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If we get into the habit of using hashtags, it will make searching for information and posts faster and simpler. Here...
12098 165
BYP's are fake and we proved it! Here at ROKC!!!!
691 0
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833 0
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yUercyykFDAj2SCKe_IO2eXJyrmqzqqm/view?usp=sharingThanks to Malcolm Blunt for a...
6802 3
These are two consecutive HSCA files on Oswald the defector and his 201 files.Funny thing is these 145 pages are...
372 1
Just a curious wonder...
664 1
This is a picture by Malcolm Blunt. Taken in Miami at the 2506 Brigade Museum.
808 0
2035 3
Dallas 1961 City Directory. This may be old hat to some, but I just ran across this. I don't know how many times...
2673 20
Questions around Ruth and her calendar
1322 12
Dates in April and the evidence
14448 0
Oswald. The Minsk Mystery.http://belsat.eu/en/films/osvald-oswald-menskaya-misteryya/
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