Oxnard Library site,
I would imagine that he joined the nordman law firm shortly after serving as mayor. A California-based researcher might be able to find more on this guy at the Oxnard Library or Ventura County newspapers.

I highly suspect that the mysterious Oxnard phone call originated because of a conversation overheard the morning of November 22nd in Carl Ward's office. The call was placed at 10:07 AM Pacific time, shortly after the office opened (at 9?). Perhaps a legal secretary (or cleaning woman?) overheard this conversation and made the call. It seems that she was intimately familiar with the legal/court hierarchical structure and was reading off ten or so court names from a list she'd just written out off the top of her head. The 12 to 15 digits she dialed during her 10-15 minute call might be attributable to her making consecutive local 7-digit calls.

I have no adequate explanation for her semi-psychotic comments, "There's going to be a fire in all the windows, the Government is going up in flames... thermostat, rheostat, heostat" (temperature-rising imagery) cat

It is interesting that Madame Blavatsky's Theosophical Society- which spawned a revival of Rosacrucianism- purchased an estate in the early 1900's in the nearby foothills. And that the general area became a landing zone for other spaceshots and white-collar criminals. Perhaps the woman caller had a cultic-style personal belief system, and reacted to the conversation she'd overheard with this semi-psychotic imagery.

I do believe her call is related to Carl E. Ward, Jr., although I have no idea how Gary Wean learned he was connected to JFK's assassination.
Ward strikes me as in league with the "Chinatown"-"L.A. Confidential" corrupt bureaucratic elite.
Vultures to the last! What the?
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oxnard - The Oxnard Riddle Explained Empty Re: The Oxnard Riddle Explained

Sat 28 Nov 2009, 10:58 pm

a few thoughts:

1)The newspaper accounts of the Oxnard call carried interpretations of the event via Sheehan and/or the reporter. This is what has led people down various blind alleys with it.

Example: The Los Angeles Times has her whispering to "SOMEONE"

To understand the true nature of it, you need to look at the raw info collected by the FBI - which I know you have done.
The Oxnard Call

2) Some of Gary Wean's story makes little sense to me. The call was reported immediately to the FBI; an agent was sent immediately, and was advised the call could not be traced. How could Hoover have acted that quickly? And how were the employees kept silent that what was reported was untrue re not traceable? If Wean knew who the caller was, why did he never name her? What happened to the documents regarding the call he says he gave to RFK? Why did RFK not discuss what Wean gave him with any of his closest advisers - or if he did, why did they remain silent?

3) Newspaper accounts do not mention Ward as being among those arrested, nor do they mention money being laundered through the Levi Bank. What they do say is that he helped set the scheme up to exploit huge holes in Oregon's gambling laws, and that money was funnelled to him and his companies. Maybe I missed it, but Wean does not seem to include Ward as one of the owners of the bank.

The Church of Conceptual Truth

4) Some aspects of Weans theories are easy to accept as possible/probable -- others are downright loopy (imo).

5) Depite any misgivings about Wean, Ward does seem a highly suspect character - and that alone makes me wary of dismissing your theory on the origins of the call without understanding how you see certain aspects of the FBI report fitting with it.

In view of the above - some clarification:- why do you think this woman was making the call given the details supplied in the FBI report?

oxnard - The Oxnard Riddle Explained Empty The Oxnard Riddle Explained

Sun 29 Nov 2009, 2:37 pm
You raise some pertinent questions, Greg.

As far as the raw FBI info, one clue I think is that "This party then evidently laid the receiver on the table, but no background noises could be heard."

This implies that the telephone operators DID hear background noises at the beginning of the call; yet at this time it's now quiet.

So it seems to me that the woman caller was in a private room, at some up-and-functioning business or establishment (she's not at home alone, or at a pay phone).

I keep getting the impression that she's involved in the legal profession, to be able to delineate the hierarchy of a dozen courts the way she apparently did. Her "rhythmic, fast tempo" of naming the courts I would attribute to her urgently relaying her just-compiled list, as she reads out one type of court while thinking ahead to the next one on her list.

So it doesn't seem to me to be an incantation so much, although she may well be intimately affiliated with a fringe sect. She may simply be a functioning semi-psychotic, who got set off by overhearing talk about JFK's upcoming assassination. Alternatively, she's an acquaintance/etc. of someone who bloody well knew the assassination was about to take place, and this was her way of casting her witch's hex.

A borderline nut case, employed as a legal secretary at Nordman, Berenson & Lewis?

I agree that Gary Wean's writings are battier than Halloween night in the church belfry. I repeat that I don't know how he came to associate Carl Ward, Jr., with JFK's assassination.

(I had some confusion as to Sr. & Jr.; Sr., the former Oxnard mayor, was born 1912 in Indiana and died 2003 in Oxnard. Jr. attended Loyola Law School in LA and was a member of the legal frat society Phi Delta Phi. The Church of Conceptual Truth article you found mentions Ward as 43 years old in 1983- so it's got to be the son who was in on the gambling and drug smuggling) Ward, Jr., would be only 23 in 1963; the father would be 51.

Here's an excerpt from an affidavit Gary Wean filed in Oxnard court in 1991: "Approximately 1958, while working as Det. Sgt. for Ventura Police Dept., I came upon a plot by very wealthy Ventura County people: bankers, lawyers, and judges, to foment, instigate, and fan the flames of massive race riots nationwide. These politically powerful Ventura people were associated with the mastermind of this evil plot, Federal Judge Harry Pregerson and his gangster associates, Mickey Cohen and Abie and Hy Phillips.

Cohen and Pregerson were conducting burglaries of National Guard Armories, stealing large amounts of automatic weapons...

I had received information that William P. Clark, a Ventura County lawyer was involved in the plots to incite racial riots and revolutons and a participant in the burglary of the Oxnard National Guard Armory..."

Clark would become Reagan's National Security Advisor. Don't even think abo

So the Ventura County area is quite in the thick of it for racketeering and gangster judges; and with a prime power base at the Nordman-Berenson law firm, I take Wean seriously that this was the source of the mysterious Oxnard call.

I can hardly conjecture as to why he never named this caller- over than that he was being overdramatic- with 60% of the phones in the area essentially untraceable because of the party-line system, I doubt he knew the caller's name.
But Wean has, after all, named the Nordman-Berenson law firm as responsible. It may or not be Carl Wade, in the final analysis, but it is someone in that law firm.

I can only speculate, but it seems RFK took his own counsel in pursuit of the truth about JFK's death; these documents from Wean may have ended up in his most private files and are still yet to be made public.


Apparently there's a 12-page document at NARA, dated November 30th, 1963, from the FBI's Oswald HQ file submitted to the HSCA, with no restrictions on it and it's not on-line yet. I'll see about getting a copy mailed. study

The subject description is "Oswald, Lee; Oxnard, Henry". He's a sugar-beet mogul who founded the town of Oxnard in 1903. What's HE doing in an Oswald file Question
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oxnard - The Oxnard Riddle Explained Empty Re: The Oxnard Riddle Explained

Mon 30 Nov 2009, 11:48 pm
As far as the raw FBI info, one clue I think is that "This party then evidently laid the receiver on the table, but no background noises could be heard."

This implies that the telephone operators DID hear background noises at the beginning of the call; yet at this time it's now quiet.

So it seems to me that the woman caller was in a private room, at some up-and-functioning business or establishment (she's not at home alone, or at a pay phone).


The FBI report states the initial noise was a "fuzzy sound" which indicated to the operator that "someone had a receiver off". Only noise mentioned after that is the woman whispering. She may have been in an office, but on the basis of the report, I couldn't preclude a private residence, or any other type building.

I keep getting the impression that she's involved in the legal profession, to be able to delineate the hierarchy of a dozen courts the way she apparently did. Her "rhythmic, fast tempo" of naming the courts I would attribute to her urgently relaying her just-compiled list, as she reads out one type of court while thinking ahead to the next one on her list.

Most of the cults had legal problems at one time or another... mainly dealing with their tax exempt status. This may have led some to study the whole structure of the courts. Know thine enemy.

Also any group who had siimilar beliefs to Wean (ie that they were run by the Jewish "mafia") would have built up a good knowledge of the courts and want them brought down.

What the women heard in order was "the President is going to die at 10:10" followed by "The Justice, the Supreme Court, there's going to be fire in all the windows, the Government is going up in flames." It was the way this was read that led Mrs Shores to conclude she was reciting from notes.

According to the book "Ultimate Evil" (about Son of Sam), arson is a big part of Satanic cults - though here it may have been merely symbolic.

So it doesn't seem to me to be an incantation so much, although she may well be intimately affiliated with a fringe sect. She may simply be a functioning semi-psychotic, who got set off by overhearing talk about JFK's upcoming assassination. Alternatively, she's an acquaintance/etc. of someone who bloody well knew the assassination was about to take place, and this was her way of casting her witch's hex.

I lean toward the latter Exclamation

But I'd still like to draw you out on what you think she was trying to achieve with this call.

She doesn't appear to have been trying to warn anyone and save the day because she brushed aside the offer of help from the operator in a normal clear voice -- then went straight back to her whispered "recitations" and dialing.

I do accept if she was a functioning semi-psychotic, any reasoning she employed may be beyond normal understanding. My impression however, is that she was not mentally ill. Rosecruians believe concentration is a key element in successfully obtaining your desires. This woman was hell-bent on NOT having her concentration interfered with by the operators. She very calmly and very quickly disposed of their questions and returned to whatever she was doing without missing a beat.

more later.

I am not dismissing your theory. Parts of it make me go "hmmm", and for mine, it stays on the table. It seems we just have a slightly different interpretation of things described in the report (I do think you have read a slightly different version of it than the one I linked to which may partly account for our differences). I do need to look into Clark, and try and verify some other of Weans claims.

Re Henry Oxnard:

Seems to be a FPCC tie-in and has nothing to do with the town of Oxnard (apart from what you indicated).

Henry Oxnard

Oxnard 2

oxnard - The Oxnard Riddle Explained Empty The Oxnard Riddle Explained

Tue 01 Dec 2009, 1:09 pm
Thanks for the heads-up on Henry Oxnard- but I've already mailed off a request to NARA about sending his file. Aarrghh...

I think we each have the same raw FBI data- a 2-page LA FBI report of the 22nd and a 4-page FBI teletype of the 26th/29th- just perceiving it slightly differently.

I read the "fuzzy sound" as run-of-the-mill electronic static, from a call initiated on a party line. This fuzzy sound spurred operator Doris Bliss to offer assistance, asking "Operator?"

You're correct to point out that the caller recited "the Justice, the Supreme Court, there's going to be a fire in all the windows" as though reading from notes, which is what the operator concluded. (I'd only thought the 12 court names were notated)

But I still see a distinguishing break, when the receiver is set on the table and no background noises are heard. It seems to me that previously the operator could hear the commotion from a couple of other people- perhaps walking, shuffling papers, putting an object down on a desk, sliding a chair back to stand up, even a bit of conversation.
The mysterious woman caller isn't alone; although her associates seem to have left the vicinity in the middle of the call.

You've convinced me she's practicing black magic of sorts; that the caller is definitely a member of some fringe sect (for example, a Wiccan priestess). Yet I don't accept precognition in this incident- the caller was affiliated with a small coven of people who knew the assassination was coming.
(So I'm abandoning my idea that she'd only just overheard someone talking about the event-to-be in Dallas) This was a prepared strategy on her part.

<This woman was hell-bent on NOT having her concentration interfered with by the operators. She very calmly and very quickly disposed of their questions and returned to whatever she was doing without missing a beat>

This characterization is on the mark. I have to amend my profile of "functioning semi-psychotic" to "self-induced psychotic functioning".

The key is identifying the coven of people who knew the assassination was coming. I don't dismiss the possibility, for example, that lawyers & judges will put on capes & cowls on Friday the 13th nights in some dark forest castle to conduct pagan ceremonies. That's a bit suspect

Nor do I dismiss the general connections to the Jewish Syndicate and the overall crimnal underworld in Hollywood and Las Vegas; nor to the corrupt California political structure (of Nixon, Reagan, Howard Hughes?)- as the source of this mysterious Oxnard caller's info for her seeming prediction affraid

It would seem she made her call initially in the presence of some other cult/sect members. Somebody, from within the above-named general connections, was probably also a cult/sect member.

Who wore tailored suits Monday-Friday
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oxnard - The Oxnard Riddle Explained Empty The Witches of Oxnard

Thu 03 Dec 2009, 10:43 pm
Thanks for the heads-up on Henry Oxnard- but I've already mailed off a request to NARA about sending his file. Aarrghh...

Sorry I didn't get it up here sooner, Richard.

But I still see a distinguishing break, when the receiver is set on the table and no background noises are heard.

You may just be right...I had just never looked at it that way.

You've convinced me she's practicing black magic of sorts; that the caller is definitely a member of some fringe sect (for example, a Wiccan priestess).

Welcome aboard! Cool

The key is identifying the coven of people who knew the assassination was coming. I don't dismiss the possibility, for example, that lawyers & judges will put on capes & cowls on Friday the 13th nights in some dark forest castle to conduct pagan ceremonies.

An off-the-top list of those who were involved in this or similar new-age mysticism or parapsychology:

David Ferrie
Jack Martin
Thomas Beckham
Fred Crisman
Arthur Young
Kerry Thornley
Elana Garro de Paz
Burton Wolfe (was one of the "New Left" recruits to break the travel ban on Cuba. His travel was sponsored by an ex-senior member of the FPCC. Later in California he wrote anti-Labor screeds and cozied up to Anton LeVey of the Satanic Church)
Wesley Swift
William Dudley Pelley

I'm not suggesting any of these were responsible - just showing that this area is possibly more than just a fringe subject concerning the assassination.

I'd look for any group who used similar language, had major issues with the courts, and wanted to install a whole new system of government. That probably doesn't narrow it down much, uh?
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oxnard - The Oxnard Riddle Explained Empty Re: The Oxnard Riddle Explained

Mon 21 Feb 2022, 1:32 am

Australians don't mind criminals: It's successful bullshit artists we despise. 
              Lachie Hulme            
The Cold War ran on bullshit.

"So what’s an independent-minded populist like me to do? I’ve had to grovel in promoting myself on social media, even begging for Amazon reviews and Goodreads ratings, to no avail." 
Don Jeffries

"I've been aware of Greg Parker's work for years, and strongly recommend it." Peter Dale Scott
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oxnard - The Oxnard Riddle Explained Empty Re: The Oxnard Riddle Explained

Mon 21 Feb 2022, 3:29 pm
Looks like she was a member of an exotic cult.

Out With Bill Shelley In Front.
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oxnard - The Oxnard Riddle Explained Empty Re: The Oxnard Riddle Explained

Tue 22 Feb 2022, 5:32 am
Why set down the receiver to dial.

(Was she one armed.
Was she poking needles into a Kennedy doll and needed both hands.)

Any signifigance?
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oxnard - The Oxnard Riddle Explained Empty Re: The Oxnard Riddle Explained

Tue 22 Feb 2022, 3:49 pm
I have a half baked, completely fabricated notion of the open line being of some utility in a hybrid form of telecommunication/radio functionality. To outline it:

A)   A super-clandestine way to use a phone line is needed. One that would not be traceable even by the clandestine agency that might have contracted such a secret line from the phone company in the first place i.e. a rogue use of a secret line by a sub-group of agency insiders. This would be a system affording command and control and a geographically remote alibi (in California) for participants literally calling the shots based on real time situational information coming in from Dallas. This would require two way communication with a team of at least two on each end to operate.

B)   Such a secret phone line would have terminated at a point inside of switchgear facilities owned by the phone company. Typical use of the line would entail dialing the secret number and being connected to some secret phone somewhere. However, there would need to be a secret record of the originating number that could be seen by at minimum the agency contracting the line, if not the phone company as well. I'm assuming the use of phone company facilities but there is nothing that says the military did not have it's own private branch exchange running independently parallel to the phone company's public branch exchange that would instead provide the secret lines. In either case there would be records and possibly recordings.

C)   Maybe a way to leap frog over the originating local loop and straight into the branch exchange is to use untraceable radio transmission. There would need to be a device placed on the secret line inside the exchange building that would mimic a local loop and place dialing pulses (rotary type) onto the line. The device would also be listening to and placing onto the line the voice over radio transmission that would accompany the sounds of dialing pulses, which describes the spoken words and pulses that the caller was placing on the line that the operators were listening to. in addition to the radio transponder device inside the exchange building there would need to be a radio transmitting device listening to the caller's line and broadcasting to the other device. If the operators and the branch exchange were both in the same building, the distance between the two devices, and the power needed to transmit from one to the other, could be minimized.

D)   The caller could have on an earphone that in some similar way is providing directives to the caller that are interpreted actions based on a variety of information sources originating from Dallas and being interpreted/acted upon in California.

E)   So the theory goes like this; the caller picks up the line that has been rigged to remotely activate the transmitter and the secret phone line, then waits for the operator to pick up. The caller starts in with the mumbo jumbo in order to transfix the operator into staying on the line. When she responds in a clear voice that she is "using the phone" she really is using the phone. She receives info that the motorcade will pass the first assassination location at 12:10, dials the activation number and speaks the message. Subsequent to that the attempt has been aborted and she is told the next location will be passed at 12:30. Again she dials the activation number and speaks the message. She keeps the operator on the line with more mumbo jumbo until she is told to terminate the call.

F)   One glitch is if the call has been recorded. Maybe the same people with access to rig the devices can also snip the tape and remove the devices.

G)   I did watch too much Mission Impossible in the '70's.

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oxnard - The Oxnard Riddle Explained Empty Re: The Oxnard Riddle Explained

Wed 23 Feb 2022, 12:52 am
Thanks for the replies Vinny, Ed and Jake.

This is my take from the FBI reports.

>The caller was middle-aged.

>She needed to be hands-free making the call so she could simultaneously perform some other task

>She was NOT crazy as is always claimed, and as the two operators themselves opined.

>She was performing a ritual to ensure the success of the assassination

>She was no more psychic than she was crazy. She was in radio contact and getting Dallas updates.

>There was an aborted attempt at 12:10.

>The assassination itself would usher in not just a new government, but a new type of government.

>The inclusion of naming courts in the ritual paints her as a member of a group who hated the courts.

>The number dialling had no practical purpose, but was part of the ritual. 


Let's see how that stacks up.

I confirmed with a person involved in occultism that what she was described as doing was consistant with a ritual aimed at achieving a remote outcome/personal goal. And for the sake of my detractors, let me be perfectly clear. My saying that this is what she was doing, is not an endorsement of it, nor does it mean I personally buy into such practices. I simply say that is what she was doing and that she (and many many others) do believe in it. It should not be off limits to look at this just because it is fringe stuff. It is what the evidence suggests, to me at least.

According to one timeline... it was at 12:10 that a juvenile was arrested after his friend was seen playing around with a starter's pistol. Refer to the testimony of Det Arnott. A starter's pistol (as with backfiring bikes and firecrackers) makes an excellent diversion.

The naming of the courts in a way that tends to indicate they will be destroyed leads me to believe this person was a Bircher.

The new government did indeed usher in something new. Liberal hawk's morphing into neocons who went on to have a major inflience for several decades.

I said upstream that we will probably never know the identity of the caller... but I do at least have a viable "suspect".

Lucille Connell.

Connell was a member of AMORC and a member of the John Birch Society. According to Odio, Connell had a library full of books on the occult, psychology and mind control and spent a lot of time in the state that AMORC had its HQ - California.

Connelll flew into Dallas on the evening of the assassination - allegedly from a vacation in Spain. 

There were suspicions/suggestions that Connell had intel connections. One of her friends most assuredly did - Colonel L Robert Castorr - himself mixed up in the occult practices being used in "remote viewing" experiments by the CIA and military.  His association with this is at least strongly suggested by virture of writing the introduction to a book by one of the "viewers" used in the program.

Jake... not dismissing your take - just laying out my own. Yours may well be the right one. I acknowledge being disadvantaged by never having watched any episodes of Mission Impossible - or even any Bond films so had a bit of trouble following some of the details. What I will say is that for me to be right, I absolutely need it to be technically possible for her to be in contact in real time with someone who knows what is happening in the motorcade in Dallas.

And  regardless of the details... this episode has to be taken into account when tryng to assess who the plotters may have been. This caller had far more verifiable preknowledge than a doped-up Cherami and this knowledge was reported immediately and coherently to the authorities without any question marks over the timing of the remarks, or their exact nature.  The episode has been marginalized solely on the basis of the caller being regarded as a kook. The fact that what she said was absolutely right seems somehow to not matter.

Last edited by greg_parker on Wed 23 Feb 2022, 11:44 am; edited 1 time in total

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              Lachie Hulme            
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oxnard - The Oxnard Riddle Explained Empty Re: The Oxnard Riddle Explained

Wed 23 Feb 2022, 11:33 am
I wonder if it would be possible to reverse engineer the incantation in a way, if that’s what it is. You mentioned you spoke with Ellis Peterson - perhaps another expert(s) could take a deeper look into it and give their opinion at some point. There are a ton of active occult forums out there too that could possibly be a useful resource. Just a thought.
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oxnard - The Oxnard Riddle Explained Empty Re: The Oxnard Riddle Explained

Wed 23 Feb 2022, 11:40 am
JFK_FNG wrote:I wonder if it would be possible to reverse engineer the incantation in a way, if that’s what it is. You mentioned you spoke with Ellis Peterson - perhaps another expert(s) could take a deeper look into it and give their opinion at some point. There are a ton of active occult forums out there too that could possibly be a useful resource. Just a thought.
It is worth revisiting that aspect to see if a deeper understanding can be developed.  I'll have a look around.

Australians don't mind criminals: It's successful bullshit artists we despise. 
              Lachie Hulme            
The Cold War ran on bullshit.

"So what’s an independent-minded populist like me to do? I’ve had to grovel in promoting myself on social media, even begging for Amazon reviews and Goodreads ratings, to no avail." 
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"I've been aware of Greg Parker's work for years, and strongly recommend it." Peter Dale Scott
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oxnard - The Oxnard Riddle Explained Empty Re: The Oxnard Riddle Explained

Wed 23 Feb 2022, 12:39 pm
Nicely stated Greg. Given the necessary access, it would have been easy to deploy the level of communication necessary for your scenario. I know you have been seeking validation for the communication aspect and that is why I did this.

A wiki article for Telephone Exchange illustrates that cross county connections existed with military priority in 1943, so one can imagine what would be in place by 1963: "In 1943 when military calls had priority, a cross-country US call might take as long as 2 hours to request and schedule in cities that used manual switchboards for toll calls". This was for manual switching by operators. As the article also states, automatic switching had been in development since 1891, so it would have been easy by 1963 and the "priority" would have evolved into dedicated, secure lines of course. (By the way, under Early Automatic Exchanges the article shows a small automatic switching building in rural Australia.

Anyway, I'm sure there was more going on around AMORC's than I am aware of culturally. I was trying to put all the pieces into a box with a technical answer for everything. My weakest part is the incantations being a ruse for keeping the operator on line. The command and control function would very probably never have been left to such a tenuous connection. I think your line of reasoning for the incantations is more solid plus you have researched it with an expert.

I've followed your interpretation on Oxnard in the past along with the ridiculous reactions that emanated from said detractors. Your intent was always clear and they just smeared what you were saying by pretending to be incredulous about your believing is such stuff, which I don't believe you do and is irrelevant anyway. They are disingenuous bastards, or just plain stupid, or both.

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oxnard - The Oxnard Riddle Explained Empty Re: The Oxnard Riddle Explained

Wed 23 Feb 2022, 5:02 pm
Thinking out loud.
Possible dialing intentions for Oxnard caller

12 digits, a location / grid coordinates
14 digits, two local phone numbers or same # twice
15 digits, USGS locations coordinates
oxnard - The Oxnard Riddle Explained Scree616
oxnard - The Oxnard Riddle Explained Scree615

Wasnt the Bryant cabin a USGS location in DP?
The reostat thermostat business got me thinking about buildings heating systems... and whom might be tasked with such.
Its easy to connect Jack Dougherty to the TSBD buildings systems and his presence near the rifles hiding place are notable.
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oxnard - The Oxnard Riddle Explained Empty Re: The Oxnard Riddle Explained

Tue 08 Mar 2022, 6:43 am
To Greg's list of occult-linked figures who could be linked to the JFK assassination I would add British-born novelist Taylor Caldwell. Her FBI file has been declassified and is available online a number of places including

Caldwell appears to have been nominally a Christian but had a lifelong interest in reincarnation, psychic phenomena, and was a member of Tiffany Thayer's Fortean Society. Politically she was far  to the right and very active in the struggle to preserve Rhodesian apartheid, and yet as her FBI file makes clear she hated George Lincoln Rockwell and his American Nazi Party, whom she regarded as Communist agents (strange as it sounds, JBS founder Robert Welch apparently shared this view as well). She generally was a nuisance to the FBI, never hesitating to have agents check on her neighbors and follow-up on her various paranoid theories, which they begrudgingly did.

The one thing that sets her apart from the more tangentially-linked figures in the aforementioned list is that she had a warning about threats to Kennedy's safety published in a small Catholic periodical called The Wanderer before the assassination. Her contacts within the international right were extensive and I've often wondered if this warning, vague as it was, was informed by scuttlebutt within that milieu Caldwell was privy to.

She would go on to "predict" the deaths of RFK and MLK, which would then lead her to publicize her supposed psychic gifts. Her prediction of the assassination of LBJ, while inaccurate, could be pinned to a very real far-right plot against him in 1964 (see Jeffrey Caulfield's flawed but significant General Walker and the Murder of President Kennedy), which failed to materialize. Were her premonitions the result of an overactive imagination (ample evidence of which is in her FBI file) or did she merely channel murderous gossip within the right?
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oxnard - The Oxnard Riddle Explained Empty Re: The Oxnard Riddle Explained

Tue 08 Mar 2022, 8:49 am
The British call.
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oxnard - The Oxnard Riddle Explained Empty Re: The Oxnard Riddle Explained

Tue 08 Mar 2022, 2:04 pm
Camarillo caller...

A well known subject in JFK lore was George Demohrenschildt and his wife.
Jeanne was formerly a Le Gon.
....examination of ROBERT LE GON was conducted at the Camarillo State Hospital on August 23, 1960,E and he was diagnosed as "schizophrenic reaction - paranoid type."
oxnard - The Oxnard Riddle Explained Scree645

So here is Jeanne's ex in Oxnard / Camarillo at the mental institution in Nov 63.

There is of course a Roselli call to Oxnard and a Collier. Navy guy. But his wife Ruth works at.... the Camirillo State Mental Hospital.

oxnard - The Oxnard Riddle Explained Scree646
oxnard - The Oxnard Riddle Explained Scree647oxnard - The Oxnard Riddle Explained Scree649

So in a tentative way there is a thread between all these and the Camirillo Call

Last edited by Ed.Ledoux on Tue 08 Mar 2022, 2:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
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oxnard - The Oxnard Riddle Explained Empty Re: The Oxnard Riddle Explained

Tue 08 Mar 2022, 2:34 pm
A small Jeanne Jeannie snuck off to the city
Strung out on lasers and slash back plazas
And ate all your razors while pullin' the waiters
Talking bout Monroe and walkin' on snow white
New York's a go-go and everything tastes right
Poor little Greene
Hoo, ooo, ooo
Give up now
Jeanne Jeannie lives on her back...

Jeanne -- 2 husbands - both driven insane, with Georgie boy needing shock treatment...

Yes. The Camarillo / Oxnard region was ready and ripe for all manner of underground psycho and psychic experiments.

Australians don't mind criminals: It's successful bullshit artists we despise. 
              Lachie Hulme            
The Cold War ran on bullshit.

"So what’s an independent-minded populist like me to do? I’ve had to grovel in promoting myself on social media, even begging for Amazon reviews and Goodreads ratings, to no avail." 
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oxnard - The Oxnard Riddle Explained Empty Re: The Oxnard Riddle Explained

Tue 08 Mar 2022, 3:43 pm
Also of koinkydink.
Coincidentally the daughter Chistina LeGon -Kearton came down from Anchorage Alaska to California in Nov 63.

I also note the "fuzzy noise" on the call.
Shock treatment machine warming up... yikes.
Electric typewriter perhaps humming at the womans desk

Did the caller treat Robert Le Gon in Camirillo State Hospital?
Maybe overhears Robert's conversation with Ruth.
And drops a best she can on a party line in an busy office? Or was it Ruth? Hmm

The other idea I saw was the call was from a court house. Or Lawyers office. 
Makes sense with all the courts being rattled off like a judicial nerd.
Was the caller reading off a list of US courts from signs in a local "court house" or from paperwork/filing preceedings.
Some judicial papers ( use to )  carry headers with this info.
Maybe phone was near the Thermostat(s) maybe a sign "Dont touch the damn Thermostat, Rheostat, Heostat!"

Is there something regional about the terms used in that way?
 "Thermostat, Rheostat, Heostat It’s time to turn of this album and take the disc out of the machine. Because this album is over, so please switch it off. Please turn this album off, it’s over. ‘X’ out of iTunes, ‘X’ out of Spotify. Close the SoundCloud tab. Close the Bandcamp tab. The album is finished. Turn off the album now. Don’t keep on listening. It’s time to stop."

I see Mark Knight had idea of hemostat as another possibility of a CONTROL mechinism in relation to Government control of everything.
As an aside we are slipping to that 'own nothing and happy about it' mentality

Some say a lawyers office and reading them off a book in the office with a party line.
I thought when was LeGon last in court?
I see a convenietly close date of Nov 27th 63 for Dr. Snow's latest patient report... no change, and halucinatory!!? WTH?
Was this guy seeing the future or jimi hendrix albums? What was Snow dosing LeGon with?
Did Snow run a looking-glass operation with LSD &  patients?

The caller said two things I want to look at.
"The Government takes over everything lock, stock and barrel.”
"the Justice, the Supreme Court, there's going to be fire in all the windows, the Government is going up in flames."

How does a government in flames take over anything.
Or because the government is in flames it decides to take it all, ..marshal law?
Its interesting imagery.
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oxnard - The Oxnard Riddle Explained Empty Re: The Oxnard Riddle Explained

Wed 09 Mar 2022, 12:17 pm
Did the caller treat Robert Le Gon in Camirillo State Hospital?
Maybe overhears Robert's conversation with Ruth.
And drops a best she can on a party line in an busy office? Or was it Ruth? Hmm

The issue with that is that the two operators said the caller sounded like she was reciting something. She did this for the 12:10 prediction and when that failed to materialize, she repeated it for the 12:30 prediction. She only stopped her reciting/chanting once. That was to confirm in a normal voice that she was okay and did not need any help. Anyone dropping a dime would have taken that opportunity. Her anonymity was assured no matter what.

The other idea I saw was the call was from a court house. Or Lawyers office. 
Makes sense with all the courts being rattled off like a judicial nerd.
Was the caller reading off a list of US courts from signs in a local "court house" or from paperwork/filing preceedings.
Some judicial papers ( use to )  carry headers with this info.
Maybe phone was near the Thermostat(s) maybe a sign "Dont touch the damn Thermostat, Rheostat, Heostat!"

Is there something regional about the terms used in that way?

No. There is something "magical" about the terms used in this way.

"In Hindi, rheostat energy is very influential for ease and convenience of reciting manner" The author of this obviously has English as a second language, but the site itself is about magic spells --- including againt the courts.

Definition of vashikaren 

"Vashikaran is a Sanskrit word. Vashikaran=Vashi + Karan. “Vashi” means to keep them under one's control and “Karan” means “the methods of doing” it. Vashikaran mantra is used to exert pressure and control people. Vashikaran mantra is used to control situations, business & profession."

AMORC has many influences including Muslim.

 Rosicrucian Order AMORC Questions and Answers - StudyLib › ... › Religious Studies › Theology
The fact that some of its members are Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, ... psychic, and spiritual influence of music; the alchemy of dreams; ...

I am not saying the caller was a Muslim member of AMORC but rather, that AMORC incorporated a lot of things from a number of religions. 

I am as certain as I can be that this woman was reciting a magic spell to influence the success of the assassination. And since such rituals are a load of bollocks, it follows that in order to know nothing happened at 12:10, she had to be in contact in real time with someone in Dallas.

Lucille Connell ticks all of the boxes.

Australians don't mind criminals: It's successful bullshit artists we despise. 
              Lachie Hulme            
The Cold War ran on bullshit.

"So what’s an independent-minded populist like me to do? I’ve had to grovel in promoting myself on social media, even begging for Amazon reviews and Goodreads ratings, to no avail." 
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"I've been aware of Greg Parker's work for years, and strongly recommend it." Peter Dale Scott
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oxnard - The Oxnard Riddle Explained Empty Re: The Oxnard Riddle Explained

Fri 11 Mar 2022, 5:46 pm
Right! was she "In Contact" with anyone in Dallas except by phone.
But shes on the phone, or one phone.
She doesnt want help... from who?
Does caller know the operator asked this question and not another on her party line?
She doesnt want help dialing?
She sounded like she was reading something.
Like the courts?
Reciting them and dialing one perhaps to warn a judge?
But her wheelchair slowly rolled away......... 12:30 is lunch time at the hospital so no wonder!

I do think there was a lady trying to get a message to someone. This with little advanced warning.
Why so late.
If so late was it really a warning or a reminder.
Is she calling someone in Dallas. Calling to tell them to turn on their TV!!
Who would Lucille be calling?
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oxnard - The Oxnard Riddle Explained Empty Re: The Oxnard Riddle Explained

Sat 12 Mar 2022, 11:44 am was she "In Contact" with anyone in Dallas except by phone.
Since she did not need to give information, only receive it, I think this is one option: All she really needed to "hear" was in the 12:10 attempt was successful or not. Those with experience can translate up to 40 words per minute. She only needed one word - "no" or "aborted". 

She doesnt want help... from who?
From the operator who asked if she needed help. She doesn't need it because she is not trying to get through to anyone or pass on any messages. She told the truth when she told the operator "I don't need any help. I am using the phone". 

Just some of the search results from a quick google on using a phone in magick rituals

How to Use Technomancy as a Protection Spell for Your Phone › Identity › practical magic
19 Jan 2021 — Not to worry, though — we can use our magical toolkit to protect ourselves in the technological realm just like we can in other realms. Think of ...

27 July 2017 — Use ANY phone to astound your friends with this shocking magic trick! Magic teacher Jay Sankey reveals the cool secrets to this amazing ...

Spells for an Age Of Mobile Phones - The New York Times › 1996/07/14 › style › spells-for...
14 July 1996 — HAVE you been sitting by the phone, pining for a call from that special someone? Try casting a spell instead. All you need is a touch of ...

CALL ME Spell: Make Him Call You or Text NOW [Works Fast!] › ... › Pagan Witchcraft
Mar 25, 2019 - Place this piece of paper under your cell phone, or even your laptop if you are expecting an email. Slowly scatter the herbs in a clockwise ...

Does caller know the operator asked this question and not another on her party line?
Since the operator identified herself as the operator when inquiring if she needed help and the caller was unconnected to anyone else, I would say yes, she was aware it was an operator.

She doesnt want help dialing?
She had the opportunity to say so if she did need such help.

She sounded like she was reading something.
According to the operators, yes.

Like the courts?
The list of courts seems to be included as something she wanted "taken down".  You know. Lynch Earl Warren, as one prominent Bircher demanded.

Reciting them and dialing one perhaps to warn a judge?
Well, that is putting her back in the looney tunes category.  She was dialling 12 numbers at a time and even if she was trying to get hold of a judge, what was she going to say? "Be careful of thermostats because there is literally going to be a fire in your courtroom? Oh and by the way, Kennedy is going to die in a few minutes."

No, Ed. This was a ritual she was performing. The phone was just a tool in that ritual.

Australians don't mind criminals: It's successful bullshit artists we despise. 
              Lachie Hulme            
The Cold War ran on bullshit.

"So what’s an independent-minded populist like me to do? I’ve had to grovel in promoting myself on social media, even begging for Amazon reviews and Goodreads ratings, to no avail." 
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"I've been aware of Greg Parker's work for years, and strongly recommend it." Peter Dale Scott
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oxnard - The Oxnard Riddle Explained Empty Re: The Oxnard Riddle Explained

Sat 12 Mar 2022, 8:36 pm
Several clues lead me to a differing conclusion.
“Please get off the line; I’m using the phone.”
Typical of shared phones not speaking with an operator. Caller at this time was connected. Connected with the operator. Best an operator can do is pull her key back. Leaving the line open.

"Bliss, operating a toll call board, recording Trunk No. 42, thought someone had a receiver off as she heard a fuzzy sound and received no reply to her call of “operator”. Then on hearing whispering sounds, asked Mrs. Shores to come in on the line as she thought party might be in trouble. Individual on line started to dial and after dialing a few numbers started whispering very faintly, “the President is going to die at 10:10”. Mrs. Bliss and Mrs. Shores looked at the telephone company clock located between them noting the time was 10:07 to 10:08. Mrs. Shores stated she next heard in the same whispering voice something as follows: “the Justice, the Supreme Court, there’s going to be fire in all the windows, the Government is going up in flames”. Mrs. Shores stated they thought the individual was reading something as she was whispering so rapidly. This party then evidently laid the receiver on the table, but no background noises whatever could be heard. The party then dialed 12 to 15 digits and Mrs. Bliss again asked if she could be of assistance. At this time, the voice which sounded like that of a middle aged woman replied, “No, I’m using the phone”. This reply was in a clear, normal voice and did not appear to indicate anything unusual."

These all appear to be:
Caller doesnt hear Bliss say "operator" at beginning  ,receiver is off ,,when fuzzy sounds (Ham Radio?) are heard.
When asked or interrupted she responds in a 'Normal'.voice. She changes her tone as though someone picked up.the party line.
Someone she wanted to get off the line and wanted to sound normal to.
It seems she didnt know she was being listened to before this ie receiver off as noted by Bliss.

Ritual perhaps... 
Or a lady who blabbed and was overheard.
This is perhaps more factual than any ceremony.
She read off something.
She dialed and refused help at that point.
Only thing of interest is Bliss said the woman had laid the receiver down for the dialing and yet still hears Bliss ask her if she needs assisstance.
No Ouija boards no magic breads.
Just an open receiver and a ungrateful psychic.

So was the rain dance to make it rain or just play along so if it did rain credits due?
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