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Judyth Baker - a credible source?

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Judyth Baker - a credible source? - Page 3 Empty Judyth Baker - a credible source?

Mon 19 Jul 2010, 10:49 pm
First topic message reminder :

While reading on William Greer on, I found following statement, obviously, from book of JVB:
Lee (Harvey Oswald) told me that the driver’s habits (William Greer) had been studied, and a shot going off would cause him to brake, which would slow the vehicle down. This was desired because even this cabal feared Aristotle Onassis, who would send killers out to track down anyone who killed Jackie Kennedy, or so the rumor went – and besides, everybody liked Jackie and orders were out not to hit her. It was to spare Jackie that some very expert marksmen missed or delayed their shots that day in Dealey Plaza: she was in their line of sight a great deal of the time, according to David Ferrie, who got the report from Marcello's henchmen as soon as he arrived in the Houston area.

Well, I think it is impossible. Conspirators, whoever they were, couldn't have any materials on behaviour of certain SS agents under stress situation, since I believe the very SS did no perform such tests and studies (and thus failed a lot during November 22).

I find such claims from JVB indicates that her story is not 100% truth.

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Judyth Baker - a credible source? - Page 3 Empty Re: Judyth Baker - a credible source?

Wed 05 Jun 2019, 1:22 am
There is a very early JVB thread called (would you believe!) Judyth Baker. Here's a quote from John Simkin from the thread...

"If Judyth's story is true it provides an important insight to what was going on in 1963. One of the reasons i am sympathetic towards Judyth's story is tht it supports my own view of events".

There you have it. No matter how much shit is on the shoe, if it fits wear it. Mrs Brown (does she have any boys I wonder as I wander) is one of quite a few who decided to remove the shoe. Keeping the shitty shoe was cost prohibitive both financially and emotionally they say. Most migrated to H&L to fill the void.

As for Judyth....if she'd displayed better business acumen early in her "career" she could have been a leading light on the God Channel by now, rich beyond her wildest dreams.


You ain't gonna know what you learn if you knew it....... confused


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Judyth Baker - a credible source? - Page 3 Empty Re: Judyth Baker - a credible source?

Wed 05 Jun 2019, 2:24 am
Judy's manufactured herself a 20 year career balancing on the tip of that "If"..not bad for a wage slip from Reilly coffee and a couple of newspaper clippings.
She's abused the hopes and good intentions of far too many good people.
And irony being what it is it just so happens her late mother was Hungarian..perhaps one of Judy's long lost relatives was a lonesome little doppelganger from Budapest. That sounds like a George Formby song.." oh I'm a lonely little doppelganger from Budapest/ my mum never smiles and my dads first name was test/ all the ladies like a little doppelganger who looks his best/ and this little doppelganger likes a lady with a buxom chest"
Imagine if Lemkin ever found out Judy was Harvey's relation..his head would explode..I'm talking 9.9 on the Richter scale or however one measures a paranoid fantasists head imploding...Brian would be able t see the psychedelic mushroom cloud spreading over Prague from his basement window..what am i saying Brian IS a psychedelic mushroom cloud.

A fez! A fez! My kingdom for a fez!!
The last words of King Richard HARVEY Plantagenet III 
Bosworth Field 1485

Is that a doppelganger in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?
Artist, poet, polymath, cancer research prodigy Judyth Vary Baker's  first words to Lee HARVEY Oswald. New Orleans April 1963

For every HARVEY there must be an equal and opposite LEE
Professor Sandy Isaac Newton Laverne Shirley Fonzie Larsen's 
Famous 1st Law of Doppelganging

" To answer your question I  ALWAYS  look for mundane reasons for seeming anomalies before considering  sinister explanations. Only a fool would do otherwise. And I'm no fool" The esteemed Professor Larsen  From  his soon to be published  self help book " The Trough of Enlightenment "( Trine Day  Foreword  Vince Palamara)

" Once you prove Davidson's woman's face then Stanton's breasts follow naturally " Brian Doyle
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Judyth Baker - a credible source? - Page 3 Empty Re: Judyth Baker - a credible source?

Wed 05 Jun 2019, 5:00 am
According to a certain Hungarian phrasebook it would be Mr Lemkin's nipples that would explode with delight, Alex. The VBL would then ask of him...."Take down your panties Sir William, it's nearly lunchtime". All perfectly normal in the fast moving world of deep political analysis. Brian's big regret is that he ruled himself out of matters of such importance. Instead, he canonized himself with a gerbil.


You ain't gonna know what you learn if you knew it....... confused


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Judyth Baker - a credible source? - Page 3 Empty Re: Judyth Baker - a credible source?

Wed 05 Jun 2019, 5:10 am
If the graffiti in the gents of the Texas Very Busy Loyers Club is t b believed the VBLs nipples have caused a lot more than just gerbils t explode with delight...

A fez! A fez! My kingdom for a fez!!
The last words of King Richard HARVEY Plantagenet III 
Bosworth Field 1485

Is that a doppelganger in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?
Artist, poet, polymath, cancer research prodigy Judyth Vary Baker's  first words to Lee HARVEY Oswald. New Orleans April 1963

For every HARVEY there must be an equal and opposite LEE
Professor Sandy Isaac Newton Laverne Shirley Fonzie Larsen's 
Famous 1st Law of Doppelganging

" To answer your question I  ALWAYS  look for mundane reasons for seeming anomalies before considering  sinister explanations. Only a fool would do otherwise. And I'm no fool" The esteemed Professor Larsen  From  his soon to be published  self help book " The Trough of Enlightenment "( Trine Day  Foreword  Vince Palamara)

" Once you prove Davidson's woman's face then Stanton's breasts follow naturally " Brian Doyle
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Judyth Baker - a credible source? - Page 3 Empty Re: Judyth Baker - a credible source?

Thu 06 Jun 2019, 7:51 am
steely dan wrote:There is a very early JVB thread called (would you believe!) Judyth Baker. Here's a quote from John Simkin from the thread...

"If Judyth's story is true it provides an important insight to what was going on in 1963. One of the reasons i am sympathetic towards Judyth's story is tht it supports my own view of events".

There you have it. No matter how much shit is on the shoe, if it fits wear it. Mrs Brown (does she have any boys I wonder as I wander) is one of quite a few who decided to remove the shoe. Keeping the shitty shoe was cost prohibitive both financially and emotionally they say. Most migrated to H&L to fill the void.

As for Judyth....if she'd displayed better business acumen early in her "career" she could have been a leading light on the God Channel by now, rich beyond her wildest dreams.

With all due respect to Simkin, that is just awful depending on what he meant....I try to keep "sympathy" out of the equation as it derails any serious inquiry and analysis personally. JVB should've made her book a fiction title. I do not, nor ever will consider her a "researcher" That is an insult in my opinion.
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Judyth Baker - a credible source? - Page 3 Empty Re: Judyth Baker - a credible source?

Thu 06 Jun 2019, 9:19 pm
That's Judy's angle BC, she modifies her fantasies t fit any potential marks belief system. It's a cold blooded scam. She's a living breathing vindication of conspiracy. That's how she styles herself. Simkins like too many researchers; he only reads what he believes thus he believes everything he reads. I always suspected a wannabe gossip columnist lurked just under the surface of Simkins schoolmasterly visage. People who start out wanting t believe usually end up believing what they want( see Deep Foo for details)
At first she was just your common every day attention seeker, operating just this side of the butterfly house; but then she became hypnotised by the prospect of fame.
She realised telling a pack of vicious fantastic lies about an international tragedy, careful t involve only dead people, opened vistas far wider than some lonely frustrated obscurity; with only her faded hopes t keep her autumn years from getting wintry.
Read some of the comments on her Facebook page. They encapsulate everything that's wrong with contemporary America. An unceasing unending gullibility passed of as a religious virtue.
Baker is a subterranean echo of the America the rest of the world fears.
The America America is dangerously close t becoming..the rest of the world once looked t America now it can barely look away. The America of my youth Luke Skywalker dolls that saved the world and A Team lunchboxs has transmorgified into a dark nightmare.of giant Donald Trumps dropping their trousers and theme parks with Jesus Christ and a friendly T Rex riding on the back of a Cruise missile t paradise. America where are you taking us in a shiny car through the night..from Omaha Beach t the Hiroshima of the mind. And all in a lifetime too ..fuck this its getting far too heavy round here..I'm off t the Ed forum t watch John Butler chase headless bagpipe playing dwarfs around Dealey Plaza..

Last edited by alex wilson on Thu 06 Jun 2019, 9:56 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Judyth Baker - a credible source? - Page 3 Empty Re: Judyth Baker - a credible source?

Thu 06 Jun 2019, 9:20 pm
Here's a philosophical conundrum for you Steely' how does a headless dwarf play the bagpipes?

A fez! A fez! My kingdom for a fez!!
The last words of King Richard HARVEY Plantagenet III 
Bosworth Field 1485

Is that a doppelganger in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?
Artist, poet, polymath, cancer research prodigy Judyth Vary Baker's  first words to Lee HARVEY Oswald. New Orleans April 1963

For every HARVEY there must be an equal and opposite LEE
Professor Sandy Isaac Newton Laverne Shirley Fonzie Larsen's 
Famous 1st Law of Doppelganging

" To answer your question I  ALWAYS  look for mundane reasons for seeming anomalies before considering  sinister explanations. Only a fool would do otherwise. And I'm no fool" The esteemed Professor Larsen  From  his soon to be published  self help book " The Trough of Enlightenment "( Trine Day  Foreword  Vince Palamara)

" Once you prove Davidson's woman's face then Stanton's breasts follow naturally " Brian Doyle
Posts : 1333
Join date : 2019-04-10

Judyth Baker - a credible source? - Page 3 Empty Re: Judyth Baker - a credible source?

Thu 06 Jun 2019, 9:31 pm
...and none of your filth and profanity either. I'm with Judy..i love the Lord Jesus with all my heart and i won't have you heathens offending Him with your dirty minds and your dirtier mouths..P.S. I had a nasty accident involving a bag of geranium bulbs, a gallon drum of experimental hallucinogenic compost, "Naked Gardening for Beginners" a helpful pop up book authored by Rev Jeremiah Herpes, a 94 year old Jehovah's Witness and the last living person who lanced Aleister Crowleys boils, a XXXL steel pronged pitchfork and a nubile lederhosen wearing shop assistant.
I don't want t sue the garden centre..Bormanns Bulbs and Berchtesgaden the owner Hans von Doyle is a good friend. And t save money I'm hoping t fly t a veterinarian in Eritrea for after praying for 72 hours I've decided t start a Go Fund Me page..did i mention i have a 104 year old grannie with arthritis? She was Teddy Roosevelt's illegitimate daughter and Herbert Hoover's secret sex slave..oh the pain..I'm down t my last match and i haven't eaten for 5 days since i made a cardboard tube and gerbil was my favourite gerbil too..sob..dear kind Mr Steely if your reading I'll sell you my John Butler Signature Magnifying Glass..maybe you too could marvel at the many limbed multi coloured sights of Dealey Plaza...
All donations welcome.
God Bless You All
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Judyth Baker - a credible source? - Page 3 Empty Re: Judyth Baker - a credible source?

Fri 07 Jun 2019, 12:14 am
Judyth Baker - a credible source? - Page 3 Jim-Judyth-Baker
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Judyth Baker - a credible source? - Page 3 Empty Re: Judyth Baker - a credible source?

Fri 07 Jun 2019, 12:59 am
What's the odds that picture shows up on Judy's Facebook page
" Friends, i never told you about the summer Jim and I spent together in New Orleans..i was standing in line at liquor store when Jim bumped into me. I had this newspaper in my hand..i was just breaking up with Larry Hagman and we were sending messages t each other in code..he called me Sue Ellen because i was practically Linda Grays double..
I said hello t him in an obscure Nicaraguan tribal dialect..and when he picked up my newspaper and saw the name Ollie circled in lipstick( my pet name for know how ladylike i usually am but i called him Ollie because when he wiggled his privates i thought his willy looked like Ollie wasnt as big as Lees though but about the same size as Carl Bernsteins..i was the original Deep Throat about it in Judy does Dallas..and Washington..and New Orleans.out next month $100 on Trine Day) he thought the CIA had sent me t help with the "Project" knit jumpers for the Contras and make cancer infected sunglasses for Manuel Noriega.
I had t break up with Larry anyway..."Dallas" was a message from the CIA t me...they knew all about me and Lee ( dont forget t buy your tickets t me and Lee the musical..its what Jesus would have wanted) Jim Bakker and i started our passionate affair..why do you think he changed his name from Baker t Bakker?
Please read about our story "Judy and Jim..a Bakkers Dozen"( $100 Trine Day) Jim and i dreamt of having 12 children you see, just like the Lord Jesus Christs apostles..
God Bless You All
P.S. tune in next week and learn about my passionate affair with John Wilkes Booth.yes its true friends my astrologer and psychic adviser Malcolm found out we both had uranus in our..well you'll have t read the book " Me and John, how i came t psychically know love and loose John Wilkes Booth"($200 Trine Day)"
I don't know what all the fuss can anyone NOT believe Judy..she loves the Lord Jesus and the baby Jesus too..such a sweet demure old lady would never lie and she most certainly not milk her gullible cult like followers out of every cent.
Note t Brian..start claiming you and Sarah Stanton had a passionate affair, instead of foul mouthed rants start talking about how humble and religious you are and most importantly rip off as many dumb poorly informed suckers as you can then EVERYONE will believe Sarah is Prayerman..hell I'll even buy a Sarah Stanton wig and a copy your book" Sarah and Brian- The Doorway to True Love"
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Judyth Baker - a credible source? - Page 3 Empty Re: Judyth Baker - a credible source?

Fri 07 Jun 2019, 4:36 am
P.S. my dear friends if you buy 30 copies of Me and Lee and buy one of my special autographed Lee Harvey Oswald condoms( we were always careful) for a bargian $4000 I'll send you an email telling you why Jesus told me t shoot J.R.
Order your "Judy shot J.R." t-shirt today!!!
Only $500 from Trine Day Fashions. All sizes available!!
God Bless You All
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Judyth Baker - a credible source? - Page 3 Empty Re: Judyth Baker - a credible source?

Sat 22 Jun 2019, 9:28 am
In the latest dispatches from "Europe", Judy now identifies the country she is in is Poland. Alas, the surgery has been postponed not once but twice, the first time due to her being run down with pain and the second time because an MRI has revealed the grain brain the size of Einstein's (no I am not joking) except for the part that gives you direction and orientation - that bit was tiny - due to heredity they told her. But unfortunately, it also revealed an aneurysm. Additionally, she is being forced to wear a neck-brace and she has kindly provided photographic proof of this. In fact, she has provided a photo of all the meds she is on and and a partial document in Polish with her name which indicates the scheduled date of surgery had been June 17. For some reason, she still hasn't named the hospital, or provided a photo of her laid up in a hospital bed with some identifying feature that it is indeed in Poland. But her flock needs no such evidence. And asking for it could mean excommunication. As it should. I mean...

At this stage, Judyth is not asking for more money, so you can keep your wallets in your pockets for the time being. All she needs at the moment are your prayers to Yahweh. Thank you.

Last edited by greg parker on Sat 22 Jun 2019, 3:39 pm; edited 1 time in total

Australians don't mind criminals: It's successful bullshit artists we despise. 
              Lachie Hulme            
The Cold War ran on bullshit.

"So what’s an independent-minded populist like me to do? I’ve had to grovel in promoting myself on social media, even begging for Amazon reviews and Goodreads ratings, to no avail." 
Don Jeffries

"I've been aware of Greg Parker's work for years, and strongly recommend it." Peter Dale Scott
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Judyth Baker - a credible source? - Page 3 Empty Re: Judyth Baker - a credible source?

Sat 22 Jun 2019, 10:07 am
Isn't it funny that only after Lee died did she develop the ability to churn photos out. One, just one, of her and Lee and she gets the last laugh.
Mind's a living of sorts I suppose. We should dig deep, one day she'll need a hole.


You ain't gonna know what you learn if you knew it....... confused


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Judyth Baker - a credible source? - Page 3 Empty Re: Judyth Baker - a credible source?

Sat 22 Jun 2019, 10:11 am
When i read her FB post for some reason i heard strains of The Entertainer"..
I believe its what's known as the "Set Up" in the trade..fascinating photos..Polish hospitals handing out boxes of medication( without pharmacy labels i may add) and with all writing, and i presume dosage information in English..
Why it's almost as if she nipped down t her local Walmart, bought up a load of drugs( I'd would be interesting if a pharmacist had a look at what shed been "prescribed") slapped one of her faithful poodles collars round her neck and posed for an anguished snapshot..
Portrait of the artist as a fucking con artist..
Its a disgraceful scam. I'm afraid anyone whose dumb enough t fall for it deserves all they get..everyone gets the Judy Baker they deserve in the end.
Maybe she could teach old Fetzer a couple of all accounts he'll be needing a few dollars soon..
Maybe Ralph "Warner Bros"Cinque will chip in a few million from the profits of his international blockbuster t help the old chap out..
Einstein's brain indeed..the only part of her anatomy even vaguely similar t Alberts ain't what she's got between her ears but between her legs...t have the audacity and the shamelessness t pull a scam like this off for twenty fucking years she must have a set of balls that would make John Holmes look like Brian Doyle..and even his gerbils are better hung..he even tried an impromptu penisectomy..trying t graft one of the little furry appendages on himself..but he got the ends mixed up..

Last edited by alex wilson on Sat 22 Jun 2019, 10:30 am; edited 2 times in total
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Judyth Baker - a credible source? - Page 3 Empty Re: Judyth Baker - a credible source?

Sat 22 Jun 2019, 10:28 am
Fair play to Brian. He's never asked for a penny, unlike JVB......or Burnham.


You ain't gonna know what you learn if you knew it....... confused


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Judyth Baker - a credible source? - Page 3 Empty Re: Judyth Baker - a credible source?

Sat 22 Jun 2019, 10:38 am
How much did Burnham raise again? 3 dollars..60 pre war Italian lire..4 Nth Kkrean won .. the stub of a Wynton Marsalis concert from Drago and an impenetrable thought fragment cum haiku from Dragoo on the evils of capitalism..
If he had any sense Brian could make a fucking fortune..think of all the people whod gladly contribute..$500 a year for Brian Doyle t STOP researching..hed never b short of gerbil food again..and i mean the good stuff..cut with Viagra and methamphetamine..
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Judyth Baker - a credible source? - Page 3 Empty Re: Judyth Baker - a credible source?

Sat 22 Jun 2019, 10:47 am
"If he had any sense Brian could make a fucking fortune"
Burnham never made it out of Der Morgue. You can't stiff a stiff.


You ain't gonna know what you learn if you knew it....... confused


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Judyth Baker - a credible source? - Page 3 Empty Re: Judyth Baker - a credible source?

Sat 22 Jun 2019, 2:38 pm
Old memes never die. They just get recycled.
Judyth Baker - a credible source? - Page 3 332-Judyth-of-Arc 
Judyth Baker - a credible source? - Page 3 319_jv10
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Judyth Baker - a credible source? - Page 3 Empty Re: Judyth Baker - a credible source?

Sat 22 Jun 2019, 6:13 pm
Look at the suffering and angst in that poor horses can almost hear he/she thinking "i wish i was a gerbil in Sanibel Island"...
I know a lot of grown men whod pay good money t be that snake..and i know a lot of grown Judyths too..whod pay good snakes t get that money.
©phil dragoo thought of day...der forum..i think therefore I'm dead

A fez! A fez! My kingdom for a fez!!
The last words of King Richard HARVEY Plantagenet III 
Bosworth Field 1485

Is that a doppelganger in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?
Artist, poet, polymath, cancer research prodigy Judyth Vary Baker's  first words to Lee HARVEY Oswald. New Orleans April 1963

For every HARVEY there must be an equal and opposite LEE
Professor Sandy Isaac Newton Laverne Shirley Fonzie Larsen's 
Famous 1st Law of Doppelganging

" To answer your question I  ALWAYS  look for mundane reasons for seeming anomalies before considering  sinister explanations. Only a fool would do otherwise. And I'm no fool" The esteemed Professor Larsen  From  his soon to be published  self help book " The Trough of Enlightenment "( Trine Day  Foreword  Vince Palamara)

" Once you prove Davidson's woman's face then Stanton's breasts follow naturally " Brian Doyle
Posts : 1333
Join date : 2019-04-10

Judyth Baker - a credible source? - Page 3 Empty Re: Judyth Baker - a credible source?

Sat 22 Jun 2019, 8:16 pm
..talking about shameless con artists..and i know this is somewhat off topic but if i don't say something my fucking head will explode..and i mean full Lemkin supernova.
I was feeling in a masochistic mood so i logged on t Deep Foo..Comments from the Presidium of the XX Party Conference. Regarding ex comrade and non person Fetzers excommunication..Commissar Felix Drago presiding...
Poltical Officer( Second Rank) Jefferies answered fot the Union of Tin Foil Hatters regarding ex-citizen Fetzers banishment t a bullshit canning factory in Buda, a small worker's settlement in the Siberian panhandle.
Fetzers anti semetic trash, was, Comrade Jefferies opined " an unfortunate bi product of the "conspiracy scene"
An unfortunate bi product..hmmm
Reminded me of the late Oskar Groening, SS No 1343567 ex Auschwitz " cashier" who commented, completely free of irony that his ex place of employment was not, and i quote " exactly in line with human rights"..
Wanting t hear more of the good comrades prognostications i tried t log on t his radio show..evocatively titled " I Protest"
There we have it then..denying the greatest man made horror in history is " an unfortunate bi product" of " research"..
And what's more if you want t hear this fearless warrior for truth and justice condemn the faceless Capitalist beast you have t pay for the privilege...
Do any of you know how i can contact this brave address? I'd like t make my feelings known directly.
The eloquent Mr Farley, late of this parish, said it best
"Utter fucking cunt"
I concur
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Judyth Baker - a credible source? - Page 3 Empty Re: Judyth Baker - a credible source?

Sat 22 Jun 2019, 9:16 pm
Klarmin is an antibacterial drug for general use. Macrolide antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections. It is recommended for the treatment of upper and lower respiratory tract infections, pneumonia and folliculitis.

Monural-- for treatment in acute cystitis.  Cystitis is an infection of the bladder that almost always follows (is secondary to) bacterial infection in the urine. It is the most common type of urinary tract infection (UTI), particularly in women.

Osłonka Normal
is a dietary supplement intended for use in supplementing the diet during and after antibiotic therapy

is a cough suppressant.

Neurovit is a group of water soluble vitamins used or treatment of anemia due to B12-deficiency conditions; in the complex therapy for iron and posthemorrhagic anemia; aplastic anemia caused by toxic substances and drugs; liver disease (hepatitis, cirrhosis); funicular myelosis; polyneuritis, radiculitis, neuralgia, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; children cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, peripheral nerve injury; skin diseases (psoriasis, photodermatosis, herpetiformis dermatitis, neurodermatitis); to prevent and treat symptoms of deficiency of Neurovit (Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin)) (including the application of biguanide, PASA, vitamin C in high doses); radiation sickness.
Diclo Duo is a preparation used in rheumatology and orthopedics of traumatology of the musculoskeletal system for the treatment of rheumatic diseases and post-traumatic inflammation of the limbs. Diclo Duo has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties. It is issued on prescription.

 Efferalgan codeine
 - effervescent tablets contain paracetamol and codeine. Paracetamol is an analgesic (relieves pain) and an antipyretic (lowers raised temperatures). Codeine belongs to a group of medicines called opioid analgesics which act to relieve pain.

In Judyth's original story, she claimed that the "operation takes 4 hrs but because of my low blood pressure, there would be brain damage, so now they have to do the procedure in 3 operations to be held some 6 wks apart."

But a major study actually indicates the risk is death if low pressure is present for non-heart surgery. I;m guessing the risk would be the same for one 4 hour operation, or three shorter operations. In fact, two extra operations regardless of shorter length, probably increases the risk of death.

"New research presented at this year's Euroanaesthesia congress in Berlin, Germany, suggests that, before an operation, low blood pressure (hypotension) rather than high blood pressure (hypertension) is an independent risk factor for death."

Note that the need for 3 operations is what caused Judyth to need financial help "This (the extra operations) means hospital bills and surgery bills far beyond what I have from insurance as insurance will only cover 80% of one standard major surgery, not three 'minimally invasive' surgeries, and no blood transfusions, which may be necessary, as am permenently anemic. Praying $2,000 - $2,500 will be enough, and am keeping costs low by having surgery in a small European country, as in USA would go bankrupt paying for it. If these steps are not taken, my arms will become paralyzed."

She also said in that original post "As it is, the pain is so great in almost every position I try to take, especially lying down, that the tears come, as electric 'shocks' course down my arms and into my thumbs and two nearby figers on both arms, plus excruciating headaches. Can hold my paitbrush only a few minutes at a time because my hands are numb, and my arms are getting weaker and weaker, though I lift weights as much as possible to stop the musvcle damage."

What is outlined above is not only contraindicated by the photos of her, but also by the meds in the other photo insofar as there does not seem to be super powerful painkillers among them. 

These delays in surgery must be crippling her financially, emotionally and physically. 

And with all that... she took her paint brush and paints to Poland... what a gal!

The fact is that the meds do not look like they have any connection to her alleged injuries but to pre-existing conditions - cystitis, chest infection/cough, anemia and a rheumatic disease.

Australians don't mind criminals: It's successful bullshit artists we despise. 
              Lachie Hulme            
The Cold War ran on bullshit.

"So what’s an independent-minded populist like me to do? I’ve had to grovel in promoting myself on social media, even begging for Amazon reviews and Goodreads ratings, to no avail." 
Don Jeffries

"I've been aware of Greg Parker's work for years, and strongly recommend it." Peter Dale Scott
Posts : 1333
Join date : 2019-04-10

Judyth Baker - a credible source? - Page 3 Empty Re: Judyth Baker - a credible source?

Sat 22 Jun 2019, 10:16 pm
Just as i suspected Greg.
Poland my gerbil ravaged ass.
She's just photographed a load of medication. I'm not an expert on the Polish health service but I'm pretty certain hospitals anywhere don't just hand out boxes of medication.
Unlabeled medication boxes..without prescribed dosage and in English.
Look at the fucking photo too...
And the rest of the stuff is just bullshit..Einstein's brain..that's almost as good as Judyth Baker Quality Investment Art..and polymath.
How can people be so fucking stupid? Reading some of the comments fills me with utter despair..are people really that gullible..are they that desperate for something t believe in..A bearded old dude floating about in the clouds surrounded by harp strumming cherubim or a wizened old crone who looks like the Wicked Witch of the West after botched liposuction..the concept is pretty much the same.
Unquestioning belief..wild eyed gullibility and a seemingly insatiable urge t part with their money..if they want t waste their money..
I'm thinking about setting up a shrine in my back garden when i get home..where i was visited by a disincarnate gerbil..forget Fatima..the holy Gerbil of Glasgow..i heard a burst of divine flatulence then Lo !!before my eyes surrounded by a fiery halo of intestinal gas..his singed whiskers quivering was THE holy one paw he held a copy of the Great Zapruder Film the other a golden selfie stick. He was a furry little prophet..
I fell t my knees awestruck..humbled by his rodent i kissed a tiny pink sandalled paw he raised his selfie stick and pointed west and spaketh thus:
" Lo, in a semen encrusted manger in Sanibel Island, where an ox and an ass limp uncomfortably" he squeaked " an A list poster has been born t this sinful world. You piece of troll scum you're not worthy t touch the hem of his intellectual garment. Fot he is the smartest detective of all time...the greatest photo analyst and future consort of St Grace of Slick..father of all gerbils..and saviour of the tin foil hatters and middle aged sociopathic virgins with latent Oedipal complexes..he will emerge from his holy basement t save the world from bastard moderators, troll punks and uncredible Aussie evidence saboteurs..he will smite the heretic icon maker Stan of Dane and condemn the ROKC scum t the eternal flames of Kiki Gilbride..Our Sarah..who art in the doorway..wigged be thy hair..obese be thy forearm and buttoned be thy spoke t St Buell and polished Billy's holy dome..give us this day our daily bullshit and forgive thy Iacolettis..Greg Parkers a troll and Bart is a liar..i am thy father and my mother is my wife..
Forever and ever..

A fez! A fez! My kingdom for a fez!!
The last words of King Richard HARVEY Plantagenet III 
Bosworth Field 1485

Is that a doppelganger in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?
Artist, poet, polymath, cancer research prodigy Judyth Vary Baker's  first words to Lee HARVEY Oswald. New Orleans April 1963

For every HARVEY there must be an equal and opposite LEE
Professor Sandy Isaac Newton Laverne Shirley Fonzie Larsen's 
Famous 1st Law of Doppelganging

" To answer your question I  ALWAYS  look for mundane reasons for seeming anomalies before considering  sinister explanations. Only a fool would do otherwise. And I'm no fool" The esteemed Professor Larsen  From  his soon to be published  self help book " The Trough of Enlightenment "( Trine Day  Foreword  Vince Palamara)

" Once you prove Davidson's woman's face then Stanton's breasts follow naturally " Brian Doyle
Posts : 1333
Join date : 2019-04-10

Judyth Baker - a credible source? - Page 3 Empty Re: Judyth Baker - a credible source?

Sat 22 Jun 2019, 10:39 pm
...What am i saying..Greg your nothing but a Cointelpro disinfo troll..Judy's a martyr for truth. She.still LOVES Lee..have you left your heart in a Langley basement?.. She's given up everything t clear his name..just t recapture those magical afternoons in Adrian Albas garage..and roasting tumour ridden mice over bunsen burners in Dave Ferries kitchen.
Judy was there..she's a witness, God bless her. Are you going t deny her a few thousand dollars? Deny the world her artistic genius? Those are the hands that wrote Me and Lee..the hands that pulled down Lee( or Harvey's) pants in the steamy New Orleans hotel room Clay Shaw paid for..the hands that have handled more rodent genitalia than Brian Doyle, Larry TrotterImage and Kiki Gilbride combined..the hands that are going t cure cancer one day..
Paging Ralphie's an idea for a new film..Manos the hands of Doyle..a night of gerbil flavoured necromancy goes badly wrong..Brian robs the wrong grave and his rodent tailed satanic rituals go terribly askew..flames belch out an unasbestosed rectum and his hands are burned off ... his hunchbacked factotum Igor TrotterImage panics and grafts on the hands of the corpse they robbed that night from a Dallas grave..
The hands of Doyle become the hands of BAKER...the world trembles in terror as the hellish JudyBrian hybrid sets out t wreak a terrible vengeance on all trolls and disbelievers...only the holy didgeridoo of ROKC can save humanity...
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Join date : 2013-09-03
Age : 71

Judyth Baker - a credible source? - Page 3 Empty Re: Judyth Baker - a credible source?

Sat 22 Jun 2019, 11:28 pm
Judyth-Dough Humm
:: Sung to the tune of Dinah-Moe Humm ::
I couldn't say where she's coming' from
But I just met a lady named Judyth-Dough Humm
She stroll on over, say look here, son
Give a hundred dollar bill cause I need the income
She made a bet with a groupie who's a little bit dumb
She could talk about Lee and they all would succumb
I don't mind she played me like a drum
But I knew right away she amassed a tidy sum
Judyth-Dough Humm
Judyth-Dough Humm
Where's this Judyth-Dough
Comin' from
Spent many years
No evidence not a crumb
From Judyth-Dough, Judyth-Dough, Judyth-Dough
From the Judyth-Dough Humm
Posts : 2289
Join date : 2014-08-03
Age : 61

Judyth Baker - a credible source? - Page 3 Empty Re: Judyth Baker - a credible source?

Sat 22 Jun 2019, 11:57 pm
Bravo Stan.
She's got a spot that gets them hot..and we ain't been to it.


You ain't gonna know what you learn if you knew it....... confused


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