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Texas theatre bust. Empty Texas theatre bust.

Fri 14 Apr 2017, 11:35 am
The Texas theatre is one of those pivotal moments we all remember about that Friday, when Oswald was arrested.

What really happended inside that darkened room? A simple bust or was there something much more sinister at hand.

And why was there a still photgrapher inside that building to capture the moment of the arrest? A tip off? By whom and why?

Gary Mack:

But there's another photograph that remains relevant and gripping five decades later, in a different way, and relatively few have seen it. The picture was taken by Dallas freelance photographer James "Jim" MacCammon barely 80 minutes after gunshots reverberated through Dealey Plaza. MacCammon photographed 24-year-old Oswald as he emerged from the Texas Theatre into the bright midday sun, sandwiched between Patrolman C.T. Walker and, still chewing his cigar, Detective Paul Bentley.

Texas theatre bust. Lb_mac10

Although MacCammon contacted news agencies, including LIFE, his remarkable photo went unpublished until TIME ran it three months later in February 1964. Internal records show that Time Inc. shared that picture and others MacCammon made with the FBI. Eventually, in late 1964, three MacCammon photographs appeared in volume 20 of the Warren Commission's documentation.

MacCammon, who died in 2005, captured a moment that says so much about the soon-to-be-accused assassin and why so many still do not believe Oswald was the sole killer of President Kennedy and the killer of Dallas Police officer J.D. Tippit.
As reported at the time, when police led him out of the theater, Oswald shouted: I protest this police brutality and I am not resisting arrest!
Oh? Moments earlier, as cops approached him, Oswald suddenly punched Officer Nick McDonald in the face, drew a revolver from his waistband and tried to shoot him. McDonald jammed his hand on the gun and prevented it from firing as other officers pummeled Oswald to the floor, sat him in a seat and cuffed him. 

(MacCammon took a picture of that moment, too, but the image is too dark to reveal much.) [Ed's note: The TIME-LIFE Picture Collection discovered several duplicate negatives in our search for MacCammon's photographs. We've reproduced one of them below.]

Why was  Mac Cammon inside the theatre as Oswald was arrested?  Who tipped him off about the impending arrest? Or was he ther by chance? 
Could there be other photos in his collection which are yet to be seen?

Texas theatre bust. Lb_arc10

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Texas theatre bust. Byp_211
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Texas theatre bust. Empty Re: Texas theatre bust.

Fri 14 Apr 2017, 12:56 pm
Texas theatre bust. Tt_110

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Texas theatre bust. Byp_211
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Texas theatre bust. Empty Re: Texas theatre bust.

Fri 14 Apr 2017, 1:02 pm
Texas theatre bust. Tt_210

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Texas theatre bust. Byp_211
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Texas theatre bust. Empty Re: Texas theatre bust.

Fri 14 Apr 2017, 1:10 pm
Texas theatre bust. Theatr10Texas theatre bust. Spot_310Texas theatre bust. Large10

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Texas theatre bust. Empty Re: Texas theatre bust.

Fri 14 Apr 2017, 3:56 pm

Ron Reiland film including the film of the arrest.

Here is what Vic Robertson, a reporter working with Reiland said:

Mr. ROBERTSON. Well, there is a slight delay there. When I arrived inside the theatre, the main portion of the theatre itself with the audience, it was still dark. I think the camera equipment must have been turned off, because I have no recollection of sound, and it was still dark when I opened the curtains. But the lights came on almost immediately, and the screen, of course, was blank at that time, and then again, just seconds, he rose, and they took him in custody. 
Mr. GRIFFIN. How close was your photographer to you? 
Mr. ROBERTSON. I don't have any idea. He was there someplace shooting his pictures. 
Mr. GRIFFIN. Do you know if he got a picture of that episode? 
Mr. ROBERTSON. I thought he did until just the other day when they told me he didn't. Apparently the filter in the camera was in the wrong place.

As seen in the footage, Reiland offered no explanation, except that it was "dark". But that contradicts Robertson who said the lights came on just prior to the arrest, I can see no valid reason for that film not to come out and we are simply left to assume Reiland was a terrible cameraman, stuffing up what would have been the footage of a lifetme.

As for the media being tipped off...

Mr. GRIFFIN. At the time you opened up the curtains and looked out [at the Texas Theater], did you have any idea that this might be the man who would be accused of shooting the President? 
Mr. ROBERTSON. If I hadn't, I wouldn't have been there. 

But the cops all maintained they had no idea that Oswald might end up being a suspect re Kennedy. Utter bullshit, unless Robertson is lying and the Tippit hit really was unrelated to the assassination.

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              Lachie Hulme            
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Texas theatre bust. Empty Re: Texas theatre bust.

Fri 14 Apr 2017, 4:12 pm
So what we have is neither still shots nor film footage done by professional photographers of the actual arrest coming out in any way anywhere near viewable content.

Nah. Nothing suspicious there. I mean, it's not like there was anything to hide with this arrest, surely? Just a double dose of bad luck. Yes, that it.

Australians don't mind criminals: It's successful bullshit artists we despise. 
              Lachie Hulme            
The Cold War ran on bullshit.

"So what’s an independent-minded populist like me to do? I’ve had to grovel in promoting myself on social media, even begging for Amazon reviews and Goodreads ratings, to no avail." 
Don Jeffries

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Texas theatre bust. Empty Re: Texas theatre bust.

Sat 15 Apr 2017, 2:18 pm

At 1.39 on the counter the interior shot from Reiland's camera is visible.

To my eye I see an occasional flash of light exposing the film from what would appear to be interior Theatre house lights. I could be wrong. Just an observation.

More importantly as Reiland leaves the interior of the theatre to the exterior with his camera continuously rolling we see on film an iris adjustment - closing down the aperture as he walks into the bright sunlight.

Unfortunately for whatever reason, we do not have any moving pictures on record of the arrest of Oswald in the theatre it would seem.

Same applies to Mac Cammon's still photographs of the arrest. We have one still pic which is too dark to analyse with any accuracy. There seems to be a pattern here.

A never ending pattern.

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Texas theatre bust. Byp_211
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Texas theatre bust. Empty Re: Texas theatre bust.

Sat 15 Apr 2017, 2:24 pm
Reiland. Ron: TV: WFAA-TVcameraman at the arrest of Oswald and the area of the Tippit shooting. Loaded with high speed film, the type that can be used for both interior and exterior filming. Filming the latter accomplished by putting a light filter over the camera lens, Ron reversed this procedure and put the light filter on his camera when he entered the theater. When Oswald was brought outside he took the filter off. As Oswald was placed into the police car he realized his mistake and placed the filter back onto the camera. This explains the poor quality of his film, underexposed while inside the Texas Theater and overexposed outside the Texas Theater until Oswald was placed inside the police car and then correcting his mistake with the filter. 


What I find a little odd here, and I can speak from my experience with work is I find it almost inconceivable that Reiland would make this error.

Why? because if we think about this logically, Reiland was filming exteriors before he arrived at the theatre inside. He was using a filter on his camera for the exterior shots. He would only place this filter on his lens when filming outside. The above article wants us to believe that Reiland reversed this procedure. 

When Oswald was brought outside he took the filter off.

Would Reiland really have done this? 

As he was coming out side into the bright exterior light, this article wants us to believe Reiland a proffesional news cameraman- took the "outside" filter off the front element of the lens and continued to film Oswalds apprehension, and then worse still realised he'd taken it off moments later and replaced it back on the lens.

There are many things which don't gel here, Why would a news cameraman take that filter off the camera as he walked into the sunlight. Every bone in his body would have known that the outside "Light Filter" should be "on" when outside. For Reiland to reach around whilst filming this event and take off that filter when outside is an outrageous proposition to my mind. Unless of course it was his first day on the job.

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Texas theatre bust. Byp_211
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Texas theatre bust. Empty Re: Texas theatre bust.

Sat 15 Apr 2017, 2:53 pm
Texas theatre bust. Tt_11210

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Texas theatre bust. Empty Re: Texas theatre bust.

Sat 15 Apr 2017, 2:58 pm
Yet another WFAA newsman, Ron Reiland, got inside the Texas Theater as police searched for Lee Harvey Oswald, hiding inside.  Unfortunately, in the excitement, Reiland adjusted his film camera for outside filming rather than interior filming and thus ruined what could have been spectacular footage of Oswald scuffling with police before his arrest.

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Texas theatre bust. Empty Re: Texas theatre bust.

Sun 16 Apr 2017, 10:34 am
I wonder if there are any photos or film of Reiland and his camera from that day floating about?

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Texas theatre bust. Empty Re: Texas theatre bust.

Sun 16 Apr 2017, 10:40 am

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Texas theatre bust. Byp_211
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Texas theatre bust. Empty Re: Texas theatre bust.

Sun 16 Apr 2017, 12:35 pm
What time did Oswald enter the theatre?

If Johnny Brewer’s testimony is to be believed, Oswald entered the theatre at approximately 1:30 pm. However, as I discussed above, I don’t believe Brewer actually saw Oswald. The main reason I don’t believe Brewer (and Julia Postal for that matter) is the fact that it took the DPD until the 6th of December to obtain an affidavit from him!
Lone gunman zealots have tried to explain this away by claiming, get this, the DPD were too busy. Well busy with what for god’s sake? Oswald was the man they not only charged for killing one of their fellow officers, but they charged him for murdering the President. The only logical explanation, in my opinion, is that the DPD needed time to set Brewer’s and Postal’s stories straight.
Jim Douglass, author of the seminal book, JFK and the unspeakable, tracked down Warren “Butch” Burroughs – who was working behind the concession stand on inside the Theatre, on the day of the assassination. According to Douglass, Burroughs claimed he saw Oswald enter the theatre between 1:00 pm and 1:07 pm. He also claimed he sold Oswald pop-corn at 1:15 pm – the “official” time of Officer Tippit’s murder!
Given the interview took place decades following the assassination, I honestly wouldn’t give it a substantial amount of weight. It’s also important to note that Theatre Patron, Jack Davis, observed Oswald enter the theatre prior to 1:20 pm. Not surprisingly, Davis was not called to testify before the Warren commission.

Hasan Yusuf

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Texas theatre bust. Empty Re: Texas theatre bust.

Sun 16 Apr 2017, 2:47 pm
Texas theatre bust. Brewer10Texas theatre bust. Brewer12Texas theatre bust. Brewer11

Brewers '63 and '64 Statements

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Sun 16 Apr 2017, 2:49 pm
Texas theatre bust. Postal10Texas theatre bust. Postal11Texas theatre bust. Postal13Texas theatre bust. Postal12

Postal's '63 and '64 statements

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Texas theatre bust. Empty Re: Texas theatre bust.

Sun 16 Apr 2017, 3:00 pm
Hasan wrote:

For those who are unaware, during an interview with author Ian Griggs in 1996, Johnny Calvin Brewer claimed that on the day of the assassination (when he allegedly observed Oswald duck into the lobby of his shoe store) there were two men from IBM in the store with him:

Brewer also indicated to the Warren Commission that there were others with him in the store:

Mr. BELIN - I want to take you back to November 22, 1963. This was the day that President Kennedy was assassinated. How did you find out about the assassination, Mr. Brewer

Mr. BREWER - We were listening to a transistor radio there in the store, just listening to a regular radio program, and they broke in with the bulletin that the President had been shot. And from then, that is all there was. We listened to all of the events.

As far as I am aware, neither one of these men ever came forward to identify themselves. It has long been my suspicion that their purpose in the store was to somehow get Brewer to call the DPD down to the Theater to ensure Oswald was arrested and framed for Tippit’s murder. So who were these men? Lee Farley once made a very good case for one of the IBM men being the mysterious and suspicious Igor Vaganov. See the following for info on Vaganov:

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Texas theatre bust. Byp_211
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Texas theatre bust. Empty Re: Texas theatre bust.

Sun 16 Apr 2017, 11:41 pm
They tossed the gun Mick, that's why there's no clear footage........

Prayer Man: More Than a Fuzzy Picture (E-)Book @ Amazon.
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Texas theatre bust. Empty Re: Texas theatre bust.

Mon 17 Apr 2017, 9:43 am
barto wrote:They tossed the gun Mick, that's why there's no clear footage........
Yep, I think you're right

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Texas theatre bust. Byp_211
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Texas theatre bust. Empty Re: Texas theatre bust.

Mon 17 Apr 2017, 10:10 am
The never ending Pattern!

MacCammon's still photgraphs from inside the theatre at the time of Oswald's arrest, of which there is more than one are too dark to analyse, and Ron Reiland's news footage of the arrest is also underexposed at least thats the claim.

If there are any other stills or film that are about then I'm certain they too will be underexposed also.

The story of Reilands filter mistake is laughable.

Is there any danger of just one still or motion pic being of such quality that it might actually help us in the serach for the truth.

No wonder peeps get suspicious. 

McDonald tried to shoot Oswald with his gun, it jammed perhaps. No?

Someone tried to place a gun in Oswald's hand maybe, to frame him for the Tippit slaying. No?

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Texas theatre bust. Empty Re: Texas theatre bust.

Mon 17 Apr 2017, 10:41 am
Hasan wrote:

Jim Douglass, author of the seminal book, JFK and the unspeakable, tracked down Warren “Butch” Burroughs – who was working behind the concession stand on inside the Theatre, on the day of the assassination. According to Douglass, Burroughs claimed he saw Oswald enter the theatre between 1:00 pm and 1:07 pm. He also claimed he sold Oswald pop-corn at 1:15 pm – the “official” time of Officer Tippit’s murder!

I know people are inclined not to place too much weight on statements made years after the fact but in this case I believe Burroughs may have been more accurate in his later statements about the TT timeline.

I do not believe Brewers timeline for Oswald entering the theatre at just after  1.30pm. This information was put into the record on the 6th of December. 

Remember too Postal later on would twice break down in tears when recollecting the ticket sales and the timing in an interview with an author on the subject.

I believe Oswald left the TSBD in a ride with person/s unknown and was dropped at the theatre at around 1.55 - 1.10pm. The timeline fits. 

Burroughs later account in my opinion was reasonably accurate. The pressure applied to these folk originally, to extend the timeline of Oswald arriving at the theatre would have been enormous imo.

Burroughs would also claim he sold popcorn to Oswald a t 1.15pm if my memory serves me well.

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Texas theatre bust. Byp_211
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Texas theatre bust. Empty Re: Texas theatre bust.

Thu 20 Apr 2017, 3:10 pm
If they can have Lee enter a cab that has already left, and has been stopped on second floor and again on fourth floor, of TSBD, they can surely have him enter a theater after he has already arrived and procured a concession.

Notice he didn't need any more soda
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Texas theatre bust. Empty Re: Texas theatre bust.

Thu 20 Apr 2017, 3:41 pm
Ed. Ledoux wrote:If they can have Lee enter a cab that has already left, and  has been stopped on second floor and again on fourth floor, of TSBD, they can surely have him enter a theater after he has already arrived and procured a concession.

Notice he didn't need any more soda
Couldn't fit another one in. Do you have any idea how many cokes he had to drink while standing/sitting/leaning/walking to and away from that machine waiting for Baker and Truly? 

A freakin shitload.

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              Lachie Hulme            
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Texas theatre bust. Empty Re: Texas theatre bust.

Thu 20 Apr 2017, 9:25 pm
His soda double for the movie JFK got type 1 diabetes

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Texas theatre bust. Empty Re: Texas theatre bust.

Thu 20 Apr 2017, 10:02 pm
Ed. Ledoux wrote:His soda double for the movie JFK got type 1 diabetes


Australians don't mind criminals: It's successful bullshit artists we despise. 
              Lachie Hulme            
The Cold War ran on bullshit.

"So what’s an independent-minded populist like me to do? I’ve had to grovel in promoting myself on social media, even begging for Amazon reviews and Goodreads ratings, to no avail." 
Don Jeffries

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Texas theatre bust. Empty Re: Texas theatre bust.

Fri 21 Apr 2017, 10:53 am
If Oswald is seen by Burroughs at around 1.05pm entering the theater and Kaminsky and Truly had set him free from the TSBD at about 12.50pm then my bet is he got a lift from somebody. Can't be Craigs Rambler too early for this timeline, Either Wes or Ruth. I like Ruth.

Don't think the timeline for Oswald to the theatre allows for  a bus trip...not with traffic

Cab? Nah!


Now what time did Shelley make that supposed call to his wife from the office, the call immediately after the assassination -  the alleged call which he claimed to have made in his first day statements, that he quickly dropped from his story after that weekend.

Wife or Ruth?

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Texas theatre bust. Byp_211
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