Sirhan Parole
Sat 28 Aug 2021, 5:30 pm
Prayer Man: More Than a Fuzzy Picture (E-)Book @ Amazon.
Re: Sirhan Parole
Sun 29 Aug 2021, 2:10 pm
The story says that some members of the Kennedy family opposed his relase. I wonder who they were?barto wrote:
In any case, his release is not a dne deal yet.
Australians don't mind criminals: It's successful bullshit artists we despise.
Lachie Hulme
The Cold War ran on bullshit.
"So what’s an independent-minded populist like me to do? I’ve had to grovel in promoting myself on social media, even begging for Amazon reviews and Goodreads ratings, to no avail." Don Jeffries
"I've been aware of Greg Parker's work for years, and strongly recommend it." Peter Dale Scott
Re: Sirhan Parole
Thu 02 Sep 2021, 12:51 pm
greg_parker wrote:The story says that some members of the Kennedy family opposed his relase. I wonder who they were?barto wrote:
In any case, his release is not a dne deal yet
Despite my own doubts and the doubts of others, I have it from someone in a position to know, that the governor will not intervene in the release and that Sirhan will spend 6 months in a half-way house before moving in with brother Munir.
Australians don't mind criminals: It's successful bullshit artists we despise.
Lachie Hulme
The Cold War ran on bullshit.
"So what’s an independent-minded populist like me to do? I’ve had to grovel in promoting myself on social media, even begging for Amazon reviews and Goodreads ratings, to no avail." Don Jeffries
"I've been aware of Greg Parker's work for years, and strongly recommend it." Peter Dale Scott
Re: Sirhan Parole
Sat 04 Sep 2021, 12:52 pm
Australians don't mind criminals: It's successful bullshit artists we despise.
Lachie Hulme
The Cold War ran on bullshit.
"So what’s an independent-minded populist like me to do? I’ve had to grovel in promoting myself on social media, even begging for Amazon reviews and Goodreads ratings, to no avail." Don Jeffries
"I've been aware of Greg Parker's work for years, and strongly recommend it." Peter Dale Scott
- Vinny
- Posts : 3395
Join date : 2013-08-27
Re: Sirhan Parole
Sat 04 Sep 2021, 6:27 pm
Hope he will indeed be released.
Out With Bill Shelley In Front.
Re: Sirhan Parole
Sat 04 Sep 2021, 9:19 pm
That seems to be the likely outcome, Vinny. But i guess it is not over till it's over.Vinny wrote:Hope he will indeed be released.
- Vinny
- Posts : 3395
Join date : 2013-08-27
Re: Sirhan Parole
Thu 09 Sep 2021, 8:16 pm
RFK's wife Ethel opposes parole for Sirhan.
Out With Bill Shelley In Front.
- Vinny
- Posts : 3395
Join date : 2013-08-27
Re: Sirhan Parole
Thu 09 Sep 2021, 8:18 pm
Out With Bill Shelley In Front.
Re: Sirhan Parole
Sun 26 Sep 2021, 10:56 am
David Liftton (DSL) AKA The Body Snatcher AKA The Chupacabra Whisperer wrote:To repeat what Steve Roe said: "I am confident Sirhan will remain, where he should be, in prison for the rest of his life."
Which shows a complete lack of understanding of how parole works. Unless you think he is an ongoing danger...
Furthermore, should he be granted a release, my bet is that within a short time, Sirhan will be found in some mideast country, mouthing off that he was now ready to tell "the full truth" or "the real truth"; and will be searching for a book contract, advertised to be exactly such a truth.
Hilarious. The only way Sirhan gets out of the country is deportation since he is not a US citizen. As for the avaricious intentions imputed, well, they do sound a lot like projection. Because David would consider it in that situation, everyone else must.
FWIW: Robert Blair Kaiser (who passed in 2015) was a good friend of mine,
How fucking dare you besmirch someone postumously by claiming to have been their friend!
and I know how difficult it was dealing with Sirhan, and attempting to get anything resembling "the truth" from him.
FFS. "I know how difficult it was dealing with Sirhan and attempting to get anything resembling The Truth from him." In other words, we could not get him to confirm our fucked- up theory.
Pardon my cynicism; but if Sirhan is released and embarks on the equivalent of a "book tour," those government officials who permitted such a farce, will look like fools.
Still fantasizing about non-existent book tours, I see. At least this time it's not yours. Small mercies and all that...
David S. Lifton
9/17/21 - 6 AM PDT
Planet Vogsphere
Australians don't mind criminals: It's successful bullshit artists we despise.
Lachie Hulme
The Cold War ran on bullshit.
"So what’s an independent-minded populist like me to do? I’ve had to grovel in promoting myself on social media, even begging for Amazon reviews and Goodreads ratings, to no avail." Don Jeffries
"I've been aware of Greg Parker's work for years, and strongly recommend it." Peter Dale Scott
- alex_wilson
- Posts : 1333
Join date : 2019-04-10
Re: Sirhan Parole
Sun 26 Sep 2021, 10:23 pm
If the politicians, commentators and woke sentinels, on both sides of the fanciful, wholly spurious socio political divide were actually sincere;if the platitudes they mouth so earnestly, if the prayers they dispatch to their most merciful God actually meant anything (if they actually fucking believed them), and most importantly of all if those wonderful sentiments, carved above the entranceway to the High Temple of their Race, frowning down sleeplessly upon the heads of each successive generation, like some funereal shroud wrought in stone.." Learn from the past" actually meant something then instead of talking about parole the chief justices, senators, editors and podcasters should be crawling on their knees up the steps... beneath the gaze of those lofty beg Sirhan's forgiveness..For over 50 years destroyed...a life made worthless to feed their worthless delusions...of justice democracy and Freedom...
A wasted life...a life sacrificed on the altar of political necessity..
Sirhan in many ways was the ultimate patsy. He paid the ultimate price..unlike Oswald , who attained some sort of immortality, blasted to a hillbilly Valhalla after a mere 48 hours in the spotlight..He was kept alive, stretched on a rack of consciousness, aware as each excruciating second dragged past..turning into minutes, hours, years then decades...witnessing his own dissolution in agonised slow motion. His very soul and psyche disassembled by clumsy uncaring hands..." Why did ya shoot him?"
That's right DSL let the bastard suffer a little more, right? Having declared him guilty in the High Court of DSL he couldn't possibly be innocent...
Or James Earl Ray, despite the fact he was double or even triple crossed and denied the operation that would have saved his life,( and prolonged the suffering of those who longed to see him slip into the silent embrace of death... beyond the reach of meddlesome appeal court judges.) he achieved some sort of redemption ,due to the King families intercession, and , despite its admitted flaws, some degree of posthumous rehabilitation, due to the Loyd Jowers civil action, back in '99
Damned by his nationality, and decades worth of political machinations and the sheer implausibility of his case( to those who haven't studied the evidence, with the almost inevitable magic bullet or two zipping around at angles that would have made poor Archimedes drown in his bath, not to mention the case of the vanishing door jambs and the assassin who must have been on the shooting range with a homicidal Mr Man...Mr Tickle having taught him the mystical art of limb extension... enabling Sirhan to extend his arm, and shoot RFK at point blank range, leaving a contact gunshot wound behind his ear while standing in front of him..putting aside his 12 gallon hat to don his deerstalker, Six Gun Stevie Roe offered his expert opinion, brushing aside this glaring discrepancy, with his usual thoroughness and respect for the evidence.." Yee haw it sure is elementary Doctor Watson... that there Sirhan musta snuck up behind the varmit..them commies , libruls and long haired hippies in the pantry musta been stoned or something..")
Mind control and hypno programmed patsys sound positively outlandish... until you actually start to look at the evidence. Basically Sirhan was just a good old fashioned decoy.. creating a distraction while the real assassin struck..
Of all the assassinations of the 60s RFKs was arguably the most had an absolutely devastating effect on the future decades ... With Nixon , his plumbers, his Southern Strategy, his delusions of an Imperial Presidency , not to mention the cynical brinkmanship masquerading as realpolitik diplomacy .. setting the precedent for the future incumbents of the White House, and perhaps, more importantly the puppeteers hovering in the shadows... transforming the President into both a frontman and a lightning rod, indulging his fantasies and the increasingly desperate fantasies of the poor bastards who elected him, as they got down to the serious business of " governing"
Lifton's comments are despicable on so many different levels. Yet again he is exposed as self obsessed fantasist utterly detached from any sort of reality, totally disinterested in anything not pertaining to himself and completely incapable of empathising , or feeling the slightest bit of compassion, for anyone who doesn't worship at the temple of his profanity.
I've said it before ; take away " Best Evidence" and 20 or so IQ points then Lifton would be nothing more than another Doyle. The similarities are uncanny
Read him pontificating about " strategic deception"... the man who pretty much singlehandedly reduced the Kennedy assassination to a laughably contrived and atrociously written late 70s sexploitation potboiler...well perhaps forget the " sex" part Lifton exudes all the charm of some hapless trouserworm who is convinced if he hisses and wriggles enough he'll be magically transformed into a trouser snake...Apart from Jim Fetzer and the guy who played Lee Wee Hermann Lifton was the only person to thought the script of The 40 year old virgin was a self help book...actually writing to the producers and offering to write the sequel.." about this really sexy dude who solves the Kennedy assassination while being embroiled in " love rhombohedral square" with Marina Oswald and her two daughters"
Dean Koontz or Garth Marenghi... watch him on the documentary made to accompany JFK , back in the 90s , he makes your flesh creep...sidling up to the camera, lascivious, almost necrophiliac gleam behind his half steamed if he's picturing the interviewer with a lacerated head wound, or measuring him for a coffin... like a ghoul who has just come lurching out of a knitwear emporium..
His notions of a real world strategic deception are as bizarre as they are ahistorical, combined with the havoc he's wreaked, or at least helped to wreak over the decades... foisting a series of the most absurd, fantastically deluded scenarios...body alteration, film alteration etc ...he has contrived to inflict greivous, almost terminal damage on the research community.
I've often ridiculed the notion of nefarious disinfo spooks being dispatched to online troofer fora to subvert the " research"...but saying that, I wouldn't be the slightest bit surprised if Lifton ( and the fat professor) were subsequently to be exposed( for the love of Armstrong NO NO and NO again John Butler not like THAT..I refuse even to countenance the thought of such a truly ghastly proposition) as bona fide disinformation agents. Put it bluntly, have either of those august personages advanced this case? Or have they Pied Piper like( in Fetzer's case Who ate all the Pies Piper... watch him flopping around like a newly beached whale on some troofer podcast, headphones balanced precariously on the rolls of heaving blubber; roaring, belching, frothing , farting and discombobulating like giant over inflated balloon , or the distended gut of some gluttonous Regency fop, poised to explore after having 86 courses ladled into it) led generation after generation of researchers down a succession of blind alleys?
I find Lifton's various offerings virtually unreadable. The dull pedestrian style, grating monotonous prose .. like some malfunctioning 80s prototype robot stuck on a narcissistic loop..The barely concealed hatefulness, the misanthropic contempt he nurtures for all of humanity, who have not been blessed with the initials " DSL"
Lifton is like the fairytale Emperor, after 50 odd years of parading around in his new clothes his delusions have hardened to certainties ( no John Butler don't you fucking dare...why not toddle along and see how many Mary Moormans you can fit into an upturned yarmulke? See if you can beat Ralph Cinques record).. from the lofty heights of his wastepaper throne he looks down on the despised masses, the peasants he detests.." Look at them! Swarms of lowly serfs.. they have the sheer impudence to approach me..ME...,best selling author of Best Evidence and Emperor of the world, naked!! Put on some clothes! Look at the groovy wing collar on my vomit yellow shirt! And my kipper tie!! I have to keep Lambykins from nibbling at it"
The perfect encapsulation of DSL's " research career"...a fucking disgusting ignorant cunt who has spent nigh on half a century promenading around the research community in various states of undress, upbraiding the hapless proles for their nudity and lack of decorum..
Remember Adrian Mole? Best Evidence should have been called " the Not So Secret Diary of David S Lifton Aged 39 and 3/4s"
As well as his cell ,Sirhan languishes in another , even less forgiving prison- the prison of perception..his case has become so polluted by those who seek to politicise his suffering, and those who seek to draw attention to his name, lingering subtly on the last syllable, so all right thinking souls can draw the right inference, and by those who seek to make a comedy out of his predicament, and thus by extension, the darker corners of their countries past ..
C'mon man, the Stevie Roes of this world would like us to believe...mind control? hypno programmed patsys? Sirhan firing blanks? ...just more fanciful bullshit from you Conspiracy Theorists...
The Roes and the Liftons only look at the ripples on the surface, they necne think of asking " what made those ripples?" They are the obedient children of this culture that worships narcissism above all. Encouraging souls to think only skin keeping the masses hypnotised, like poor Narcissus himself, by their own reflections they can maintain the delusion that life, and indeed history is only skin deep..
That's why I regularly excoriate the tin foil hat brigade...unwittingly or not they connive to maintain the making those who actually look under the surface appear like a bunch of fucking crackpots...babbling away about altered bodies and fake films, fake Oswalds , the old repertoire we've all grown to love ..
I've never bought into the Kennedy myth, JFK and RFK aside they are a singularly uninspiring assortment of wastrels, chancers and parvenus. Who could give even the Liftons of this world a run for his money in the self delusional stakes; no doubt having convinced themselves their ( relative) prominence is all down to their respective talents and sizzling charisma, having nothing at all to do with their name, their illustrious relations, their wealth, and most of all, the silver spoons they keep discreetly stashed away in the back pocket of their Abercrombie and Fitch chinos..
Garrison was spot on... about the Kennedy clan's response to the assassinations.. their silence was part strategic and part self interest. They kept their mouths shut, nodding tamely whenever the Warren Report was mentioned, occasionally even adding a tepid murmur of endorsement, flashing that famous Kennedy smile , shaking hands with a post facto enabler, or even an active conspirator , whenever their paths crossed at a gala dinner, or during the intermission of some ballet at the Kennedy Center.
Perhaps overawed by the power of their enemies, overawed into impotence, and perhaps not, the Kennedys subsequent silence and inactivity has been an undeniable prop, keeping the necrotic facade of the Warren Report and Sirhan's continued incarceration in place..
Sirhan is just another victim, sacrificed on the altar of political expediency..or as daydreamers like Roe and BigDog would have us believe, the greater good.
Lifton's comments were absolutely horrendous, revealing his twisted misanthropic outlook and his utter contempt for his fellow human beings..
A wasted life...a life sacrificed on the altar of political necessity..
Sirhan in many ways was the ultimate patsy. He paid the ultimate price..unlike Oswald , who attained some sort of immortality, blasted to a hillbilly Valhalla after a mere 48 hours in the spotlight..He was kept alive, stretched on a rack of consciousness, aware as each excruciating second dragged past..turning into minutes, hours, years then decades...witnessing his own dissolution in agonised slow motion. His very soul and psyche disassembled by clumsy uncaring hands..." Why did ya shoot him?"
That's right DSL let the bastard suffer a little more, right? Having declared him guilty in the High Court of DSL he couldn't possibly be innocent...
Or James Earl Ray, despite the fact he was double or even triple crossed and denied the operation that would have saved his life,( and prolonged the suffering of those who longed to see him slip into the silent embrace of death... beyond the reach of meddlesome appeal court judges.) he achieved some sort of redemption ,due to the King families intercession, and , despite its admitted flaws, some degree of posthumous rehabilitation, due to the Loyd Jowers civil action, back in '99
Damned by his nationality, and decades worth of political machinations and the sheer implausibility of his case( to those who haven't studied the evidence, with the almost inevitable magic bullet or two zipping around at angles that would have made poor Archimedes drown in his bath, not to mention the case of the vanishing door jambs and the assassin who must have been on the shooting range with a homicidal Mr Man...Mr Tickle having taught him the mystical art of limb extension... enabling Sirhan to extend his arm, and shoot RFK at point blank range, leaving a contact gunshot wound behind his ear while standing in front of him..putting aside his 12 gallon hat to don his deerstalker, Six Gun Stevie Roe offered his expert opinion, brushing aside this glaring discrepancy, with his usual thoroughness and respect for the evidence.." Yee haw it sure is elementary Doctor Watson... that there Sirhan musta snuck up behind the varmit..them commies , libruls and long haired hippies in the pantry musta been stoned or something..")
Mind control and hypno programmed patsys sound positively outlandish... until you actually start to look at the evidence. Basically Sirhan was just a good old fashioned decoy.. creating a distraction while the real assassin struck..
Of all the assassinations of the 60s RFKs was arguably the most had an absolutely devastating effect on the future decades ... With Nixon , his plumbers, his Southern Strategy, his delusions of an Imperial Presidency , not to mention the cynical brinkmanship masquerading as realpolitik diplomacy .. setting the precedent for the future incumbents of the White House, and perhaps, more importantly the puppeteers hovering in the shadows... transforming the President into both a frontman and a lightning rod, indulging his fantasies and the increasingly desperate fantasies of the poor bastards who elected him, as they got down to the serious business of " governing"
Lifton's comments are despicable on so many different levels. Yet again he is exposed as self obsessed fantasist utterly detached from any sort of reality, totally disinterested in anything not pertaining to himself and completely incapable of empathising , or feeling the slightest bit of compassion, for anyone who doesn't worship at the temple of his profanity.
I've said it before ; take away " Best Evidence" and 20 or so IQ points then Lifton would be nothing more than another Doyle. The similarities are uncanny
Read him pontificating about " strategic deception"... the man who pretty much singlehandedly reduced the Kennedy assassination to a laughably contrived and atrociously written late 70s sexploitation potboiler...well perhaps forget the " sex" part Lifton exudes all the charm of some hapless trouserworm who is convinced if he hisses and wriggles enough he'll be magically transformed into a trouser snake...Apart from Jim Fetzer and the guy who played Lee Wee Hermann Lifton was the only person to thought the script of The 40 year old virgin was a self help book...actually writing to the producers and offering to write the sequel.." about this really sexy dude who solves the Kennedy assassination while being embroiled in " love rhombohedral square" with Marina Oswald and her two daughters"
Dean Koontz or Garth Marenghi... watch him on the documentary made to accompany JFK , back in the 90s , he makes your flesh creep...sidling up to the camera, lascivious, almost necrophiliac gleam behind his half steamed if he's picturing the interviewer with a lacerated head wound, or measuring him for a coffin... like a ghoul who has just come lurching out of a knitwear emporium..
His notions of a real world strategic deception are as bizarre as they are ahistorical, combined with the havoc he's wreaked, or at least helped to wreak over the decades... foisting a series of the most absurd, fantastically deluded scenarios...body alteration, film alteration etc ...he has contrived to inflict greivous, almost terminal damage on the research community.
I've often ridiculed the notion of nefarious disinfo spooks being dispatched to online troofer fora to subvert the " research"...but saying that, I wouldn't be the slightest bit surprised if Lifton ( and the fat professor) were subsequently to be exposed( for the love of Armstrong NO NO and NO again John Butler not like THAT..I refuse even to countenance the thought of such a truly ghastly proposition) as bona fide disinformation agents. Put it bluntly, have either of those august personages advanced this case? Or have they Pied Piper like( in Fetzer's case Who ate all the Pies Piper... watch him flopping around like a newly beached whale on some troofer podcast, headphones balanced precariously on the rolls of heaving blubber; roaring, belching, frothing , farting and discombobulating like giant over inflated balloon , or the distended gut of some gluttonous Regency fop, poised to explore after having 86 courses ladled into it) led generation after generation of researchers down a succession of blind alleys?
I find Lifton's various offerings virtually unreadable. The dull pedestrian style, grating monotonous prose .. like some malfunctioning 80s prototype robot stuck on a narcissistic loop..The barely concealed hatefulness, the misanthropic contempt he nurtures for all of humanity, who have not been blessed with the initials " DSL"
Lifton is like the fairytale Emperor, after 50 odd years of parading around in his new clothes his delusions have hardened to certainties ( no John Butler don't you fucking dare...why not toddle along and see how many Mary Moormans you can fit into an upturned yarmulke? See if you can beat Ralph Cinques record).. from the lofty heights of his wastepaper throne he looks down on the despised masses, the peasants he detests.." Look at them! Swarms of lowly serfs.. they have the sheer impudence to approach me..ME...,best selling author of Best Evidence and Emperor of the world, naked!! Put on some clothes! Look at the groovy wing collar on my vomit yellow shirt! And my kipper tie!! I have to keep Lambykins from nibbling at it"
The perfect encapsulation of DSL's " research career"...a fucking disgusting ignorant cunt who has spent nigh on half a century promenading around the research community in various states of undress, upbraiding the hapless proles for their nudity and lack of decorum..
Remember Adrian Mole? Best Evidence should have been called " the Not So Secret Diary of David S Lifton Aged 39 and 3/4s"
As well as his cell ,Sirhan languishes in another , even less forgiving prison- the prison of perception..his case has become so polluted by those who seek to politicise his suffering, and those who seek to draw attention to his name, lingering subtly on the last syllable, so all right thinking souls can draw the right inference, and by those who seek to make a comedy out of his predicament, and thus by extension, the darker corners of their countries past ..
C'mon man, the Stevie Roes of this world would like us to believe...mind control? hypno programmed patsys? Sirhan firing blanks? ...just more fanciful bullshit from you Conspiracy Theorists...
The Roes and the Liftons only look at the ripples on the surface, they necne think of asking " what made those ripples?" They are the obedient children of this culture that worships narcissism above all. Encouraging souls to think only skin keeping the masses hypnotised, like poor Narcissus himself, by their own reflections they can maintain the delusion that life, and indeed history is only skin deep..
That's why I regularly excoriate the tin foil hat brigade...unwittingly or not they connive to maintain the making those who actually look under the surface appear like a bunch of fucking crackpots...babbling away about altered bodies and fake films, fake Oswalds , the old repertoire we've all grown to love ..
I've never bought into the Kennedy myth, JFK and RFK aside they are a singularly uninspiring assortment of wastrels, chancers and parvenus. Who could give even the Liftons of this world a run for his money in the self delusional stakes; no doubt having convinced themselves their ( relative) prominence is all down to their respective talents and sizzling charisma, having nothing at all to do with their name, their illustrious relations, their wealth, and most of all, the silver spoons they keep discreetly stashed away in the back pocket of their Abercrombie and Fitch chinos..
Garrison was spot on... about the Kennedy clan's response to the assassinations.. their silence was part strategic and part self interest. They kept their mouths shut, nodding tamely whenever the Warren Report was mentioned, occasionally even adding a tepid murmur of endorsement, flashing that famous Kennedy smile , shaking hands with a post facto enabler, or even an active conspirator , whenever their paths crossed at a gala dinner, or during the intermission of some ballet at the Kennedy Center.
Perhaps overawed by the power of their enemies, overawed into impotence, and perhaps not, the Kennedys subsequent silence and inactivity has been an undeniable prop, keeping the necrotic facade of the Warren Report and Sirhan's continued incarceration in place..
Sirhan is just another victim, sacrificed on the altar of political expediency..or as daydreamers like Roe and BigDog would have us believe, the greater good.
Lifton's comments were absolutely horrendous, revealing his twisted misanthropic outlook and his utter contempt for his fellow human beings..
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