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JFK Assassination

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JFK Assassination - Page 4 Empty JFK Assassination

Sat 12 Apr 2014, 4:13 pm
First topic message reminder :

I'm curious to know why no one is interested in Boris Pash? A man who lied to Church Senate Committee about his retirement to cover up his knowledge of Oswald

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JFK Assassination - Page 4 Empty Re: JFK Assassination

Sun 22 Jun 2014, 9:07 pm
gerrrycam wrote:On October 29, 1965, prior to being able to be interviewed again by the Warren Commission, WISNER was assassinated in his own home by his own son, WISNER, Jr. with a shotgun blast to the head. WISNER, Jr. already a seasoned cold-blooded CIA covert agent was ordered to assassinate his own father. WISNER, Sr.’s death was labeled a suicide by his use of his son’s shotgun.[62]

Was the Warren Commission still taking testimonies as late as October 1965?

If God had intended Man to do anything except copulate, He would have given us brains. 
                          - - - Ignatz Verbotham
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JFK Assassination - Page 4 Empty Re: JFK Assassination

Sun 22 Jun 2014, 9:29 pm
The Warren Commission handed down it's final report in September, 1964. This September will mark the 50th anniversary of that monstrous lie. 

With this, even if the year is a typo, October , 1964 is still too late. The Fat Lady had left the stage.

Australians don't mind criminals: It's successful bullshit artists we despise. 
              Lachie Hulme            
The Cold War ran on bullshit.

"So what’s an independent-minded populist like me to do? I’ve had to grovel in promoting myself on social media, even begging for Amazon reviews and Goodreads ratings, to no avail." 
Don Jeffries

"I've been aware of Greg Parker's work for years, and strongly recommend it." Peter Dale Scott
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JFK Assassination - Page 4 Empty Re: JFK Assassination

Mon 23 Jun 2014, 2:15 am
Sorry WISNER was never interviewed by WC but he set the stage for most of CIA illegal activities, its a mistake to leave him out of mix

It is small wonder that the Chief Justice himself remarked that the release of some of the Commission’s information “might not be in your lifetime”

Last edited by gerrrycam on Mon 23 Jun 2014, 6:39 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : added quote from Chief Justice)
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JFK Assassination - Page 4 Empty Re: JFK Assassination

Tue 24 Jun 2014, 11:55 pm
Oswalds first FBI agent a most interesting person
Mr. STERN. Can you summarize briefly your employment experience after receiving your law degree and before joining the Federal Bureau of Investigation?
Mr. FAIN. I will have to go back just a little bit there. In 1932 ran for the office of representative in the State Legislature from Weatherford, Tex (24 years old) I did not seek reelection at the end of the second term. I chose to go on and get my law degree at University of Texas. Then in 1937 I became employed. Robert B. Anderson, whom I suppose you know----
The CHAIRMAN. Former Secretary of the Treasury. (Secret Service is under Treasury)
Mr. FAIN. , yes; he and I were good friends, and it happened that he was in the adjoining county of Johnson which touched my county, he was instrumental in giving me or getting me appointed to, a position as district supervisor of the Texas Unemployment Compensation Commission.(Sorce of LHO RICH UI payments) on September 8 of 1942 I entered the FBI.
 I then was transferred to San Francisco, Calif, where I remained for approximately 2 years; and in December of 1945 I was transferred to Dallas, Tex. (early 1943 FBI trained Army inteligence Boris Pash was working closely with FBI to  investigate suspected Soviet espionage at the Radiation Laboratory at the University of California.)

Mr. STERN. Were you in charge of the investigation of Lee Harvey Oswald until the time of your retirement?
Mr. FAIN. Yes, sir; up until the time we closed the case---I don't recall the exact date, it can be verified from the report-- but, I think we closed the case, following his interview on August 26. (1962)

Mr. FAIN. I interviewed Robert Lee Oswald, who was the brother, older brother, of Lee Harvey Oswald, the subject of this case, on April 27, 1960 at Fort Worth, Tex. (LHO 4  months at Minsk)

Mr. STERN. You say this was a background investigation. What do you mean by that, Mr. Fain?
Mr. FAIN. Well, we always ascertain his correct name and aliases, and residences, where he previously lived, his employment, his citizenship status, his nationality background, his education, his military record, whether or not he had any relatives, close relatives, in the Armed Forces; and we get a physical description of him, identification record, and where possible we always get a photograph; and his mother furnished a copy of the photograph to us on April 28, 1960.

Mr. FAIN. This incidentally, this communication, we got dated September 1, 1961, from the Washington field office
. I was given the assignment to contact Mrs. Oswald, the mother, and to find out any information that she might have.. They had been cooperative, and I wanted to see what the situation was, and especially when this boy was coming home. We wanted to interview him and stay on top of the situation, and in that connection I contacted Robert Lee Oswald again because she wasn't in town, I couldn't locate her.
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JFK Assassination - Page 4 Empty Re: JFK Assassination

Sat 28 Jun 2014, 10:00 pm
Was there anything sinister about LHO UI payments,Signature,Employer disputing his claim?
County of Travis, ss:

I, John W. Burcham, sometimes referred to as Jack W. Bucham, being duly sworn, say:

1. I am a resident of Austin, Texas, and am Chief of Unemployment Insurance of the Texas Employment Commission at Austin, Texas.
2. Burchum Exhibit No. 1, consisting of 63 pages, is a photostatic copy of my report of November 26, 1963, respecting the interstate unemployment compensation claim of Lee Harvey Oswald and of the various claimant payment records and documents described in said report.

3. Burcham Exhibits Nos. 2 and 3 have been personally examined by me. From my knowledge of procedures and operations of the Insurance Department of the Texas Employment Commission, Burcham Exhibit No. 2 appears to me to be the copy of the Form B-12 mailed to L. H. Oswald by the Texas Employment Commission on April 16, 1963, and Burcham Exhibit No. 3 appears to be the document mailed by the Texas Employment Commission along with the final payment mailed to L H. Oswald notifying him this was his last payment.

Signed this 19th day of June 1964.
(s) John W. Burcham,

J. Rachal, of New Orleans, La., being duly sworn says:

1. My name is J. Rachal. I am now and have for a number of years past been employed by the Louisiana Department of Labor, Division of Employment Security, Professional Unit.

2. In my capacity as Placement Interviewer in the Professional Unit of the Louisiana State Employment Security Division of the Louisiana Department of Labor, I had occasion to become acquainted with one Lee Harvey Oswald. I recall his being in my office and at my desk on April 26, 1963, which was his initial visit.

3. At that time Louisiana Department of Labor Exhibit number 1* was filled out, in part by Mr. Oswald and in part by me. Said Exhibit number 1 is the Registration Card so made out by Lee Harvey Oswald and myself, recording Oswald's registration as an unemployed worker who had come from Texas and was seeking employment in New Orleans.

4. The hand-printing, with the exception of the block entitled "Skills, Knowledge, Abilities, and Experience," and the notations in the block entitled "Special information and employment counseling statement," and the letters "RIF" in the upper right-hand corner of the inside face of Exhibit number 1, is that of the applicant, Lee Harvey Oswald. The writing other than that of Lee Harvey Oswald is that of affiant. The signature appearing at the foot of the inside face of Exhibit number 1 is that of affiant. Exhibit number 1 is part of the books and records of the aforesaid Division of Employment Security of the Louisiana Department of Labor, kept in the usual and regular course of business.

5. Exhibit number 1 reflects that Lee Harvey Oswald first called at the Unemployment Division on April 26, 1963, and at that time was interviewed by me and supplied the personal data and prior employment and experience facts recited on Exhibit No. 1.

6. Upon noting that Oswald had listed Photographer as one of his skills, I telephonically contacted the George Reppel Studio, 5220 Elysian Fields, to determine if they needed the services of a photographer. Upon learning that they could employ the services of a photographer, I directed Oswald to report to that company for possible employment, and I recorded that reference on the reverse side of Exhibit number 1. A few days later I recontacted the studio and learned that Oswald had not appeared there.

7. Exhibit number 1 also reflects the fact that on April 29, 1963, Oswald again reported to the Unemployment Compensation Office at 630 Camp Street, which is the claims office, and filed an interstate claim against the State of Texas for unemployment compensation. This was a reactivation of his claim. I had learned from my earlier interview that Oswald had therefore been employed for relatively short periods of time at Fort Worth, Texas, and Dallas, Texas. The letters "RIF" appearing in the upper right-hand corner of Exhibit number 1 are an abbreviation for the words "Reduction in Force." The presence of those letters on Exhibit number 1 means that Oswald advised me that the reason for his termination of employment at Jaggars, Chiles, Stovall of Dallas, Texas, was a reduction in force, a prerequisite to a valid claim for unemployment compensation.

8. I recall that Oswald was neatly dressed with a suit, dress shirt, and tie on the occasion of our initial interview. On July 22, 1963, he was more casually dressed.

9. Oswald returned after the April 29, 1963. visit to our office on July 22, 1963. Between the April 29 and July 22 dates, the application card had been green-lined in the right hand column either because the applicant had not come in in four weeks or his claim had been cancelled or terminated sometime during that period. Sometime subsequent to July 22, 1963, Oswald's application card was again green-lined for one of the two reasons above stated. This application card is marked Exhibit number 1.

10. I recall that Oswald returned some time, either late in July or the forepart of August 1963, seeking employment assistance. In the meantime, the incident involving the Fair Play for Cuba Committee had come to my attention. I had seen Oswald on a television broadcast showing him distributing Fair Play for Cuba handbills. There was reference in the broadcast to his having lived in Russia, marrying a Russian girl, and returning to this country. I discussed the matter with my supervisor, Miss Hope Kristofferson. As a result, it was determined that we should not undertake to furnish employment references for him. This was the last contact I had with Mr. Oswald.

11. Louisiana Department of Labor Exhibit numbers 10 and 11** are also records of the Division of Employment Security of the Department of Labor of Louisiana in New Orleans. The forms themselves are identical with Exhibit number 1, and the recorded information is substantially identical with the information set forth in Exhibit number 1. Exhibits numbers 10 and 11 were prepared in another section of my Division and reflect the fact that on May 28, 1963, Oswald was referred to Commerce Pictures Company of New Orleans for possible employment as a developer, and the initials "NR" appearing in green crayon on the reverse side of Exhibit number 10 reflect the fact that Oswald did not report to the Commerce Picture Company. Serial number 259 appearing under the heading "Remarks" on the same line on which the green crayoned letters "NR" appear means that the unemployed person failed to respond and that his unemployment compensation would be delayed one week to make further determination of the applicant's status.

12. Inasmuch as Oswald was an interstate claimant and the libel was against the State of Texas, his weekly appearances for the purposes of keeping his interstate claim alive were furnished to the Texas Employment Commission in Austin, Texas, and they in turn would issue an unemployment check which would be mailed directly to Oswald. Oswald's weekly appearances at our office were recorded on Form l-B-2.

Signed this 22d day of June 1964.
(s) John Russell Rachal,
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JFK Assassination - Page 4 Empty Re: JFK Assassination

Wed 02 Jul 2014, 9:20 pm
Ford Told FBI of Skeptics on Warren Commission

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By Joe Stephens
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, August 8, 2008

Confidential FBI files released this week to The Washington Post detail the inner workings of a secret back channel that Gerald R. Ford opened in 1963 between J. Edgar Hoover's FBI and the Warren Commission's independent investigation into the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
The existence of the private conduit has long been known, first disclosed in documents released 30 years ago. Now, newly obtained, previously classified records detail one visit Ford made to one of Hoover's deputies in December 1963 -- three weeks after being named to the commission.
JFK Assassination - Page 4 Ad_label_leftjust
Declassified FBI memos on Ford's interactions with the bureau are among scores of documents in the FBI's previously confidential file on the former president, , who died in December 2006. At the request of The Post, the FBI this week released 500 pages of the bureau's voluminous file.
A December 1963 memo recounts that Ford, then a Republican congressman from Michigan, told FBI Assistant Director Cartha D. "Deke" DeLoach that two members of the seven-person commission remained unconvinced that Kennedy had been shot from the sixth-floor window of the Texas Book Depository. In addition, three commission members "failed to understand" the trajectory of the slugs, Ford said.
Ford told DeLoach that commission discussions would continue and reassured him that those minority points of view on the commission "of course would represent no problem," one internal FBI memo shows. The memo does not name the members involved and does not elaborate on what Ford meant by "no problem."
Ford also told DeLoach that Chief Justice Earl Warren, who headed the commission, had told its members that "they should strive to have their hearings completed and the findings made public prior to July, 1964, when the Presidential campaigns will begin to get hot. He stated it would be unfair to present the findings after July." They missed their deadline, concluding in a report issued Sept. 24, 1964, that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in the assassination.
Much of the material in the FBI file concerns intelligence about Ford's political adversaries when he was president, especially organizations that the bureau thought might disrupt Ford's appearances around the country. But the file also sheds light on the investigation into Kennedy's assassination and the FBI's relationship with Ford, and it shows how the bureau strove to curry favor with powerful politicians.
Another memo in the file, previously released with Warren Commission materials in 1978, details how Ford approached DeLoach in 1963 and offered to secretly inform the bureau about the inner workings of the then-ongoing Warren Commission investigation.
"Ford indicated he would keep me thoroughly advised as to the activities of the Commission," DeLoach wrote. "He stated this would have to be done on a confidential basis, however he thought it should be done."
Five days later, DeLoach had a second meeting with Ford and filed another confidential memo. DeLoach recounted that he "carefully" informed Ford that the FBI had released none of its investigative findings to the media. Instead, he said, it looked as though commission members were beginning to leak portions of the FBI report.
"I referred to this week's issue of 'Newsweek' magazine which contains a rather clear analysis of the report," DeLoach wrote. "I told Congressman Ford that 'Newsweek' was owned by the 'Washington Post' and that apparently some one was trying to curry favor. I told him we, of course, did not get along very well with either the 'Washington Post' or 'Newsweek.' He [said] that he was in the same boat, that he liked neither one of these publications."
The conversation, which has apparently not been previously reported, concluded with Ford saying he would like to take a confidential FBI report on the assassination with him on a family ski trip to Michigan. DeLoach offer to lend him an "Agent briefcase" with a lock, so Ford could safeguard the document.
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JFK Assassination - Page 4 Empty Re: JFK Assassination

Thu 03 Jul 2014, 12:14 am
UK Press Association | April 28, 2011
JFK Assassination - Page 4 SirhanSirhan68Convicted assassin Sirhan Sirhan was manipulated by a seductive girl in a mind control plot to shoot Senator Robert F Kennedy, and his bullets did not kill the presidential candidate, lawyers have said in new legal papers.
The documents filed this week in federal court detail extensive interviews with Sirhan during the past three years, some done while he was under hypnosis.
The papers point to a mysterious girl in a polka-dot dress as the controller who led Sirhan to fire a gun in the pantry of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, California. But the documents suggest a second person shot dead Kennedy while using Sirhan as a diversion.
For the first time, Sirhan said under hypnosis that on a cue from the girl, he went into “range mode” believing he was at a firing range and seeing circles with targets in front of his eyes.
“I thought that I was at the range more than I was actually shooting at any person, let alone Bobby Kennedy,” Sirhan was quoted as saying during interviews with Daniel Brown, a Harvard University professor and expert in trauma memory and hypnosis. Prof Brown interviewed Sirhan for 60 hours with and without hypnosis, according to the legal brief.
Sandi Gibbons, a spokeswoman for the Los Angeles County district attorney, said prosecutors were unaware of the legal filing and could not comment.
The story of the girl has been a lingering theme in accounts of the events just after midnight on June 5 1968, when Kennedy was gunned down in the hotel pantry after claiming victory in the California Democratic presidential primary.
Witnesses talked of seeing such a female running from the hotel shouting “We shot Kennedy”. But she was never identified and amid the chaos of the scene, descriptions were conflicting.
Through the years, Sirhan has claimed no memory of shooting Kennedy and said in the recent interviews that his presence at the hotel was an accident, not a planned destination.
Sirhan was denied parole in March by a panel that said he had not shown sufficient remorse for the killing.
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JFK Assassination - Page 4 Empty Re: JFK Assassination

Thu 03 Jul 2014, 12:38 am
gerrrycam wrote:Sirhan was denied parole in March by a panel that said he had not shown sufficient remorse for the killing.

Marvelous how the parole system works in this country. Sirhan has always said he cannot remember shooting RFK and yet they expect him to show remorse for the act.

Parole Board = oxymoron

If God had intended Man to do anything except copulate, He would have given us brains. 
                          - - - Ignatz Verbotham
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JFK Assassination - Page 4 Empty Re: JFK Assassination

Thu 03 Jul 2014, 1:46 am
terlin wrote:Parole Board = oxymoron
Another oxymoron is Justice Department.
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JFK Assassination - Page 4 Empty Re: JFK Assassination

Thu 03 Jul 2014, 9:29 pm
Gosh, and it only took 46 years to get something out of him on the subject. Thank God for the defense's wise use of hypnosis, considering the paucity of evidence and lack of presentation of evidence on the subject.

"While his argument seems to lead that way, Master Reggie didn't explicitly say it was the CIA that was running the Conspiracy Research Community. He may have meant the CIA has been built up as a bogey-man, as in the theodicy of the right-wing extremist fringe; thus, it may be the latter who are in charge of the apparent research effort. That would help explain the degree of bigotry and psychopathology one finds there."          (from "Master Jasper's Commentary on Master Reggie's Commentary on the Pogo koan" in Rappin' wit' Master Jasper, 1972, p. 14, all rights reversed)
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JFK Assassination - Page 4 Empty Re: JFK Assassination

Fri 04 Jul 2014, 5:06 pm
March 1963 LHO  had his highest  net earnings  $327.55 to do so he had towork overtime every week douring MARCH. GRAEF LIED about why LHO was fired in early April 1963
Mr. JENNER. Is this the 4- or 5-month period you are talking about now?
Mr. GRAEF. Yes; that's correct, which if I may assume, he needed the money. It was invariably Friday afternoon--and Saturday, of course, is an overtime day to us and quite frequently we run Saturday and Saturday work we do at time and a half, which comes into play and in fact, invariably Friday afternoon he would volunteer and ask if we needed him the next day. Then, unfortunately, of course, as I have mentioned, his work didn't come up to the quality that we needed so it was very, very seldom that we ever brought him in unless we were in a real bad--had an urgent work that absolutely had to go, but he desperately wanted to be called in on Saturday for overtime work.
March 1963:ReceiptsExpendituresBalance
Net salary 52327.55
Rent and utilities 5378.76
Post office box rental 544.50
Cost of rifle 5521.45
Subscription for Time magazine 563.82
Balance due on revolver and freight charge 5721.22
Estimated cost of food, clothing, and incidental expenses100.00
Cash on hand, Mar. 31, 1963184.70

Last edited by gerrrycam on Fri 04 Jul 2014, 8:05 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : new info)
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JFK Assassination - Page 4 Empty Re: JFK Assassination

Fri 04 Jul 2014, 8:25 pm
October 15, 1962A U2 spyplane discovers missiles in Cuba. 
LHO last day of work at Lestly Welding was Monday Oct 8 1962,He started work at Map making Co on Friday Oct 12 1963

Last edited by gerrrycam on Sat 05 Jul 2014, 12:38 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : more info)
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JFK Assassination - Page 4 Empty Re: JFK Assassination

Sun 06 Jul 2014, 1:32 am
CIA IG Earman stated the CIA had perfected "an interrogation theory employing chemical substances." Theory was in practiced by 1962, when an Army Special Purpose Team traveled to the Atsugi Naval Base in Japan to use LSD during interrogations of foreign nationals suspected of drug smuggling an spying. Tests were also conducted on prisoners in Vietnam, where the CIA was concerned about a regional drug smuggling managed by President Diem's brother Nhu, through his intelligence service.
Back in the United States, the CIA hired "medical specialist" to test LSD on prisoners at the Atlanta Penitentiary and through the National Institute of Mental Health, test on drug addicts at the Public Health Farm in Lexingon.

Last edited by gerrrycam on Sun 06 Jul 2014, 1:37 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : more info)
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JFK Assassination - Page 4 Empty Re: JFK Assassination

Sun 06 Jul 2014, 2:03 am
29 November 1963
1. A meeting was held in General Carter's office on 29 November 1963 to discuss the subject program. Those present, in addition to General Carter, were Messrs. Helms, Kirkpatrick, xxxxxxxx, Gottlieb and Earman. The main thrust of the discussion was the testing of certain drugs on unwitting U.S. citizens. Dr. Gottlieb gave a brief history of the MKULTRA program which was not in any way at variance with the IG report of August 1963 on this subject.
2. Messrs. Gottlieb and xxxxxxxx argued for the continuation of unwitting testing, using as the principal point that controlled testing cannot be depended upon for accurate results. General Carter, Mr. Kirkpatrick, and I do not disagree with this point. We also accept the necessity for having a "stable of drugs" on the shelf and the requirement for continued research and development of drugs -- not only for possible operational use but also to give CIA insight on the state of the art in this field and in particular to alert us to what the opposition is or might be expected to do in the R&D and employment of drugs.
3. xxxxxxxxxx noted that there was no disagreement with the recommendations of the IG survey on MKULTRA with the exception of the unwitting testing problem. In response to a query from General Carter, he stated that since the IG report such testing has been held in abeyance.
4. General Carter made it clear that he understood the necessity for research and development of all types of drugs, to include their testing. However, he was troubled ty the "unwitting aspect". This led to a brief discussion on the possibility of unwitting tests on foreign nationals, but according to xxxxxxxx this had been ruled out as a result of several conversations he recently had with senior chiefs of stations -- too dangerous and the lack of controlled facilities. (This seemed an odd conclusion to me since the same dangers exist in the U.S. and from what we were able to find out during our survey, the facilities we have for uncontrolled testing leave much to be desired -- I made a point of this.)
5. After further discussion, it was agreed:
a. That the charter of MKULTRA would be revised along the lines recommended in the IG Survey.
b. The procedures for testing drugs are to be reviewed and new alternative proposals submitted.
c. If it is concluded by the DD/P that unwitting testing on American citizens must be continued to operationally prove out these drugs, it may become necessary to place this problem before the Director for a decision.
6. I made the point that the IG survey had found other problems with the MKULTRA program in addition to the unwitting testing, but stated if the charter is rewritten along the lines recommended, I believe these problems would be corrected.
7. NOTE: the IG Survey of MKULTRA was handed to xxxxxxxx after the meeting for his use in redrafting the charter.
J. S. Earman
Inspector General
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JFK Assassination - Page 4 Empty Re: JFK Assassination

Mon 07 Jul 2014, 8:09 pm

Hypnosis: The day my mind was 'possessed'
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JFK Assassination - Page 4 Empty Re: JFK Assassination

Wed 09 Jul 2014, 5:55 pm
[url= Minutes of Meeting of Special.pdf][/url]

 Oct. 4 1962 meeting of special group (MONGOOSE)  
      October 14 tasked an Air Force-operated U-2 aircraft with scanning the suspected areas in Cuba, securing clear photographic evidence of medium-range and intermediate-range ballistic nuclear missiles (MRBMs and IRBMs) on the ground.

"George de Mohrenschildt befriends Oswald in Dallas. He helps Oswald get a
job with Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall Co., a Dallas photographic firm that has a
contract with the US Army Map Service involving information obtained from
U2 spy flights".
 This fits right in with work Boris Pash was doing at the time

Last edited by gerrrycam on Wed 09 Jul 2014, 6:24 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : more info)
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JFK Assassination - Page 4 Empty Re: JFK Assassination

Wed 09 Jul 2014, 11:38 pm 
Why my link works on my facebook page but not here i have no idea

Last edited by greg parker on Fri 11 Jul 2014, 4:11 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : edited to fix link)
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JFK Assassination - Page 4 Empty Re: JFK Assassination

Thu 10 Jul 2014, 12:34 am
gerrrycam wrote:[url= Minutes of Meeting of Special.pdf][/url]
[url= Minutes of Meeting of Special.pdf][/url]

 Why my link works on my facebook page but not here i have no idea


For some reason the link in your post is including the trailing "[/url]". When I copied it into the browser without that portion, it opens the pdf just fine.

If God had intended Man to do anything except copulate, He would have given us brains. 
                          - - - Ignatz Verbotham
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JFK Assassination - Page 4 Empty Re: JFK Assassination

Thu 10 Jul 2014, 2:11 am
gerrrycam wrote:[url= Minutes of Meeting of Special.pdf][/url]
[url= Minutes of Meeting of Special.pdf][/url]

 Why my link works on my facebook page but not here i have no idea
Ok, i give up. I have no idea either after several tries. Good luck

"While his argument seems to lead that way, Master Reggie didn't explicitly say it was the CIA that was running the Conspiracy Research Community. He may have meant the CIA has been built up as a bogey-man, as in the theodicy of the right-wing extremist fringe; thus, it may be the latter who are in charge of the apparent research effort. That would help explain the degree of bigotry and psychopathology one finds there."          (from "Master Jasper's Commentary on Master Reggie's Commentary on the Pogo koan" in Rappin' wit' Master Jasper, 1972, p. 14, all rights reversed)
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JFK Assassination - Page 4 Empty Re: JFK Assassination

Fri 11 Jul 2014, 3:34 pm
I found a new source to Oct 4 1962 memo with clearer use of U2's plus link to push for war
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JFK Assassination - Page 4 Empty Re: JFK Assassination

Fri 11 Jul 2014, 4:13 pm
gerrrycam wrote: 
Why my link works on my facebook page but not here i have no idea
For some reason there is a problem with PDF links.

The workaround is to paste them in as "plain text only"

I do fix them when I come across them, but for future reference, the above should work.

Australians don't mind criminals: It's successful bullshit artists we despise. 
              Lachie Hulme            
The Cold War ran on bullshit.

"So what’s an independent-minded populist like me to do? I’ve had to grovel in promoting myself on social media, even begging for Amazon reviews and Goodreads ratings, to no avail." 
Don Jeffries

"I've been aware of Greg Parker's work for years, and strongly recommend it." Peter Dale Scott
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JFK Assassination - Page 4 Empty Re: JFK Assassination

Sat 12 Jul 2014, 1:18 pm
In the course of the Cuban Missile Crisis, much of it recorded for posterity, President Kennedy asks about the briefing maps, how the captions, arrows and circles were placed on them, and how many maps were printed.
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JFK Assassination - Page 4 Empty Re: JFK Assassination

Sun 13 Jul 2014, 4:40 pm

[link]On October 31, Oswald appeared at the United States embassy in Moscow, declaring a desire to renounce his U.S. citizenship.[31][32] John McVickar, an official at the U.S. embassy, felt that Oswald, "...was following a pattern of behavior in which he had been tutored by [a] person or persons unknown...seemed to be using words which he had learned but did not fully short, it seemed to me that there was a possibility that he had been in contact with others before or during his Marine Corps tour who had guided him and encouraged him in his actions."
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JFK Assassination - Page 4 Empty Re: JFK Assassination

Tue 15 Jul 2014, 8:07 pm
DENNIS HYMAN OFSTEIN The closes I could get to radio would be possibly with the Army security agency, so I signed up
I wouldn't jeopardize losing any chance of getting a security clearance at anytime I needed it.
ASA specialists and linguists were recruited from high-scoring enlistees or inductees. Specialists in different MOS were trained at Arlington Hall Station, Fort Devens Massachusetts and sometimes at Signal Corps facilities while those selected to be linguists were given 9 to 12 month language courses which were usually taught by native born instructors at DLI at the Presidio of Monterey, California

JFK Assassination - Page 4 -PAXP-deijE

United States Army Security Agency - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The United States Army Security Agency (ASA) was the United States Army'ssignal intelligence branch. The Latin motto of the... (more info)
Mr. JENNER. Do you remember anything about it that would tend to identify it?
Mr. OFSTEIN. Not extremely clearly--it was possibly a copy of the Soviet White Russian, I believe is what the title of it is, but I noticed that there--we had a conversation about the paper.
Mr. OFSTEIN. I was stationed in G...ermany for the active part of my tour. I was stationed in California for my training and at the various and sundry other little towns for basic training and temporary status.
Mr. JENNER Did you take any work in the language school out in California at Monterey?
Mr. OFSTEIN. Yes, sir.
Mr. JENNER. What language did you study there?
Mr. OFSTEIN. Russian.
Mr. OFSTEIN Well, when I went in the service I was interested in radio--I was a disc jockey at the time, and the closest thing my recruiting sergeant
said that I could get to radio would be possibly with the Army security agency, so I signed up, and after basic training I went to Fort Devens, Mass., and was held there on a temporary status while the agency determined what type training I should have, and I was given a language ability test and passed that and had a choice of three languages to take, and Russian was my first choice and I was sent to Monterey to study.
Mr. OFSTEIN. He brought it up one day when we were speaking of the Russian language and I was talking to him about it--or we were talking together, I should say, about the Soviet Union, and he was telling me various things about their way of life over there and he mentioned that he had married a Russian girl, a White Russian.
He also mentioned about the disbursement of the military units, saying that they didn't intermingle their armored divisions and infantry divisions and various units the way we do in the United States, that they would have all of their aircraft in one geographical location and their tanks in another geographical location, and their infantry in another, and he mentioned that in Minsk he never saw a vapor trail, indicating the lack of aircraft in the area
He mentioned that he was in Moscow for the May Day parade at one time and that the Soviets made a big show of power of their latest tanks and planes and so forth, and I asked him at one time about his freedom of movement, and he said that he had complete freedom of movement over there, that the MVD, I believe it was, had inquired of his neighbors about him and had talked to him on one occasion or two, but that they didn't put any holds on him or restrict him from any areas or anything like that, and I believe it was about this time that he mentioned he had married the White Russian girl.
, the best I recall, and he did work one Saturday.
Mr. JENNER. Did he have difficulty obtaining Saturday work from the company?
Mr. OFSTEIN. Yes, sir.
Mr. JENNER. Why?
Mr. OFSTEIN. Well, they go on an experience and seniority basis as to overtime. The people with more seniority have a choice as to whether they want to work or not and usually they do.
Mr. JENNER. To make that extra money?
Mr. OFSTEIN. Yes, sir.
Mr. JENNER. And also, does skill have anything to do with it--you mentioned experience---you meant to include in that experience his skill for the level of attainment?
Mr. OFSTEIN. Yes, sir.
Mr. JENNER, And he had not reached the point at which all of these factors combined enabled him to command or be reasonably fortunate in respect to having overtime work?Mr. OFSTEIN Right
Mr. JENNER. But your impression is that his percentage of error was above average?
Mr. OFSTEIN. Yes, sir.
Mr. JENNER. Was there any discussion of that in and among your fellow workers and with Mr. Graef?
Mr. OFSTEIN. Yes; it was battered around for quite awhile exactly how long, I don't know. About the way that he was turning out a lot of work, because it had to be redone, therefore wasting company materials.
Mr. JENNER. And time?
Mr. OFSTEIN. Yes, sir; and they had decided, I believe, it must have been a month before they finally let him go--to dismiss him.
Mr. JENNER Was that the general scuttlebutt around the place?
Mr. OFSTEIN. Yes, sir.
Mr. JENNER. That he was reaching the end of his employment? RIGHT
Mr. JENNER . Do you know what a microdot is?
Mr. OFSTEIN. That was explained to me by Lee Oswald.
Mr. JENNER. Tell us about that.
Mr. OFSTEIN. He asked me one day if I knew the term "microdot", and I told him, "no", I wasn't familiar with it and he told me that that was the method of taking a large area of type or a picture and .reducing it down to an extremely small size for condensing and for purposes, such as where you had a lot of type to photograph to confine them into a small area, and he said that that is the way spies sometimes sent messages and pictures of diagrams and so on, was to take a microdot photograph of it and place it under a stamp and send it. I presumed that he had either read this in a book or had some knowledge of it from somewhere, but where, I didn't know.
Mr. OFSTEIN. No, sir. After Oswald was released from employment, I did ask the recruiting sergeant for Army security here in town, who I was stationed with overseas, about the possibility of getting the FBI to run a routine check on him because of the fact that I have done security work, and the. fact that I also--this was just before I wrote the letter to Oswald inviting him and his wife over--due to the fact that I wanted to keep my record clean. Well, I didn't suspect him as being a spy or anything like that--I just wanted to make sure I was with the right company, and he told me that it was probably nothing.
Mr. JENNER. You wanted to inquire not only with respect to him but also whether you were with the right company?
Mr. OFSTEIN. Well, sir, I wouldn't jeopardize losing any chance of getting a security clearance at anytime I needed it.

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JFK Assassination - Page 4 Empty Re: JFK Assassination

Wed 16 Jul 2014, 5:02 pm
Ofstein, Dennis Hyman    WC Testimony    Employee, Jaggers-Chiles-Stovall, Dallas.
Fellow employee of LHO at Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall in Dallas. Ofstein had language training at the Monterey School of Languages. Is he teaching at Notre Dame in 1993? As of Jan 1981, he lived in Akron, Ohio, and had his Masters Degree in Sociology (according to Dr. Charles Nelson of Drake University). In 1994, there is a HY OFSTEIN at 2648 W. Berwyn Ave., Chicago, IL 60625, (312) 271-8934 (?) By 1998, he is a therapist in Indianapolis, IN, and has changed his first name, Dennis, to Dovid, for "religious" (Jewish) reasons. His Internet ID is:
WC Vol 10, pp. 194-213; CD 6, p. 174; CD 205, pp. 469-470; 472-479; Cd 385, p. 243; CD 735, pp. 110-111
Commission Exhibit No. 829
On September 21, 1962 Dallas confidential  informant
T-1 advised that LEE H. OSWALD, who at that time resided
at 2703 Mercedes Street, Fort Worth, Texas, was a subscriber
to The Worker, an East Coast communist newspaper

By the end of LHO Dallas stay he had T-1 throu T-7 report on him
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