Discussion and research with an eye to having the case reopened
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453 5
309 1
283 1
This is a platypus.It is the end result of a commission examination of a duck.
536 4
According to the Warren Report, the first shot missed, the second shot hit Kennedy in the back of the neck, went...
1468 11
but there are some strings attached
299 4
The testimony of Kenneth Hudson Croy (first officer at scene of Tippit shooting, finder of Oswald/Hidell wallet...
370 7
I’ve been listening to the podcast “Solving JFK” with host Matt Crumpton. He tries to maintain...
206 5
Happy Birthday, Terry. Hope you will have a wonderful day. Enjoy.
355 2
There has been a new release of 21 documents today August 24thhttps://www.archives.gov/research/jfk/release202...
1316 22
At the Education Forum there is a thread by Rob Clark on his Podcast on Fletcher ProutyWell some of Malcolm Blunt's...
2983 26
Regarding Posting Research from the Ed Forum to Here
2380 2
I never heard of this fella before. Thanks to Robbie Robertson we do know now. His involvement around RFK is worth...
1227 25
Five of the top ten threads on the Education Forum have to do with Nazis murdering JFK.I can't stand it.Steve ...
832 12
Feds hid JFK film that could prove ‘grassy knoll’ conspiracy: lawsuithttps://nypost.com/2023/05/27...
473 9
man taking woman out of TSBD at gunpoint at 25:05 thru end of film
6215 12
Anyone fancy a go?
1125 35
"A common government CYA technique... assert the outcome, then you have your team of investigators and experts...
465 2
[size=12]Finally got ahold of Kurian letter to Jackie Kennedy; so there was one but its contents open up a few...
369 2
This video popped up on my Youtube feed, focusing on the testimony of the TSBD employees. The video is accompanied...
3352 46
Packin' heat!
188 1
251 2
I just posted this on EF. The judge in the MFF law suit has issued a decision dismissing every important argument...
2064 60
The thread in questionhttps://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/29283-a-problem-with-prayer-man/page/2/#commentsThe...
1083 26
3562 2
https://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/29345-the-4-possibilities-of-the-origin-of-lhos-cia-debrief/From the above...
208 1
Judge Griffin one of the last remaining persons who served on the WC recently released his book. Myers quoted a...
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