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Myers Claims New Evidence In Tippit Murder

Jeff Reilley
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tippit - Myers Claims New Evidence In Tippit Murder Empty Myers Claims New Evidence In Tippit Murder

Sun 15 Nov 2020, 6:52 pm

Out With Bill Shelley In Front.
Jeff Reilley
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tippit - Myers Claims New Evidence In Tippit Murder Empty Re: Myers Claims New Evidence In Tippit Murder

Mon 16 Nov 2020, 12:43 am
Going to be honest here, I tried to read that. After about six paragraphs, my attention span had completely quit on it and I honestly didn't care about anything.  Oswald's innocence or guilt, Hugh Aynesworth being thrown in there randomly(he may have played a prominent role in that abomination of text I struggled to digest, but seriously that arrogant douche face needs a good eye poking), and even my own mortality, I stopped caring about anything at all. Dude has been doing this since before I was born, and honestly his writing makes me want to inflict pain on myself so I can feel something.

  The only things I got out of that were he thinks Oswald is guilty, there was something in there about a jacket, and I found someone that finally dethroned William Faulkner as my least favorite person to decide to do something involving writing. Thanks Dick Myers.
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tippit - Myers Claims New Evidence In Tippit Murder Empty Re: Myers Claims New Evidence In Tippit Murder

Mon 16 Nov 2020, 6:19 pm
I found the article interesting and the story interesting and credible, of Mrs. Dean, proprietor of Dean's Dairy Way on East Jefferson, witnessing the Tippit killer go in front of her store and then following him around the corner and finding the gray jacket abandoned by him left on a tire rack of the service station next door. The tire rack is hidden from view, in between two buildings' walls, an opportune place to dispose of the jacket without being seen doing so before emerging to view again in the alley behind the buildings. According to the late Mrs. Dean's lifelong story as handed down by her daughters, she had given the jacket to the police. Myers respectfully tells but rejects this story of Mrs. Dean, via her daughters, based on the testimonies and multiple witnesses of police finding the jacket under a car parked behind the service station. 

Whereas Myers holds and never questions that the two versions of the find of that jacket are incompatible, I suspect both are correct. Mrs. Dean found the jacket, picked it up and took it back with her into her store until police arrived moments later. Police quickly arrived, and Mrs. Dean turned the jacket over to them and explained which way she had seen the killer run. This presented a problem from the police point of view because a chain of custody was compromised. Officers therefore thanked her and took that jacket, and proceeded to newly "discover" it themselves in a different location nearby--under a car out back. The unusual testimonies of Westbrook and other officers, in which no one could quite remember which officer had first spotted the jacket and conflicting reports as to which officer picked it up--Westbrook? or not Westbrook?--are less than straightforward and suggestive in support of this reconstruction. Only two or three officers would need to know that the jacket had been found before it was found again more properly by police officers. Remember Leavelle's statements to witnesses at the police lineup later that day, "take your time, we need a solid identification, we want to wrap him up real tight on this one". Once police identified who they believed was the culprit, it became an issue of preservation and presentation of evidence in a form suitable for proving it in court. So it was not viewed as framing someone innocent, but of developing evidence in a form that the legal system would find acceptable to convict the guilty.

I appreciate both Mrs. Dean's daughters for coming forward with the account, and Myers for writing it, even while I offer this differing interpretation or assessment of the Mrs. Dean story.

Last edited by Greg_Doudna on Sat 12 Dec 2020, 2:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
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tippit - Myers Claims New Evidence In Tippit Murder Empty Re: Myers Claims New Evidence In Tippit Murder

Mon 16 Nov 2020, 11:15 pm
The dawn of a new rabbit hole. Dale Myers invents his own brand of hearsay and up pops the latest in new and improved hearsay. Slather it over the top of the old hearsay and eat it for lunch.

What about a picture of Oswald on the steps? Is that hearsay? No. It's a picture of Oswald on the steps.

Release clear scans. Reveal the truth about Prayer Man. Preserve the history of the assassination of JFK.
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tippit - Myers Claims New Evidence In Tippit Murder Empty Re: Myers Claims New Evidence In Tippit Murder

Tue 17 Nov 2020, 1:26 pm
I purchased Myers book and using the actual record I set about trying to create a timeline for his claims - to either validate his version or not. In trying to to confirm his timeline I quickly discovered almost the entire book (With Malice) is a fabrication , at least according to all the reports, Affidavits and witness statements sworn not long after the event.
It proved  - at least to me that Myer's book is nothing more than a fictional fantasy.

The record shows that he was less than honest when he put pen to paper.

I'm just a patsy!

tippit - Myers Claims New Evidence In Tippit Murder Byp_211
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tippit - Myers Claims New Evidence In Tippit Murder Empty Re: Myers Claims New Evidence In Tippit Murder

Fri 20 Nov 2020, 1:03 am
Mick_Purdy wrote:I purchased Myers book and using the actual record I set about trying to create a timeline for his claims - to either validate his version or not. In trying to to confirm his timeline I quickly discovered almost the entire book (With Malice) is a fabrication , at least according to all the reports, Affidavits and witness statements sworn not long after the event.
It proved  - at least to me that Myer's book is nothing more than a fictional fantasy.

The record shows that he was less than honest when he put pen to paper.

Myers is to the Tippit case what Posner and Bugliosi are to the JFK case.

Out With Bill Shelley In Front.
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tippit - Myers Claims New Evidence In Tippit Murder Empty Re: Myers Claims New Evidence In Tippit Murder

Fri 20 Nov 2020, 2:36 am
I believe I posted this before, but it's really hard to take Myers seriously. Pat Speer, among others, did a great job of exposing his bullshit when he created his "award-winning" animation. In other words, he tried mightily to fit a square peg into a round hole.

PS - I know Speers has been ridiculed and not well liked here. Yes, I agree that some of things he writes about regarding the case can be silly and he takes the witness statements, IMO, way too literally. But I do think he did a good job of the above.

And here's one of my all-time favorite photos from the case. Bet Myers never used that reenactment photo as part of his research leading up to the animation:

tippit - Myers Claims New Evidence In Tippit Murder Fbi-and-autopsy
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tippit - Myers Claims New Evidence In Tippit Murder Empty Re: Myers Claims New Evidence In Tippit Murder

Fri 20 Nov 2020, 10:42 am
PS - I know Speers has been ridiculed and not well liked here.

Telling me and Lee Farley that we hould be honored and grateful that David Lifton condescended to give us the benefits of his chastisements, about says it all. 

But I am more than happy to separate that from, and acknowledge, any genuine little nuggets he has managed to squeaze out.

Australians don't mind criminals: It's successful bullshit artists we despise. 
              Lachie Hulme            
The Cold War ran on bullshit.

"So what’s an independent-minded populist like me to do? I’ve had to grovel in promoting myself on social media, even begging for Amazon reviews and Goodreads ratings, to no avail." 
Don Jeffries

"I've been aware of Greg Parker's work for years, and strongly recommend it." Peter Dale Scott

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tippit - Myers Claims New Evidence In Tippit Murder Empty Re: Myers Claims New Evidence In Tippit Murder

Thu 31 Dec 2020, 9:02 am
Stop reading bullshit forums and read the documents!

What Documents? Enlighten us oh he who knows all. On second thoughts please don't.

I'm just a patsy!

tippit - Myers Claims New Evidence In Tippit Murder Byp_211
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Age : 66
Location : Orange, NSW, Australia

tippit - Myers Claims New Evidence In Tippit Murder Empty Re: Myers Claims New Evidence In Tippit Murder

Thu 31 Dec 2020, 10:43 am
zangarathepatsy wrote:Tippit was shot by Frank Sturgis and David Ferrie. This one wasn't even that hard. Stop reading bullshit forums and read the documents!
Which Ferrie was this? The real life one who was over 6 feet tall, or the 5' 3" Joe Pesci lookalike you have loitering around tress in Dealey Plaza like a Cocker-Spaniel about to cock a leg?

Australians don't mind criminals: It's successful bullshit artists we despise. 
              Lachie Hulme            
The Cold War ran on bullshit.

"So what’s an independent-minded populist like me to do? I’ve had to grovel in promoting myself on social media, even begging for Amazon reviews and Goodreads ratings, to no avail." 
Don Jeffries

"I've been aware of Greg Parker's work for years, and strongly recommend it." Peter Dale Scott
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tippit - Myers Claims New Evidence In Tippit Murder Empty Re: Myers Claims New Evidence In Tippit Murder

Thu 31 Dec 2020, 1:43 pm
greg_parker wrote:
PS - I know Speers has been ridiculed and not well liked here.

Telling me and Lee Farley that we hould be honored and grateful that David Lifton condescended to give us the benefits of his chastisements, about says it all. 

But I am more than happy to separate that from, and acknowledge, any genuine little nuggets he has managed to squeaze out.

Also it was Speer who originally came up with Prayer Man is a woman nonsense long before the Florida guy made it his trademark.

Out With Bill Shelley In Front.
Posts : 3406
Join date : 2013-08-27

tippit - Myers Claims New Evidence In Tippit Murder Empty Re: Myers Claims New Evidence In Tippit Murder

Thu 31 Dec 2020, 1:46 pm
zangarathepatsy wrote:Tippit was shot by Frank Sturgis and David Ferrie. This one wasn't even that hard. Stop reading bullshit forums and read the documents!


Out With Bill Shelley In Front.
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Join date : 2021-02-04

tippit - Myers Claims New Evidence In Tippit Murder Empty Re: Myers Claims New Evidence In Tippit Murder

Thu 11 Mar 2021, 3:09 pm
I don’t agree with Myers’ CGI model of the single bullet trajectory. JFK has a neck like a swan in his model to make the SBT fit. For the SBT to be true, it could not have been fired from the TSBD. And if the SBT is not true, we are back in conspiracy land. Either way, the WC explanation is wrong.

Myers did some good work discrediting the acoustics evidence, Badgeman, and the cop car in the driveway at the Tippit shooting.

I realize that there is, at the very least, strong doubt as to whether Oswald was on McWatter’s bus and whether he even lived at the Beckley rooming house but give me some rope.

Myers believes that Tippit’s killer was walking west when he encountered Tippit. Seems reasonable given that the killer was said to continue traveling west after the shooting and some witnesses said as such. For this to be Oswald walking from the rooming house, he would have had to have gone past the Tippit shooting location and then decided, for no apparent reason, to turn around and retrace his steps and walk west. My problem with this is that to have killed Tippit at 1:14:30 as Myers claims, Oswald had to be walking rapidly at about 4 miles per hour. Someone walking for over 10 minutes at that pace is not walking aimlessly. They have a destination in mind. For reasons I’ll get into shortly, a logical destination would be Marsalis St. But Marsalis is 1000 feet east of the Tippit shooting meaning that Oswald would have had to have walked another 2000 feet to which would add another 5-6 minutes to the timeline. Myers thinks Oswald turned around someplace around Denver and 10th. And that does not account for any time on Marsalis for Oswald to decide to turn around. It does not appear that Oswald could have done this without getting a ride even assuming an early departure from the rooming house. Total time would have been about 19 minutes.

My reason for suggesting Marsalis as a destination was to use the transfer found on him when he was arrested. I know this is also a controversial point but bear with me. Supposedly Oswald got his transfer after hearing a woman asking for one when she feared the bus would not get her to the train station on time. McWatters assured her that if the bus caught up with her, she could use the transfer to reboard the bus. Oswald might have had similar thoughts and realized he might have the opportunity to return to his rooming house to change his clothes and retrieve his pistol. McWatters seemed to be somewhat lax on adhering to the limits on the use of transfers and it was clear that the bus was going to be very late.

An alternative explanation would have Oswald go directly to Marsalis from his rooming house. That would mean either Colorado or 5th St. Fifth St. seems a little shorter and probably had less traffic. It seemed to Earline Roberts that Oswald paused in front of the rooming house to consider what he was going to do.

Had Oswald jogged to Marsalis via 5th, it would have taken about 5 minutes to cover the 0.5 mile distance. What he might have had in mind was to walk south on Marsalis until the bus caught up with him. But the Marsalis bus was about 45 minutes behind schedule. By the time he got close to Jefferson the Marsalis bus had still not appeared. He might have decided to head to the Texas Theater or some other destination to the west. Wanting to avoid traffic on Jefferson, he used 10th and proceeded until encountering Tippit. This route would have taken about 15-16 minutes.

I suppose Oswald could have also jogged part of the distance along the WC route. But wouldn’t he want to get to Marsalis as soon as possible?

Either way, the timeline doesn’t fit.
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tippit - Myers Claims New Evidence In Tippit Murder Empty Re: Myers Claims New Evidence In Tippit Murder

Thu 18 Mar 2021, 1:38 am

This is all you need to know:

Take the time to read the various links.
Posts : 325
Join date : 2021-02-04

tippit - Myers Claims New Evidence In Tippit Murder Empty Re: Myers Claims New Evidence In Tippit Murder

Thu 18 Mar 2021, 9:22 am
JFK Case,

I made an inquiry with Dale Myers as to why Oswald would have suddenly turned around before reaching Masalis. Myers suggests that the turnaround is the reason Oswald initially approached Tippit face first as well to explain witnesses east of the killing site to have seen Oswald walking west.

If I get an answer, I will share.
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