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Oswald accused of shooting BB gun at New Yorkers  Empty Oswald accused of shooting BB gun at New Yorkers

Wed 27 Nov 2013, 6:59 pm
Philip Jacobs, who was 73, summoned stories from bygone New York, of Lower East Side toil, business success and the Orthodox Jewish customs of his youth. His days as a landlord prompted one memory in particular.
It seemed that someone with a BB gun had been shooting at an apartment building he owned in the Bronx, pinging the dark brick, piercing the windows, even targeting the elderly women who sat and gossiped in front of the building, on the sunny side. A minor nuisance in the overall context of early 1950s New York, but it had to be dealt with.
He questioned tenants in the building across the street, figuring that the shots were coming from that direction. A boy piped up to say that the shooter was one of Mr. Jacobs’s own tenants: a young teenager who had just received a BB gun as a present.
Lee, the boy said. Lee Oswald.
“So he got his experience in my building how to use a BB gun,” Mr. Jacobs said for posterity, adding that this former tenant “eventually killed President John Kennedy.”
“He killed him?” asked the 11-year-old girl, Alysha Jacobs, in the disbelief of innocence.
Until now, the story that the grandfather shared nearly three decades ago has been a private curio in the stocked cabinet of Jacobs family lore.
If true, and the Jacobs family says it is, the tale would add one more detail to tantalize those still scouring the brief, troubled life of Lee Harvey Oswald for answers to the how and why of a presidential assassination, 50 years ago this Friday.

Page has audio of Jacobs talking about Lee going across street to friends apt. and shooting at ladies in front of the building and also at windows.
"“Lee Harvey Oswald had been given a BB gun as a present for Christmas. Having found out who did the shooting, we sort of took the situation in hand and it stopped," said Philip Jacobs."

Yet here we have Marguerite saying it was January 1956 New Orleans and Lee bought a "BB Gun" with his own money.

The story they give is that Lee was,
“seriously withdrawn, detached and emotionally isolated” and had no friends.
“So he went with his friend who lived across the street and shot at the tenants who were sitting in front of the building and at our windows,” Mr. Jacobs told his granddaughter...

And this article painting Lee as a loner.

PHILLIP JACOBS, 1401 Carroll Street, Brooklyn, New York, advised SA INGRAM on December 10, 1963, he was the landlord of the building at 825 East 179th Street, Bronx, during 1953, but he could not personally recall Mrs. OSWALD. He said the tenants mailed in their rents and he had no contact with the tenants. He has no records and the person who might recall the OSWALD family would be Mrs. GUSSIE KELLER.
The dark-brick apartment building at 825 East 179th Street has been torn down. Philip Jacobs died in 1985 at age 74, a year after his granddaughter interviewed him. A Gussie Keller, formerly of this Bronx neighborhood, died at 94 in 1990.
Yet he says Marguerite Oswald was "very tight-lipped," Philip Jacobs later told his granddaughter Alysha. "She was sort of anti-Semitic in her approach every time I spoke to her."
So how does a man whom never met or spoke to Marguerite have conversations to her! And she is anti-semitic to boot??????
"Jacobs did not elaborate, but his son Martin recalls that his father claimed to have confronted the Oswalds. They were to pay for the damage, and if it happened again, they were out."

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Oswald accused of shooting BB gun at New Yorkers  Empty Re: Oswald accused of shooting BB gun at New Yorkers

Wed 27 Nov 2013, 10:20 pm
Robert gives us testimony about BB guns...
"However, I would say this, Mother did not like firearms."
"He liked cap pistols, like any other kid. And to the extent we didn't even own a BB gun."
Jenner: Had you ever had BB guns around your home?
"No sir"
Jenner: Had you boys ever owned one?
"No sir"
Albert Rossi
Albert Rossi
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Oswald accused of shooting BB gun at New Yorkers  Empty Re: Oswald accused of shooting BB gun at New Yorkers

Thu 28 Nov 2013, 4:03 am
When I was three or four, I was provoked by my cousin and bit his arm. At five, I was involved in a rock fight on my neighborhood block.  When I was nine, I shot a BB gun at some birds in the backyard of my neighborhood friend's house.  I guess all this makes me a potential presidential assassin. 

(Note: I have never handled a real firearm.)
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Oswald accused of shooting BB gun at New Yorkers  Empty Re: Oswald accused of shooting BB gun at New Yorkers

Thu 28 Nov 2013, 12:55 pm
Thank you Albert! Reminds me of our neighborhood as kids!
When I was a kid my friends and I were shooting my BB gun. Later My Dad said the rear quarter window glass of an old car in the back yard, a Mercury Comet was shot out. We were shooting into a hillside at pop cans. I knew I did not do it but had to fix it anyways. I was not outside the whole time as I went in to use restroom and left my friends with the BB gun for a few minutes. So I could not discount the BB gun was used to do it.
If any truth to the Bronx Tale (I'll eat my hat) and it may have been the kid whom said it was Ossie. Or just the kid across the street. Maybe kid was one in the same?
I doubt Lee ever got a BB gun for Christmas in the Bronx, at least from Marguerite or John Pic.santa

This Bronx Tale is called 'piling on'.
If Jacobs had anything to say he would have talked about in 1963 when the reporter interviewed him. If it were TRUTH he would have been compelled to inform the investigator SA Ingram but said he never knew Marguerite/Oswald. So he was either a liar or a liar. Only two choices.

Last edited by Ed. Ledoux on Thu 28 Nov 2013, 12:59 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : 1973 is 1963 ten years after 1953)
Albert Rossi
Albert Rossi
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Age : 69
Location : Naperville, IL USA

Oswald accused of shooting BB gun at New Yorkers  Empty Re: Oswald accused of shooting BB gun at New Yorkers

Thu 28 Nov 2013, 1:05 pm
It's amazing how pathetic the shoring-up of the legend has become.
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