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montenegro and sharp - blunt history

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montenegro and sharp - blunt history - Page 2 Empty montenegro and sharp - blunt history

Mon 10 Jul 2023, 12:30 pm
First topic message reminder :

Montenegro here is blathering about Z-Unit in post-war Japan which was instigated by Willoughby and led by Canon. 

Let me give a more complete history.

Willoughby/Canon never thought this up.

It was a direct copy of Australia's Z Special Unit. This unit operated during the war behind Japanese lines "predominantly operating on Borneo and the islands of the former Dutch East Indies."

The unit specialized in reconnaissance and sabotage. One would assume the odd assassination may have also taken place. 

In any case, Canon most likely worked with the Australian Unit, or crossed paths with it in Borneo.

Canon had served in Borneo and Manila during World War II as an explosives expert and became one of the first Americans to enter Tokyo after the war, arriving in September 1945 as a member of the 411 Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC).

And btw... there was much discussion somewhere between the same two regarding the word "Malam". I am delighted to report that it is Tamil for SHIT.மலம்/மலம்-meaning-in-english#google_vignette

I have a whole new respect for Tamil.

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Sun 16 Jul 2023, 5:17 pm
Obviously " Is there a Fuhrer in this forum?" was a big hit with the network bigwigs,  because they've just launched a sequel ( of sorts)

Forget Nazi Conspiracy Bingo,  or even Conspiratainment soap operas..


You wanted WWF for conspiracists? Well you got it!!

The biggest baddest most connected Wrestling Association EVER 

W.A.N.K.E.R.plc ( WRESTLING AND NON CONTACT KONSPIRACING EDUCATIONAL RALLIES [ Trine Day Verlag Sports Management in association with Vary Baker purveyors of the finest reptilian ointments and potions])

It's Nuremberg meets Vegas, Baby 

See Big Momma Sharp squeeze Big Bad Bangkok Ben's Microcephalic head betwixt her well greased calves...You'll be amazed by the damage " The Masked Psychiatrist " can inflict with his collapse able " consultation chair" See what happens when puny Popeye Bob eats his " spinach " 

For those with more risque tastes, stick around for our special Midnight Doppelganger on Doppelganger tag team bouts,  featuring the Colostomy Kid and the Coprophilia Bandit...




That's right folks! Popeye Bob Montenegro has committed virtual conspiracy harikari by daring to question the sanctity of beloved conspiracy icon, FLETCHER " Operating Thetan " PROUTY!!

On a far more serious note,  his latest feverish excretion, yet another non sequitur fuelled muddle,  is just about as accurate as the rest of the " facts" which make Coup in Dallas such a definitive investigation 

Yet more fucking names,  leaping from one to the other - like da Funky Fez  in the one notorious scene in the otherwise obscure 80s  breakdance movie,  The Electric Fezzaloo,  when Professor Sanford B Body Popp " accidentally " emptied a jar of highly invasive,  voraciously hungry, Brazilian Killer Termites,  down the front of Da Funky Fez's MC Hammer pants- with no semblance of meaning or basic coherence. 

Yet another meaningless torrent of vaguely suggestive names, organisations and mostly spurious attempts to add a dash of Ms Sharp's patented sfumato technique,  to give them a hint of malevolence and the inevitable Nazi links 

I can't begin dissecting this latest wild eyed confection in detail until I refresh my memory,  but at first glance he's obviously muddled up the timelines and misunderstood the actual structure and evolution of the Third Reich police/ security/ intelligence apparatus. 

His stuff about the Vlasov Army( ROA) is just flat out wrong,  and the stuff about the mostly phantasmal Eastern European emigre " stay behind " networks is largely fictional,  or reliant upon HIGHLY dubious sources. 

Yet again,  I'm left confused and slightly irritated by such transparently erroneous waffle,  but mostly I just scratch my head,  wondering,  " so fucking what?" Even IF true how does this collection of mildly intriguing ephemera relate to the actual assassination conspiracy?

On an even more serious note,  the most skilled credible researcher EVER has cast his expert eye over the Divine Ms Ss research. His verdict? Typical woman 

True to form, you can rely upon our Brian to lower the tone of any sort of discussion. 

Dragging it down to the gutter,  with the rest of his feverish occasionally maudlin imaginings. 

Anti semite, Holocaust denier,  Unashamed bigot, Irredeemable fantasist? And now sexist !

But, but,  but,  you're just a lying troll, the reason why I am shunned as a pariah and ignored is not because of my despicable beliefs,  or my offensively obnoxious behaviour,  or even my laughably attempts at " research " , no, if you were a brilliantly talented researcher like me,  who had singlehandedly outargued the trollish boobies and cracked the case, its because James Gordon and Greg Parker are orchestrating an internet wide cabal,  designed to ignore the greatest,  most courteous and sophisticated researcher EVER

A fez! A fez! My kingdom for a fez!!
The last words of King Richard HARVEY Plantagenet III 
Bosworth Field 1485

Is that a doppelganger in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?
Artist, poet, polymath, cancer research prodigy Judyth Vary Baker's  first words to Lee HARVEY Oswald. New Orleans April 1963

For every HARVEY there must be an equal and opposite LEE
Professor Sandy Isaac Newton Laverne Shirley Fonzie Larsen's 
Famous 1st Law of Doppelganging

" To answer your question I  ALWAYS  look for mundane reasons for seeming anomalies before considering  sinister explanations. Only a fool would do otherwise. And I'm no fool" The esteemed Professor Larsen  From  his soon to be published  self help book " The Trough of Enlightenment "( Trine Day  Foreword  Vince Palamara)

" Once you prove Davidson's woman's face then Stanton's breasts follow naturally " Brian Doyle
Posts : 325
Join date : 2021-02-04

montenegro and sharp - blunt history - Page 2 Empty Re: montenegro and sharp - blunt history

Mon 17 Jul 2023, 4:04 am
If Nazis had the power to assassinate JFK and cover it up, how did they benefit from the assassination?
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